Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

Lol Kira :D That would have been my usual response too!!!!!!!! I'm having such an easy day 1..... I'm alive girl. And relatively okay :) I've got to be healthy and slim for all of these surgeries and feel, strangely, a renewed sense of determination. This isn't a fight for life. It's a fight I'm guaranteed to win. It doesn't get much simpler than that xx

Wow you're life is full on!! Guess health scares are great motivators!
Good luck on DayX! I'm currently on Day2 and am actually OK! I know I'm going to sound stupid, but I'm waiting to lose some weight before getting my check ups... Tired of hearing "you're overweight! Lose weight coz you're not getting any younger!"
My head is finally back in the game. Apologies for being so absent, but I can talk about this now...... I had a bit of a serious health scare (with my sore, swollen knee which has been plaguing me since February with increasingly Painful and difficult mobility) on the 20th December and was sent for an emergency MRI on the 30th (driving 28 miles for it was no flipping joke let me tell you!).

I've finally received good news (of a sort) - there's more surgery in my immediate future to remove a mass growing on the inside of my right knee, but it's not the worst case scenario ..... How that will work with the new job and the existing surgery booked for the 14th Feb I don't know - but at least it's not the worst. I'm so SO relieved. Words can't explain. Thank you Religious Diety!!!!!! :D

So my head is now fully back in the game. To be candid last night was an epic fail, diet wise, as I knew I'd be hobbling to the Musculoskeletal unit or accosting the physio team in some manner for my results TODAY I couldn't sleep ..... So succumbed with full malice aforethought to spicy piri piri chicken........ ahem. A lot of chicken. It was either that or hit the booze which may have hindered any emergent procedures (or so I rationalised - see how we tell ourselves stories? If I really believed that I'd have fasted instead!) So it's day 1. Again.

Sorry to keep spreading my endless dramas. I just wanted you to know why I've not been as 'present' as I usually am.

Two shakes down, 2 litres down and I'm doing okay. This was a hiatus, a pause, now to finish this plan once and for all xx:)

glad to hear you now knows going on with the knee. its so much worst when you can tell something is very wrong but dont know the diagnosis.

and hope the diet faries are kind as you ve gone on a protein bender and leave you in ketosis
Hey everyone hope you all hanging in there x Bev so glad you will be able to hav an op to get sorted. Been manically busy today - loads of errands to run and getting stuff ready for going back to work mon. Hanging in there for day 2 and it's done and dusted. Had 2 hot chocs and a chicken and mushroom poppadum was nice to chew! Had 2l of water and going to chill tonight catching up on soaps with dd.
Hi all, goodness missing out on sleep last night knocked me for a loop! I crashed for 3 hours this evening!! It felt deliciously decadent :)

Hi Enlightenme2 - is that a general MOT? Or is something concerning you? There have indeed been horror stories of people being dismissed under that catch all of "stop complaining fatty and lost weight" - but my Dad was a Consultant so I have NO compunction insisting when there's something wrong and being taken seriously or screaming blue murder. There's just as many stories of slim people being dismissed as hysterical.... I say talk it out with your doc and be firm: you know you best :D I'm glad to hear your day 2 went so well... It makes such a difference when you're ready doesn't it. Well done lovely!

Jen, your lips to God's ear! I hope I'm still on track for ketosis, but I'll take my lumps if I have to. After 11 months it IS such a relief to know exactly what's going on, and I got a crutch today so for the first time in ages my mobility (up and down stairs and walking for more than 15 minutes) is much improved and feel a lot steadier on my feet... It's all looking up :D

Clinquant, I would avoid squats like the plague even without the knee to be honest..... But I did buy a big exercise ball from Lidl today, with detachable resistance bands to work my back and arms :D See that's exercise, right? Right? Lol. Happy to join you for the great 'Resuming Normal Programming' Day 1

Hi Jess, well done on yet another successful day - sounds like you're mentally in a great place.... I hope you get in to ketosis as soon as and cruise along. I'll enjoy keeping up with your successes hon :)

Oh oh oh!!!! I nearly forgot! I got a lovely message from RC last night wishing me a Happy new year and saying he's looking forward to us meeting up in 2014 :D Lovely, lovely man. As you would say: It's all good in my hood, Jen.... Hahaha xxx
Oh oh oh!!!! I nearly forgot! I got a lovely message from RC last night wishing me a Happy new year and saying he's looking forward to us meeting up in 2014 :D Lovely, lovely man. As you would say: It's all good in my hood, Jen.... Hahaha xxx

Wooooooo!!!!!! :D :D soooo happy for you :) :)

Hi all, goodness missing out on sleep last night knocked me for a loop! I crashed for 3 hours this evening!! It felt deliciously decadent :) Hi Enlightenme2 - is that a general MOT? Or is something concerning you? There have indeed been horror stories of people being dismissed under that catch all of "stop complaining fatty and lost weight" - but my Dad was a Consultant so I have NO compunction insisting when there's something wrong and being taken seriously or screaming blue murder. There's just as many stories of slim people being dismissed as hysterical.... I say talk it out with your doc and be firm: you know you best :D I'm glad to hear your day 2 went so well... It makes such a difference when you're ready doesn't it. Well done lovely!

Actually I live in France, my GP is great, it's the Gyns, the radiologists (mammograms n such) - who are the prob... You know, the ones who dole out gen advice OUTSIDE their area of expertise!
Yet, I'm at an age where that stuff getting checked out can be a matter of life & death!
I KNOW I need to lose the weight, were it just for comfort's sake...

Glad for u and RC!
Originally Posted by Beverley75
I nearly forgot! I got a lovely message from RC last night wishing me a Happy new year and saying he's looking forward to us meeting up in 2014 Lovely, lovely man. As you would say: It's all good in my hood, Jen.... Hahaha xxx

Yay!!!! Great news! Great way to start 2014! Keep us updated!

My week 1 weigh in today lost 7lbs, a bit disappointing for week 1 but great to lose half a stone over Xmas instead of gaining! Scared about going back to work this week, it's very stressful and makes me want wine when I get home and I desperately need to keep this up especially after getting through Xmas and new year! Any tips?
now thats a fantastic carrot to get you back into the dieting nirvana of the zone and piri piri won t be featuring. so exciting you bloody deserve it mate:)

loopyloo; 7 pounds lost esp over xmas is fantastic, no promises but quite often you ll also get a big loss the next week where as some of the bigger losses get a more modest one. so just keep moving forward it is so worth it.
Loopy, I echo Jen on this 7lbs is brilliant.... And over Christmas? Almost super human. Seriously - that's HALF A STONE gone for good! :happy096:

Tips? You'll be entering week 2, firmly in ketosis so resisting temptations will be that much easier.... It sounds silly - but don't buy any wine for the house. Give away what you have or box up and put in the boot of your car or put in the loft /bury under old clothes in storage. And think of a different 'treat' expensive bath salts/shampoo/shower gel to relax you? A CD from the library/online, teaching meditation techniques? Epsom Salts for a thrice weekly deep relaxation soak? Find what would de-stress you physically and take lots of deep breaths as you experience your New 'treat' telling yourself repeatedly "this is lovely, I'm so relaxed" (a kind of message to your subconscious - you'll be amazed how effective convincing ourselves can be!).

Let me know what works hon, and don't worry too much - you'll be so impressed with how much energy you have from repeated good 'sleep' :) and burning fat you'll feel capable and top of the world any way :D xx
oh alking of your epsom salts bath one of my friends posted on facebook and it was the epsom salts deluxe bath ( well i though anyway) meant to tell you earlier but forgot of here it is

The UltraBath provides many powerful benefits in one easy, 20-minute solution every day. The benefits of the UltraBath include:

  • Relaxation of your nervous system and lowering of cortisol through the use of lavender oil, which promotes weight loss and lowers inflammation.
  • Enhancement of detoxification through the effects of the magnesium and sulfur in the Epsom salts.
  • Enhanced sleep through the effects of the hot bath and magnesium.
  • Alkalinization of your body through the use of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which promotes an ideal pH for healing, detoxification, and optimal cellular function.
  • Increased circulation and increased heart rate, which serves as a form of passive exercise.
  • Lowered blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Increased heart rate variability, a sign of a healthy nervous system and reduced stress.
  • Increased sweating and elimination of toxins.

Add 2 cups of Epsom salts, 1 cup of baking soda, and 10 drops of lavender oil to
bathwater as hot as you can tolerate.
Take a 20-minute UltraBath just before bed every night.
For extra-powerful detoxification wrap yourself in towels immediately after the bath, get in bed under the covers and sweat more for 20 minutes, then remove the towels and go to sleep. You can go directly to sleep without rinsing off after the bath.
You can also take a sauna or steam bath for up to 30 minutes per day if it is available to you.

not sure it would be a every day thing but might be pretty relaxing
Sounds gorgeous... I've been doing the exact save thing (with just Epsom Salt) but lavender is my favourite scent so I will be adding that..... Speaking of baking soda - dabbing your tooth brush in some before putting on the tooth paste, then brushing your teeth, was another of Mum's home recipes to combat tartar, have squeaky clean teeth, and natural whitening. That one works amazingly (any coffee/tea drinkers or smokers take note). :D x
i will be adding that to the brush my love of coffee know s no bounds,cheers

so how has the day gone for you?

i ve spent a great deal of it on here in between taking the christmas sparkle down but no slip ups so well chuffed

Ah there you are! Day 2 again is it? Look with how stressed you were that you only ate protein is a miracle! Proud of you. Now ok, no more slip ups for either of us. For no other reason than it makes life harder for ourselves. Remember being on a streak in the middle of week 3 of 110% and there being no amount of love nor money (ok very very very high amounts maybe!) that would make us step out on CD? Stone determination that makes it a breeze to do it. Let's get there! :)

Muahhhh missed you!

Oh yeah and Loopyloo (btw I used to know someone else with that exact same name on a baby forum) she's right - clean the house of it. I often fantasise about being single and Cambridging - the heaven of cleaning it all up and having an immaculate house with no trace of anything but shakes and water bottles. I'd never cheat, who goes out to buy something on CD? It's what's there that's our downfall.

Day 3 - Again had a manic day of things but have stayed on track so day 3 done and dusted!
Spent 2 hours in a shopping complex in the car marking work for work whilst dd went shopping with her best mate. Managed to glug 1L of water whilst doing it and kept me away from temptation. Had chicken and mushroom ‘crisps’ for tea and they were lush - oh so nice to crunch!

Hopefully next week will be able to catch up on more threads only have had time to have a quick peek at this one - its great to see how
everyone else is and being on track it's helping me loads!
Keep up the great work everyone - we will all be loads of pounds lighter by the end of Jan

I've been having a lovely SS relaxing day... And I'm about to have my last shake (in 15 minutes) :D Welcome back 'mojo' lol

i ve spent a great deal of it on here in between taking the christmas sparkle down but no slip ups so well chuffed*
Well done Jen, it's great to be back isn't it :) x

Remember being on a streak in the middle of week 3 of 110% and there being no amount of love nor money (ok very very very high amounts maybe!) that would make us step out on CD?*

You're right MissAma - we've got to hold onto that mindset x

will all be loads of pounds lighter by the end of Jan

Hear! Hear! Jess :D It's great to be in the groove again and exciting to anticipate where we'll be by the end of January xx
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woop woop ! a most marvellous start to the year. another boost to keep pushing you on. im day 4 today and have to say it been easier breaking back into it when your off work as all the side effects can be managed so much better in bed! even and the energy levels have def improved. so feeling rather chipper.

what on the cards today?
oh i now play most games on facebook as a diversion tool like you while watching tele. you so right about multi tasking and reduced food desire works a wee treat