>>>>>The hunger is KILLING me!!! My tummy is grumbling non stop.... :(

I'm not on a specific diet, i've just been eating three small meals a day and if i eat snacks, it's usually a bit of fruit or a cup of tea.
I would manage fine with this if it wasn't for the hunger pains that make me feel like i've not eaten in DAYS! I've tried drinking a glass of water to fill my stomach.... i'm so tempted to eat something small to get rid of them but that means more calories.... and i'll feel guilty....

Maybe there is no solution.... maybe my stomach will shrink on the inside, eventually...:mad:
What are you calling three small meals? But seriously if you are this hungry then you need to eat! Self-designed diets are a really bad idea and clearly your body is trying to tell you something. Far better to opt for a recognised plan that has been designed to ensure you get everything your body needs for a healthy balanced diet
I think sometimes it is habit more than anything. Erm, if you are getting enough vitamins etc and you are eating enough then you have no need to eat. But I know what you mean.

It could be that you are missing something from your diet, say like enough protein and that is why. Also how much water are you drinking, a good 3/4 pints a day really dose help with hunger. Veg makes better snacks that fruit if you are worried about calories. Also veg that is grown above the ground and is not starchy.

It can be hard work if you are eating a lot less and different things than you were. The plus point with following something like Scottish slimmers is that you know you are doing the right things so you can safely ignore the hunger.

I'm on a meal replacement diet, and it took a few days for the hunger pangs to not be as bad.

Good luck :)
I'm not on a specific diet, i've just been eating three small meals a day and if i eat snacks, it's usually a bit of fruit or a cup of tea.
I would manage fine with this if it wasn't for the hunger pains that make me feel like i've not eaten in DAYS! I've tried drinking a glass of water to fill my stomach.... i'm so tempted to eat something small to get rid of them but that means more calories.... and i'll feel guilty....

Maybe there is no solution.... maybe my stomach will shrink on the inside, eventually...:mad:

Hungerpains and starving myself - would not work for me. ;)
Whenever I try to ban myself from having certain foods, I crave them even more.
I do hope you will succeed with your method, but there are some points you should consider. Your body will burn fat cells fast when you drastically reduce your calorie intake, but on the long run, make sure it doesn't start to burn muscle and lean tissue. Do you do any physical exercise at all? That would prevent your body burning muscle tissue.
Be aware of the "Yo-Yo Effect", which might happen if you would increase your calorie intake again one day. Here's a link from the NHS: 'Yo-yo' diets 'not a no-no' - Health News - NHS Choices
Maybe you need to change from three meals to five meals a day, to get your body going. Little and often is the key. Look at vegetables and pickles, many of those have a very tiny calorie count, might help to conquer the hunger.

I hope you don't see this as a lecture, not intended to be :)
Good luck on your weightloss journey xx
I agree with some of the other posts - I decided a while ago that I would never lose weight over a long period if I was hungry all the time.

There are loads of things you can eat that are diet-friendly but filling. Bulk out meals with salads and veg - I love big servings of celeriac or cabbage. Soups and herbal teas are filling. Make sure you eat some good protein.

Also, it can help to keep busy, doing chores or going out. I find I sit around and obsess about food otherwise.

Good luck xxx
>>>>>The hunger is KILLING me!!! My tummy is grumbling non stop.... :(

I know it may not suit you, but a low carb diet is wonderful for not feeling hungry. Only takes a few days suffering to get into the zone, and it really works. Have a look around at the available diets, there's something to suit everyone on here :)
Thank you for all your replies so far! I'm on my 6th day of just eating smaller, healthier meals and i'm managing to fit in regular exercise, too. My hunger pains aren't so bad anymore - the first few days were the worst!

I think i might be the only person on this website that's not on a proper diet!? Oops...

Firelass, Water is definitely something i need to drink more of. :/ I drink a couple of small glasses a day but i'm trying to drink more..!

I appreciate the advice from everyone, i've taken note... i think i'll try my own eating plan and see how my weight results go for now.
>>>>>The hunger is KILLING me!!! My tummy is grumbling non stop.... :(

Yes, drinking lots is a key point of prob any diet, and makes soooo much difference. I was dreading it but three weeks in and I miss it if I haven't got a bottle of water at hand!