The big Hot Date Diet

Nope no harm at all, I feel like that sometimes as well, just don't do it too often as you don't want to miss out on too many vitamins and stuff as some of them are important for the fat burning process. Although I haven't been nibbling this time ( I can't I'll just be found inside the fridge unconscious from overeating!!) I have found in the past even a very small amount of chicken ham or tuna seems to fill me up to the point I don't feel like eating for the rest of the day, weird eh?

After my challenge I am gonna keep going on the S & S or S & M as I like to call it until I get back to my wedding weight of 13.4 and then start lo carbing, hubs is a lo carber anyway so it suits all round. Last night I made him chicken meatballs with courgette "pasta" it looked a amazing and he said it was really good, I was drooling as I sat there with my vanilla shake...LOL
im a definate apple shape so i know low carb if its going ok its suit me very well ..ive made tonights shake with the smoothie to go machine i just bought,,,much more ive done very well today, normal bar, shake and, i prefer the structure to give me a boost, but deffo have to buy some food in for the weekend low carb of course :) im still going to weigh myself everyday but try to be realistic after the weekend.....woo hoo
day 3 an ive lost 3pounds....and in i say ive got a big weekend coming up with 3 seperate functions, but i will just have to be careful and go canny xx make sure if i do have a nibble on, that ive got plenty of precooked chicken in.

3 weeks tommorrow till the big hot date, 2 days into Jillian michael 30 day shred....if a can get a stone off for me date ill be a semi - happy bunny..cos my way of thinking is 1 stone off, to bring me to 11-7, then if i get another stone off thats 10-7..until the UTOPIA of 9.7 :) keep her lit. xxx
Now you, be good and make good choices, to be honest nothing will taste as good as you fantasise about any way, I have finally accepted that Pizzas here in AD are rubbish, although it has taken me 3 years of sampling to fully get on board with that has to keep trying :D

Joy of living in the west of Ireland, no fast food at all, no takeaway deliveries, down side of AD, even burger king deliver here,, ah the will power!

Have a great weekend, are you having drinks?? I had a vodka binge but didn't eat, stayed in ketosis that week but didn't lose or lost very little so be careful with that one as well. Life happens you are a sociable lass, I know you will do great!!