Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

Lol thanks guys :) xxxxxx
Weigh In this morning: 3lbs off :sigh: .... such are the mysteries of the Cambridge Weight Plan; 100% SS all week , and 3lbs down to show for it. The plus sides are (1) there are visible changes in my body shape, (2) TOTM is imminent so water retention is a possibility (3) I'm a bit hacked off but not remotely tempted to break my winning 100% streak, (4) I've lost 26lbs in 22 days :D - not too shabby by anyone's standards; memo to self: I must not be greedy (after all that's largely what got me into this mess in the first place lol).

So. Onwards ...

I hope everyone has another really good 100% day, big hugs xxx
Weigh In this morning: 3lbs off :sigh: .... such are the mysteries of the Cambridge Weight Plan; 100% SS all week , and 3lbs down to show for it. The plus sides are (1) there are visible changes in my body shape, (2) TOTM is imminent so water retention is a possibility (3) I'm a bit hacked off but not remotely tempted to break my winning 100% streak, (4) I've lost 26lbs in 22 days :D - not too shabby by anyone's standards; memo to self: I must not be greedy (after all that's largely what got me into this mess in the first place lol).

Its all to easy to expect huge losses every week as we are being very very strong to stick to plan but the average is a stone a month and you my dear should be so very very proud of your total loss to date. 26lbs in 22 days is utterly amazing so remember that and just think next week you will hit the 2 stone mark and that is flipping fab !
heres to another fab week hunni x
Weigh In this morning: 3lbs off :sigh: .... such are the mysteries of the Cambridge Weight Plan; 100% SS all week , and 3lbs down to show for it. The plus sides are (1) there are visible changes in my body shape, (2) TOTM is imminent so water retention is a possibility (3) I'm a bit hacked off but not remotely tempted to break my winning 100% streak, (4) I've lost 26lbs in 22 days :D - not too shabby by anyone's standards; memo to self: I must not be greedy (after all that's largely what got me into this mess in the first place lol).

So. Onwards ...

I hope everyone has another really good 100% day, big hugs xxx

That's fantastic, chick!! Almost 2 st in 3 weeks?!! Blimey! Keep up the 100% streak. You ROCK!!
Angel, you're totally right. The point is that I've successfully stuck to SS 100%. I have to focus on the fact that keeping my head in the game is a victory all by itself ..... the amount of pounds lost is a side benefit :) my goal is to get healthy, get to my ideal weight, reclaim my life and change my attitudes to food consumption. With these goals in mind I'm firmly on target. xx

Thank you Cee - for reminding me 26lbs in 22 days is phenomenal. I've just got to trust that my body knows best .... consecutive huge losses would leave my skin looking like an old baggy jumper lol. Slow and steady, right? Thanks for the timely reminder! I'll focus on maintaining the unbroken 100% record instead xxx
Flipping heck Beverley!!! 26lbs in 22 days is PHENOMENAL! Oh my word!! You will have lost 2 stone in 4 weeks by the end of this week, that is insanely brilliant.

Just finished day 5 100% so feeling pleased, although found today quite difficult! Just keeping in mind how awful I feel every time I get dressed or look in the mirror which is helping my motivation :) xx
Haha, if I'm going to get punked by an evil sandwich I can guarantee it'll have bacon or sausages in it - but I'm determined to save it and have it as a cheat meal once I'm closer to goal (if I ever need to carb load to get my metabolism going again as sometimes helps when you only have a few pounds left to lose). I reckon the way I look at food will be vastly different by the end of this journey though!
first off conrats on the 3lb loss its the same weight as the average human brain now thats got be some thing to cheer and when put in context of what you have already kissed goodbye to, holy moly thats fanflippingtastic! also good recovery no wavering on the path so excellent response to your minor disappointment. the 100% just keep on coming.

here s to another bev minimising week!
Thanks Jen, I'm just focusing on the next drop .... then the next. I'm not a big fan of the gym, so the shakes are a hundred times better than doing this the hard, slow way!

Feeling bloated and campy, waiting for the advent of the dreaded TOTM :-( it could just be me, but the brain demons kick it into high gear at this stage of the month ..... I'm determined to just enjoy my Sunday, watching inspirational videos on U tube.

I hope you're having a positive 100% day too chick xxxx
Thanks Jen, I'm just focusing on the next drop .... then the next. I'm not a big fan of the gym, so the shakes are a hundred times better than doing this the hard, slow way!

Feeling bloated and campy, waiting for the advent of the dreaded TOTM :-( it could just be me, but the brain demons kick it into high gear at this stage of the month ..... I'm determined to just enjoy my Sunday, watching inspirational videos on U tube.

I hope you're having a positive 100% day too chick xxxx

A nice lazy Sunday is essential, U tube or Xmas movies,as there is nothing worse than that awful crampy feeling !
Your doing great chick, a true inspiration and your next drop will be here before you know it :)
X thanks Angel! Oh don't get me started on movies! I found my unopened DVD of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers from last Christmas!!!!! It's a running joke in our family: how much I love that film. Can't believe I just outed myself but, yes I said it, I love my old black and white movies and musicals lol:D My son won't thank you for reminding me, but I do ( funny how he grumbles but always sticks around to watch though!)

I hope you, my buddy, are having a brilliant 100% day too (you and OH going walking?) xxxx
X thanks Angel! Oh don't get me started on movies! I found my unopened DVD of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers from last Christmas!!!!! It's a running joke in our family: how much I love that film. Can't believe I just outed myself but, yes I said it, I love my old black and white movies and musicals lol:D My son won't thank you for reminding me, but I do ( funny how he grumbles but always sticks around to watch though!)

I hope you, my buddy, are having a brilliant 100% day too (you and OH going walking?) xxxx

I love B&W movies and lots of older films like its a wonderful life, calamity Jane is my secret fave film lol

We managed 11.5 miles this morning so I'm feeling tip top x
:happy096: good on ya Angel! Just saw the pics of the view you had on your walk (on your thread).... Simply breathtaking. I'll start doing my sit ups and aerobic workout from tomorrow (or today actually. Why not?). You're inspiring me to get off my butt and start toning! x

I'm going to increase as once a week isn't enough but I'm sometimes just pushed for time ( easy cop out I know )

Good luck with the sit ups, I couldn't do a sit up to save my life x
Hiya Bev sorry not been on all weekend was poorly with flu :( starting to feel more human today but it is also totm so that's not helping! Curled up today on the chair with my bambino with no plan of movin until school run anyway!
Looking forward to my first weeks weigh in Wednesday! Hoping for a good loss! X