The bingers' "don't do it!!!" thread

Well done sw_rach, every avoidance can only make us stronger!!!

And bella30 I know how you feel- the time I am most "at risk" is my on my own time and knowing that no one will know. In all honesty I know I don't cope to well being on my own and left to my own devices and thats where I seek comfort in food. Sad thing is I eat it, feel a dash of pleasure while eating which is more a blast of distraction from being bored and on my own if I a completely honest- then I just berate myself and feel guilty for having eaten!! :(

Think I need to start doing something more around people- I tell myself that I need my "me" time, truth is I think all the me time I'm having is giving me an excuse to eat and as I said above- I do need distracting!!

Whoever said loosing weight was easy, I feel I have so many demons to face I look like the side of dante's temple. As soon as I think I have squashed one little sod another pops up and takes it's place. Help me people- I'm in this for the long game.

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Oh my gosh, I felt like I was reading my own reply then. I'm exactly the same with the whole "me" time thing. I actually convinced myself that I prefer being on my own but the last few weeks have been a bit weird what with my housemate going on holiday and a bad doctors experience which has left me in a bit of a state. It's all happened at the same time and I've spent most of my time at home on my own which hasn't been good for me at all. I've felt so low and emotional. Thankfully I spent last night out with friends and today with family so it hasn't been so bad and actually woke up this morning feeling quite 'normal' if that makes sense? I think weight loss is such an emotional journey to go on because, I'm not sure if you'll agree but, you find yourself fighting and facing your demons, of which some can take longer to deal with than others. I've had weight issues ever since I was about 10 or 11 and I'm now 31, so its going to take time to put all the insecurities I've had during that time to rest and I think that's where the binging comes into it.

I think I've rambled on a bit now but if you need anyone to talk to at anytime, just message me. :)

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Wow that sounds so familiar! I am 32 and have also had weight problems my whole life. Even in primary school I was overweight :(. I remember when I was about 9-10 and the teacher weighed everyone in the whole class to show us about "averages" in a maths lesson. I remember when I got o the scales the teacher said out load to everyone "that can't be right" and made me stand o them again before announcing to the whole class my weight which was about 2 stone heavier then everyone else! :( . I was so embarrassed of myself and got ridiculed for what seemed like forever.

Yet it wasn't enough to stop me eating- too much and the wrong things, especially when on my own.

I always hated exercise too, just because of my size I would be so self conscious and not want to draw any attention to myself. Plus carrying the extra weight made exercise harder.

And so the problems began that I am still battling with now over 20 years later!

Food has always been my best friend and worst enemy and you are so right about the demons- some of them are mammoth size demons too- Behaviours I have had for as long as I can remember.

As for the me time, the worse you feel about yourself the less you feel like going out yet the more you lock yourself away the more likely I am to eat something I shouldn't and not move around as much as I should!!! Not only are there demons out there but slippery slopes that once you start sliding it gets harder and harder to get yourself back on track.

I don't think anyone who has not had a Weight problem can really understand the emotional journey side of things- we all know that you loose weight if you eat less and exercise more but it is 100 times more complicated then that. It's a head problem absolutely.

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Sam, we're definitely on the same page, aren't we! All we can do is take it one day at a time and deal with any demons that come up as and when. This website has been my saving grace because it's so good to be around people who understand. My friends and family have been so encouraging which is great, but I find it easier to talk about things on here sometimes.