Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

that is fab on seeing the family, is a hard to be away when things are going on.

i used like to be know as the queen of darkness at an old work! guess i ve just been feral too long;)

oh oh oh fingers toes and anything else thats crossable for the job that would give you some extra breathing space, really hope it comes to pass.
Lol - Queen of Darkness? Looooove it :D at least you're using your powers for good .... Well my god anyway which is the only 'good' that counts hahaha

Still waiting to hear about the job (Monday at the latest) I would love it - I miss the hustle and bustle of an office. But don't miss my last creepy boss! I've really made the most of the last 3 months but..... :)

I hope you had a good day hon. Question - on the higher steps of CWP do you still have to neck all of that water? I think I'd kinda miss it. Hark at me :rolleyes: Not something I have to worry about just yet lol xx
you are supposed to drink as much water as on the lower steps but i take mine in tea and coffee. so have no fear you can continue your water baby ways:) another successful day in the bag
Wow well done you, that's amazing!
Good luck on the job, keeping my fingers crossed for you x
It's so quiet on here lately :sign0163: .... no matter, I've been haunting random threads when I need inspiration :cool: there are some phenomenal folks on here; so, just a quick post before I pop out to do some shopping: my official weigh in was this morning (no Aunty Flo as yet) and I'm 16st 7lbs ... 3lbs lost since last week :D. The scales are definitely moving in the right direction!!! Bring on Christmas! Two weigh ins and a potential 6lb off by Christmas means I'll be kissing the 15s. Whoop whoop! I can't wait. Now if I could only figure out how to lose more than 3lbs a week :mad: (everyone seems to lose 4 or 5lbs a week! What are they doing?!? I want some!)

My personal goal (you know that mythical 'sweet-spot' you'd love to reach and surpass because you've pressed your nose up against it so many times in the past before falling away?) is the 14s, it's usually when my mind does some weird panic and throws the diet out of whack (I have my theories why that is, but that'll keep for another time), but this time I'm ready and determined to plough straight through to the 13s!!! Radical thinking for me :D. Yes, I'm officially hard core lol. Just have to kick 15s a$$ first :asskick:

I hope everyone is having a magic (warm) 100% day in minimins-land xx
It's so quiet on here lately :sign0163: .... no matter, I've been haunting random threads when I need inspiration :cool: there are some phenomenal folks on here; so, just a quick post before I pop out to do some shopping: my official weigh in was this morning (no Aunty Flo as yet) and I'm 16st 7lbs ... 3lbs lost since last week :D. The scales are definitely moving in the right direction!!! Bring on Christmas! Two weigh ins and a potential 6lb off by Christmas means I'll be kissing the 15s. Whoop whoop! I can't wait. Now if I could only figure out how to lose more than 3lbs a week :mad: (everyone seems to lose 4 or 5lbs a week! What are they doing?!? I want some!)

My personal goal (you know that mythical 'sweet-spot' you'd love to reach and surpass because you've pressed your nose up against it so many times in the past before falling away?) is the 14s, it's usually when my mind does some weird panic and throws the diet out of whack (I have my theories why that is, but that'll keep for another time), but this time I'm ready and determined to plough straight through to the 13s!!! Radical thinking for me :D. Yes, I'm officially hard core lol. Just have to kick 15s a$$ first :asskick:

I hope everyone is having a magic (warm) 100% day in minimins-land xx

Hiya Bev

I agree - great motivation out there in minimins-land! But you have a knack for putting things in perspective and giving me a laugh at the same time.

Never ever thought about my "sweet-spot". Am glad to realise that I've passed it.

You doing really good girl ... and you will be in the 13s in no time!

It's so quiet on here lately :sign0163: .... no matter, I've been haunting random threads when I need inspiration :cool: there are some phenomenal folks on here; so, just a quick post before I pop out to do some shopping: my official weigh in was this morning (no Aunty Flo as yet) and I'm 16st 7lbs ... 3lbs lost since last week :D. The scales are definitely moving in the right direction!!! Bring on Christmas! Two weigh ins and a potential 6lb off by Christmas means I'll be kissing the 15s. Whoop whoop! I can't wait. Now if I could only figure out how to lose more than 3lbs a week :mad: (everyone seems to lose 4 or 5lbs a week! What are they doing?!? I want some!)

My personal goal (you know that mythical 'sweet-spot' you'd love to reach and surpass because you've pressed your nose up against it so many times in the past before falling away?) is the 14s, it's usually when my mind does some weird panic and throws the diet out of whack (I have my theories why that is, but that'll keep for another time), but this time I'm ready and determined to plough straight through to the 13s!!! Radical thinking for me :D. Yes, I'm officially hard core lol. Just have to kick 15s a$$ first :asskick:

I hope everyone is having a magic (warm) 100% day in minimins-land xx

fantastic miss bev just you keep ploughing on and the 13s won t be the stopping point, there are other bigger fish to fry:) you are def in that zone woohoo! others losses are not important your body is going at its own pace and thats the only body you need to worry about. you may even find there are a few big drops in the pipe line. i once did a strict calorie controlled diet with exercise daily didn t lose a pound for a month, was on the verge of giving up but then my body got with the programme and the losses just keep on coming. "if i build it they will come"


it has been quiet of late, its a busy time so suppose a lot will be getting on with it quietly in the background.
Hiya Bev

I agree - great motivation out there in minimins-land! But you have a knack for putting things in perspective And giving me a laugh at the same time.

Never ever thought about my "sweet-spot". Am glad to realise that I've passed it.

You doing really good girl ... and you will be in the 13s in no time!


Oh Amen to that sister!! I think 2009 s the last time I saw the 13s, and it was for about half an hour :rolleyes:! 13.07 of memory serves....... Oh well, here I come again, and this time it'll be half an hour as I steamroll my way through to the 12s :D

Just got to tackle the 15s yet, but looking ahead gives me momentum sometimes x

Heeey!! Congratulations on passing the'sweet spot'! That's HUGE as all restarters know all too well :happy096: What was yours? Keep doing as brill as you are hon xx

Thanks for the compliment of still reading :) I had planned to fill up this diary more, but but the time I spend a few minutes (okay, an hour) before bed catching up on others' threads I can barely keep Mr eyes open! Lol xx Do you have a diary going?

*UPDATE* I just rediscovered your diary! I really must clean up my subscriptions! I've got LOADS dating back to 2009! jeez.... hoard much? I'll be on telly climbing over boxes in my sitting room next .... I'm already crazy obsessed 'Cat lady'! Must stop or this vajayjay will never see any action :bananalove: (as she hums "I believe in miracles, where you from you sexy thang").... Whooo boy, did I say that out loud? Yes, I sure did. Hahaha xx
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Wow. I was constipated and bunged up so had the genius idea of taking the recommended dose of Milk of Magnesia for constipation. Took it at 11pm (before bed it says) and it's now 3:20am.... no tummy cramping, but my stomach had been making alarming gurgling noises...... Let's just say this stuff works ..... And then some! :sign0131: Blimey! I may have to sleep in my bathroom! Not at all like diarrhoea, but the gurgling lets you know what room you need to be in, if y'know what I mean ;) Lucky I don't have work in the morning.

It tasted chalky and vaguely minty.... But was easily a million times better than the 'Epsom Salts as laxative fiasco' (the taste of those evil little crystals, you ask? Like licking a demon's butt. Yeuch:yuk:) - I'll stick to my twice weekly (external) Epsom Salt baths if it's all the same to you, they're lush :)

Ho hum. The gurgling has stopped, I'm going to sleep quick before I digest my spit and have to use the loo again lol x
Wow. I was constipated and bunged up so had the genius idea of taking the recommended dose of Milk of Magnesia for constipation. Took it at 11pm (before bed it says) and it's now 3:20am.... no tummy cramping, but my stomach had been making alarming gurgling noises...... Let's just say this stuff works ..... And then some! :sign0131: Blimey! I may have to sleep in my bathroom! Not at all like diarrhoea, but the gurgling lets you know what room you need to be in, if y'know what I mean ;) Lucky I don't have work in the morning.

It tasted chalky and vaguely minty.... But was easily a million times better than the 'Epsom Salts as laxative fiasco' (the taste of those evil little crystals, you ask? Like licking a demon's butt. Yeuch:yuk:) - I'll stick to my twice weekly (external) Epsom Salt baths if it's all the same to you, they're lush :)

Ho hum. The gurgling has stopped, I'm going to sleep quick before I digest my spit and have to use the loo again lol x

I just burst out laughing in my office - everyone's giving me a look!

Oh Amen to that sister!! I think 2009 s the last time I saw the 13s, and it was for about half an hour :rolleyes:! 13.07 of memory serves....... Oh well, here I come again, and this time it'll be half an hour as I steamroll my way through to the 12s :D

Just got to tackle the 15s yet, but looking ahead gives me momentum sometimes x

Heeey!! Congratulations on passing the'sweet spot'! That's HUGE as all restarters know all too well :happy096: What was yours? Keep doing as brill as you are hon xx

Thanks for the compliment of still reading :) I had planned to fill up this diary more, but but the time I spend a few minutes (okay, an hour) before bed catching up on others' threads I can barely keep Mr eyes open! Lol xx Do you have a diary going?

*UPDATE* I just rediscovered your diary! I really must clean up my subscriptions! I've got LOADS dating back to 2009! jeez.... hoard much? I'll be on telly climbing over boxes in my sitting room next .... I'm already crazy obsessed 'Cat lady'! Must stop or this vajayjay will never see any action :bananalove: (as she hums "I believe in miracles, where you from you sexy thang").... Whooo boy, did I say that out loud? Yes, I sure did. Hahaha xx

oh my gosh - you really really need to get on with writing that book. I think you'd be like Harlan Coben (have you read him?) ... he does detective mystery type novels.

and just like every time i read your posts i want to laugh and cry at the same time, i laugh and cry when reading his books.

my sweet-spot was the mid 100s (kgs). i saw that when i started eating healthy and exercising years ago, saw that during Cambridge (twice) and before i knew it, i piled it all one again and then some :sigh:.

anyway - this is for us. we are gonna nail the weight loss and keep it off this time! :cross:
Darn right we are! To maintenance and beyond :innocent0001: Well done you for passing the 'sweet spot' - it must feel amazing! I genuinely can't wait to get there and fight my food demons into submission :)

Oh my goodness!!!! You did not just compare me to Harlan Coben! I Looooove him - wait, correction: I love Joe Pike, Myron Bolitar, Win...... ALL his characters in fact and have read and enjoyed all of his books...... Ooh man, if only I could be half as good. Thank you xx

I did promise to get my finger out and start penning something didn't I? This inspires me no end :D You're a true star Bonkers x
I just burst out laughing in my office - everyone's giving me a look!


Hahahahaha! Seriously ..... Guess where I've just been .... again. No guess! :sick0019: This gurgling just won't quit! Man, I'm so glad no one else is home right now. Georgie boy doesn't count, he makes some weird noises sometimes. Besides - I'm his only food dealer :kitty:, he can't judge me! :rotflmao:

Glad I made your Monday morning just a teeny bit brighter lol. Have a fab 100% day sweetie xx
Hahahahaha! Seriously ..... Guess where I've just been .... again. No guess! :sick0019: This gurgling just won't quit! Man, I'm so glad no one else is home right now. Georgie boy doesn't count, he makes some weird noises sometimes. Besides - I'm his only food dealer :kitty:, he can't judge me! :rotflmao:

Glad I made your Monday morning just a teeny bit brighter lol. Have a fab 100% day sweetie xx

I always think of this when it comes to (ahem) bodily functions and associated effects :p... i think it applies to cats as well!

download (1).jpg

hope you feeling better tho xx
Darn right we are! To maintenance and beyond :innocent0001: Well done you for passing the 'sweet spot' - it must feel amazing! I genuinely can't wait to get there and fight my food demons into submission :)

Oh my goodness!!!! You did not just compare me to Harlan Coben! I Looooove him - wait, correction: I love Joe Pike, Myron Bolitar, Win...... ALL his characters in fact and have read and enjoyed all of his books...... Ooh man, if only I could be half as good. Thank you xx

I did promise to get my finger out and start penning something didn't I? This inspires me no end :D You're a true star Bonkers x

oh yes i did!!! and you should get started - even if its just a short story for us minimin folk... :D
hope the body eruptions have been quelled, sounds like you have some ancient god of the stomach calling out its wrath in there;)
hope the body eruptions have been quelled, sounds like you have some ancient god of the stomach calling out its wrath in there;)

Speaking of talent, you're wasted on here Jen, wasted..... That's exactly it! I pi$$ed off Cornelius, god of laxatives-dodgy-curries-and-kebabs- and porcelain-potties, and his wrath was MIGHTY :fear:


You've gotta laugh, right? What would I do without you guys xx
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