The Exante Challenge: Keto Kats - team 2

Double congrats this morning.....well done Bernice on achieving goal and a second BIG well done to Cybill for getting to the next baloon!!

I "pulled" 6lbs this week and it was really needed. Am heading to the sun tomorrow for one week but am going to do AAM so hopefully that will go reasonably ok. Looks like Keto Kats have set a high bar for this weeks weigh in!!
Rachel - can I ask you a quick question??? I've looked at all the low carb options but did you have tomatoes / onions on your AAM week? I've read that they are slightly higher in carbs so don't know if I should try to avoid.......Thanks H
I didn't totally avoid them, but tried not to go crazy with them. I love meat cooked with onion and a little tomato into a sauce, with loads of herbs & spices. They are higher in carbs though. I never check whether I'm in ketosis or not, and that is the main thing it could affect if you had too much. In terms of calories I don't think either is particularly high, and for the losing weight side of this, it's the total calories consumed that actually makes the difference.
not going to have internet until weekend so weighing in a day early, 2lb down x
Sorry ladies - was in Lanzarote for the week so went with AAMW but remained steady - hopefully I'll have a couple of pounds to add to next weeks pot instead! I did really well and avoided alcohol and carbs until day 7 and then went a little mad with a small bar of chocolate and an ice-cream - am a bit annoyed with myself now that I couldn't resist. I'm finding it really difficult today on 100% but am determined to stick with it!
............well Helen be proud of yourself because I too am on holiday and so far have been diabolical. I know I have put weight on because of my clothes but as soon as I get home I am getting right back on that Exante wagon and getting back to goal asap. I am strangely looking forward to it and I am surprised that I haven't enjoyed eating in the same was as I did before as much as I thought I would. I feel bloated, uncomfortable & generally off colour wheras on Exante I felt really well & healthy. Roll on next week as far as the food aspect is concerned anyway. xxxx
Got loads of family problems going on at the moment so have been off exante for about a week. weigh in was today and put 1lb on im quite happy as i was expecting LOADS! started again today and hoping for a massive loss next week! x
I just lost the 2.5 this week. Still quite happy.

UNfortunately have been ill all day with a stomach bug, so finding today difficult. :(

All I have had is a bar and some coke zero. Craving tomato soup and toast, not fancying anything else to eat. If I still feel like this at bedtime, then I will cave in and have it, as it's got to be better than nothing.