Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

Wow! Really? Epsom salts? I'm ordering myself some tomorrow. Heaven knows my skin need it. Thanks for sharing. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hope you've got your 500ml by your bedside! ;-)

Oh for sure I have my 500ml ready lol xx
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hello duchess how s tricks?

im in a the diet zone today and ticking along quite nicely the mind conversation has done me the world of good i think,

am real busy at work just now which helps keep the paws off boredom grazing, im addicted to fruit just now which is one addiction i don t mind having.

Hiya Jen! Oh my goodness, talk about fruit - I made my son a Greek salad with feta, olives, salad greens and cherry tomatoes with smoked mackerel .... I wanted to mug him! It looked and smelt sooooo good! I can't wait to get to goal and explore healthy eating options and a proper exercise routine. First order of business will have to be smaller plates :D

I'm so glad you're in the diet zone again, I miss work - it keeps you wonderfully busy. Long may you stay in the zone :) xx
So. I need all the 'good vibes' and words of support that I can muster for tomorrow. The arsey ex is over tomorrow to see our son and this dude is THE king of sabotage. If he gets one whiff I'm on a diet he will do ALL he can to spoil it (I speak from experience) and if he can't, he'll try competing with my weight loss results and gloat if he loses 1lb more than me. Can we say: twat. He quite literally hates me not being the size of an elephant and miserable, because ofcourse when I look and feel great, men notice and I'm so much stronger in myself. Dear God, how stupid and blind was I at 19?An added 19 years of misery MUST be punishment enough! Thank God I got my beautiful Sunshine Boy out of it! So. The arsey ex is not stupid and examines me like a security guard watching an incompetent shoplifter so he'll clock that I've lost 2.5 stone and there is literally no way to make my shakes with my noisy blender on the sly :mad:Pig. And then it'll start: bombarding my house with crisps, kfc, spicy piri piri chicken, steaks, etc etc Wish me luck for tomorrow! I just might kick him out of my house if he gets on my last nerve :D xx Wow. Feeling super militant. He better watch out! Lol

I hope everyone on here had a fabulous 100% day and didn't go too wild with the Black Friday Deals. Great. Another imported tradition to make us part with our hard earned cash! :) Oh who am I trying to fool? Like I need an excuse? Hahaha
So. I need all the 'good vibes' and words of support that I can muster for tomorrow. The arsey ex is over tomorrow to see our son and this dude is THE king of sabotage. If he gets one whiff I'm on a diet he will do ALL he can to spoil it (I speak from experience) and if he can't, he'll try competing with my weight loss results and gloat if he loses 1lb more than me. Can we say: twat. He quite literally hates me not being the size of an elephant and miserable, because ofcourse when I look and feel great, men notice and I'm so much stronger in myself. Dear God, how stupid and blind was I at 19?An added 19 years of misery MUST be punishment enough! Thank God I got my beautiful Sunshine Boy out of it! So. The arsey ex is not stupid and examines me like a security guard watching an incompetent shoplifter so he'll clock that I've lost 2.5 stone and there is literally no way to make my shakes with my noisy blender on the sly :mad:Pig. And then it'll start: bombarding my house with crisps, kfc, spicy piri piri chicken, steaks, etc etc Wish me luck for tomorrow! I just might kick him out of my house if he gets on my last nerve :D xx Wow. Feeling super militant. He better watch out! Lol

I hope everyone on here had a fabulous 100% day and didn't go too wild with the Black Friday Deals. Great. Another imported tradition to make us part with our hard earned cash! :) Oh who am I trying to fool? Like I need an excuse? Hahaha

go for super militant,why is he coming to your home? yeah to pick up sunshine boy but no need for him to cross the threshold, if he chooses to bring any **** into the house it is doused in soapy liquid.

diets to compete? well you say "are you dieting that ll make you feel so much better good for you. any gloating is completely ignored, his behaviour does not make an impact (at least externally)

for tomorrow can you waltz out the door and bolt him out as you go?

be super strong tomorrow and good luck

dont sweat your 19 yr olds decisions, to quote a jason statham film" **** happens at the deep end" :)
Lol I like that! It goes hand in hand with another favorite quote (can never remember if this is Eleanor Roosevelt) "A woman is like a teabag, you never know how strong she is until you drop her in hot water"!!!! Bring it on ;)

I'll be using a couple of those strategies:" Are you dieting? Good for you *big obviously fake smile *", and I'll be shutting my sitting room door, he's welcome to act like the other 15 yr olds that flock to my son's room to hang out (he lives 40 miles away and always has to be prodded to take the Sunshine Boy out) - plus he's just bought a brand new Mercedes, not bothered to get our sons' PS4 Christmas present mind you, so I'm sure he can entertain a teenager without coming near me. And if all else fails :I'll go to the sales :D Poor poor me! Lol

Jen, love, thank you for that much needed boost xx God, I love all you guys on here ..... Thank you for always keeping me going xxxx

Right. Enough sappy sh!te:D I have an Epsom Salt bath calling my name!

Ps: any and all food stuff he brings into this house WILL get a good dosing of bleach and straight in the bin it goes. Bigger and badder than him have tried to knock me off my perch (most notably my own subconscious)..... Plus I have a rendezvous with fate aka Mr RC (hummunahummuna :bolt::bananalove:)

Oh wait!!!!! I can't believe I forgot to tell you this! I met a casual friend out today who hasn't seen me since September and they said I looked like I'd lost weight (cue coy admission that I've lost a few pounds .... 34 to be exact! Her face was priceless!) of course I then had to stand there for thirty minutes selling CWP:rolleyes: But my son came in from his friends' house this evening and did a double take then said "Mum, I can really see a difference now" :D:D:D Feeling pretty chuffed x
Oh man. My knee is killing me! I was so relaxed and limber from my lovely Epsom Salt bath last night I did a gentle massage on my dodgy knee. I woke up in agony at 4am with lightening bolts shooting through said knee! It's now swollen up to twice it's size!

Jen, the day with the twat? Eh. So so. He turned up with about twenty fish steaks (I loooove fish!!!) but I assume he was actually just trying to be nice. Huh. Told him I have a dodgy tummy, he and the Sunshine Boy roasted and ate a couple with a salad and rice and I slung the rest in the freezer :) Actually, I'm impressed with how little anything is getting to me today. Either I've turned a corner in my quest for 'zen'dom or these painkillers are stronger than I thought :D

How's your day been? xx
Oh man. My knee is killing me! I was so relaxed and limber from my lovely Epsom Salt bath last night I did a gentle massage on my dodgy knee. I woke up in agony at 4am with lightening bolts shooting through said knee! It's now swollen up to twice it's size!

Jen, the day with the twat? Eh. So so. He turned up with about twenty fish steaks (I loooove fish!!!) but I assume he was actually just trying to be nice. Huh. Told him I have a dodgy tummy, he and the Sunshine Boy roasted and ate a couple with a salad and rice and I slung the rest in the freezer :) Actually, I'm impressed with how little anything is getting to me today. Either I've turned a corner in my quest for 'zen'dom or these painkillers are stronger than I thought :D

How's your day been? xx

that does indeed sound like a helpful gesture glad there were no booby traps. do you know what is wrong with the knee? if its inflammation from muscles or ligs have you tried kinetic tape? not so good if its cartilage. we ve been quietly impressed down the clinic.

heh heh heh your not the first to use mind altering drugs to find the path to true enlightenment! hoy Tripitaka get off that cloud ( don t know if the ref will mean much but it does to me:)) i suspect there is a bit of personal choices bring you into the harmonious zen state too.

my day has been work in the morning and pulled my back again not as bad as before so hoping with time off tomorrow it ll be fine. my partners daughter is here this weekend so we ve been doing the xmas decs today she s really enjoyed so all good but man im knackered! dont know how you parent types do it! so now just enjoying a heavy dose of chill

Oh Jen, the fish WAS the booby trap! :( But I stand unscathed :D

What is kinetic tape? Sounds like I need some of that - I'll find some ASAP. It was suspected I had fluid on the knee (no reason given when suddenly,over 48 hours, I was in agony and felt as if a small determined animal was gnawing on my knee cap. I went to A and E when I could barely walk and a ham fisted Registrar used an elephant needle (the thing was HUUUUUGE) to draw some fluid off with no anaesthetic (no lidocaine, nothing) - it was a truly horrific and agonising experience. And I was sent home with no pain relief nor instructions. My GP was away so a locum referred me for an MRI four weeks later - I rocked up and was directed down the corridor to a physio instead who seemed hacked off I couldn't do jumping squats (Jack a$$) and just shrugged his shoulders and said it 'sounds' like my knee cap had worn away and was rubbing on my patella (something like that anyway). Just by chance I saw my GP two weeks later and she was surprised I didn't have my MRI; she palpated my knee and said she's pretty sure I had a bloodclot. Nothing has ever been done nor investigated and the knee has always been a bit dodgy ever since with intermittent pain, but this feels as bad as it did then. Luckily I'm seeing the GP on Monday anyway so she can see it first hand as it were. It's my own fault - I've been so busy fighting to have this ovarian teratoma taken out I neglected to insist on investigations on the knee. :sigh: It never rains.... It pours:)

Apart from that: all's good on the western front! Sounds like you had a good day. I'm such a slacker this year, haven't even thought about getting the tree and decorations from the loft! I've got to vacuum pack my autumn clothes and wrestle them up there too.... Actually, come to think of it, that may be just the exercise my son needs tomorrow lol

Bev xx
So I had my Weigh In today and lost 1lb. ONE POUND. After total SS. Words can't describe my emotions. I know all the platitudes.... Heck I've used them myself - I know 1lb off is a triumph in it's own right but it sure didn't feel like it ..... Until I went back to the inspirational videos on U give and inspirational threads on here. Two hours on and I've nearly stopped sulking (hey, I'm not a saint!) - 35lbs lost since this leg of the journey began on the 3rd of October, and a heck of a lot more list since Jul. I won't go into how unfair it is for others to 'cheat themselves' out of victory by eating and still lose 5lbs (I'll think it, but I won't dwell on it) because that's on them and I remember that false sense of security for the misery it is, and frankly: boohoo life isn't fair. Get over it. All I can do is carry on :-( and hope like heck a huge loss is down the turnpike to compensate or I just might be on this diet until APRIL.

Not a happy camper - but I will be. xx
yesterday i lost 2.5 lb i reweighed constantly over the course of the day waiting for it to disappear it didn t, this morning its gone. why did the scales blatantly lie? i dont know, you know what happens at the deep end:cool: i always think of the gladiator quote with these sort situations: i will get you one time or the next on days like today ( basically i just enjoy having a fit russ crow flash back and yes im paraphrasing as i have so little memory for quotes!)

so madam turn that frown upside down and stop skulking around (much as i like a skulk around myself) the pay back will came this week or the next


p.s a pound is equivalent to a Guinea Pig so not all bad your carrying one less little critter around:p
Oh Jen, the fish WAS the booby trap! :( But I stand unscathed :D

What is kinetic tape? Sounds like I need some of that - I'll find some ASAP. It was suspected I had fluid on the knee (no reason given when suddenly,over 48 hours, I was in agony and felt as if a small determined animal was gnawing on my knee cap. I went to A and E when I could barely walk and a ham fisted Registrar used an elephant needle (the thing was HUUUUUGE) to draw some fluid off with no anaesthetic (no lidocaine, nothing) - it was a truly horrific and agonising experience. And I was sent home with no pain relief nor instructions. My GP was away so a locum referred me for an MRI four weeks later - I rocked up and was directed down the corridor to a physio instead who seemed hacked off I couldn't do jumping squats (Jack a$$) and just shrugged his shoulders and said it 'sounds' like my knee cap had worn away and was rubbing on my patella (something like that anyway). Just by chance I saw my GP two weeks later and she was surprised I didn't have my MRI; she palpated my knee and said she's pretty sure I had a bloodclot. Nothing has ever been done nor investigated and the knee has always been a bit dodgy ever since with intermittent pain, but this feels as bad as it did then. Luckily I'm seeing the GP on Monday anyway so she can see it first hand as it were. It's my own fault - I've been so busy fighting to have this ovarian teratoma taken out I neglected to insist on investigations on the knee. :sigh: It never rains.... It pours:)

Apart from that: all's good on the western front! Sounds like you had a good day. I'm such a slacker this year, haven't even thought about getting the tree and decorations from the loft! I've got to vacuum pack my autumn clothes and wrestle them up there too.... Actually, come to think of it, that may be just the exercise my son needs tomorrow lol

Bev xx

kinetic tape is the new tape lots of physio s and pods are using, one it adds support but does seem to reduce inflammation too fairly expensive (approx £5) see if you can get it off the net. there are youtube vids showing you how to apply it. my advice would be practice the techniques first with ordinary tape, once mastered then use the tape when your putting it on it not applied at full stretch, pull it to about 3/4 of it s stretch.

i would be pushing for a mri as it could be a cartilage prob and the physio doesn t sound like he did a particularly in-depth assessment.
Thanks Jen, I will follow up with the GP and ask for an MRI. Something's going on and it needs to be sorted out! Also thank you for the tip on the kinetic tape - I'll check out where to buy it and how to use it :)

I had to put my 'big girl' pants on about this 1lb. The reality is, it could have been a sts week. I'll take the 1lb :) Oh! And thank you kindly for the chance to share in a Russell Crowe moment (hummanahummana) lol :D xx
So. I've spent the whole day getting my view into perspective.... I've lost 46lbs since the 16th July (start weight 282lbs), but I'm truly counting the last 60 days of 100% SS and the hard won 35lbs I've lost since I got my head in the game from 3rd October. What is a measly 1lb loss against that? Well that's simple - it's Pound number 35 :D:woohoo::wee: I never thought I could be here again - consistently losing and feeling blasé about it.

Here's to another 35lbs.... who's with me? :bunnydance:
Just saw my CWPC for the first time in a month (we stay in touch via phone) and got my month's products - seeing him again on the 30th. I'm pleased to report I was actually 16st 10lbs (must update ticker!) exactly 1 stone lost in the last month :D Not too shabby. I'm so so pleased that whatever clicked mentally has finally seen me get with the program.

So I'll carry on.... At 16st 10lbs the end just seems that little bit closer - I'd looooove to see 15.10 (or less) on the 30th. My CWPC has advised me to not sweat Christmas day as long as I don't go crazy and he's the boss - who am I to refuse lol.

I hope all the lovely people on here have had a brilliant weight loss day....

Oh I forgot to mention! 7 of my shakes miraculously disappeared by Sunday morning!?! Very odd. They were in the pretty silver Cambridge product tin (I roughly counted them onsSaturday morning. I know I'm cr@p at math, but I'm not hallucinatory!) and then they were just gone. I won't cast aspersions, but I'm not a fool - if it smells like @ss, and looks like @ss.... I wonder who it could have been? Anyway. I never truly realised how committed I was (and how hard core) but I found myself rummaging in old work bags and rounded up five of the ugliest, most squashed and rumpled satchets of Chocolate flavour CWP product you've ever clapped eyes on. Now I can't stand the chocolate shakes (albeit they are marginally better than every other flavour of shake and soup outside my beloved Chocolate Mint) but I savoured every mouthful :D Every silken gulp felt like a mini victory ..... Nothing is getting in my way this time. Nothing. xx
Just saw my CWPC for the first time in a month (we stay in touch via phone) and got my month's products - seeing him again on the 30th. I'm pleased to report I was actually 16st 10lbs (must update ticker!) exactly 1 stone lost in the last month :D Not too shabby. I'm so so pleased that whatever clicked mentally has finally seen me get with the program.

So I'll carry on.... At 16st 10lbs the end just seems that little bit closer - I'd looooove to see 15.10 (or less) on the 30th. My CWPC has advised me to not sweat Christmas day as long as I don't go crazy and he's the boss - who am I to refuse lol.

I hope all the lovely people on here have had a brilliant weight loss day....

Oh I forgot to mention! 7 of my shakes miraculously disappeared by Sunday morning!?! Very odd. They were in the pretty silver Cambridge product tin (I roughly counted them onsSaturday morning. I know I'm cr@p at math, but I'm not hallucinatory!) and then they were just gone. I won't cast aspersions, but I'm not a fool - if it smells like @ss, and looks like @ss.... I wonder who it could have been? Anyway. I never truly realised how committed I was (and how hard core) but I found myself rummaging in old work bags and rounded up five of the ugliest, most squashed and rumpled satchets of Chocolate flavour CWP product you've ever clapped eyes on. Now I can't stand the chocolate shakes (albeit they are marginally better than every other flavour of shake and soup outside my beloved Chocolate Mint) but I savoured every mouthful :D Every silken gulp felt like a mini victory ..... Nothing is getting in my way this time. Nothing. xx

well done you, does the loss have the whiff of the scummy weaselly king of the twats per chance? i won t say what i think but im sending my vengeance karma ninja s out to get him!!!!!!
You go girl, I'm echoing the above and cheering on the vengeance karma ninja's:sign0151:
Lol thanks guys, I needed a laugh :D There is indeed a whiff of "scummy weaselly king of the twats" - you pegged it. What an ar$e! Let loose the karma ninjas!!!! Hahaha

But guess what? Even with Sabotage: WINNING!!!!! ;)(but seriously - who does that!?!)

Yet another 100% SS day under my belt:) Oh yeeeah :stickdance:

this time i think you are immune to his bullying he ll hate it and may even ramp it up but what he won t ba able to stomach is you serenely ignoring his leetle games, know that that will be sticking in his craw more than any tasty morsel he may bring into the house. do cook up a fish steak for george when he visiting ( george is telling me through the medium of computer imagery that he thinks im onto a winner:) )

who does that, somebody who is seriously unhappy thats who rolls out this kind of pish, while your life gets better and better ( am not talking about weight here) his will remain firmly locked in the past, sometimes you get the life you deserve
Lol George will be in heaven!!!! Actually .... if he comes next weekend I will definitely make Georgie a fishy feast right under the twat's nose....... ooh I love your mind girl :sign0151:...... How did I not think of that? Lol

So had a lovely day with Mum - remembered my shake..... And forgot my 'on-the-go' shake Cup thing (for safely shaking and mixing diet drinks). I do NOT recommend approximating the correct amount of water and stirring in a glass with a fork hahaha:D lumpy and dubious to say the least, but I knocked it back and felt okay. Grrrr I'm well 'ard, me! Lol The things I'm willing to do to win my way through this. Unbelievable.
It was lovely to hear Mum and my big sis, Michelle, tell me I look half the size I was when they last saw me on the 13th October! (Note to self: full length bedroom mirror is truly crap - break into little pieces and buy new one ASAP!) I miss them so so much and HATE living so far away - especially as Mum's Alzheimer's progresses. Evil disease. The minute the Sunshine Boy finishes his exams we're moving back home. So. Lovely day, but emotional and thought provoking.

In other news: I had a call from an agency - they have a line on a new post (temp to March, then possibly longer, budget permitting) very similar to my old 14 year career! Confirmation of details/start date by Monday. Please cross everything for me :cross:! xx