The last 12 pounds


Cambridge Counsellor
OK this is where it gets serious.

33 pounds down and I have now got 12 pounds to go to reach goal. I can feel the losses slowing down & motivation starting to waver as I already feel so good.

But I'm going to keep this thread, weigh myself daily & tick off those pounds one by one. I will keep strong and keep focussed.

I will be a normal weight person with BMI under 25. Nothing can stop me....

All support greatly appreciated....
corioboria if you can get to your goal, then i will send you a treat! lushious treat!!! start now to maybe 8th Sept?
Wow, well done on your loss so can do it, your on the home stretch now..maybe you should post for every 1lb lost so we can countdown with you. 14weeks down and your still on it, i rekon we should all hedge bets on you to spur you on....

Okay my bet is you'll be at goal by August 31st...and i don't like losing bets so come on!!!xxxx
I know exactly how you feel as I am in kinda of the same boat. The ladies here have given me loads on encouragement and all i can say is stick with it. If you feel great with 2/3's of the weight off just think how fabulous you will feel with all of the weight off. Hang in there cause u are not along I am right here with you.
Take care:grouphugg:
The home stretch is definately one of the hardest parts. You've done sooo well, keep up the hard work and you'll be there in the blink of an eye.
I know how you feel!

Shall I count down with you on this thread? I wont be ableto weight in everyday but couple do it every few!
I hear ya, I've just over a stone to shift and yes the last stone is the longest to shift but it will happen ;) you're doing fab well done on your losses so far
OK, hit 10 stone 11 today - one more pound gone now just 11 pounds to go.

The rocket is standing on the launchpad, we have ignition. I will be starting the countdown from 10 to zero on this thread just as soon as it happens.....