The March Team

Hi all,

I'm back!! Sorry for not posting for a while - decided to take the weekend off and didnt want to talk food too much. The reason i decided to have a few days off was due to my motorcycling. I tried riding while doing full CD and felt dizzy - which is a bit silly!

Anyway, I'm back on SS for the rest of this week and moving to SS+ next week.

Well done on all your losses. You must be so chuffed Dextersmum!

Good to see everyone is doing so well.

D xxx
Hels, well done hun on your 5lb loss. You must be ecstatic about it!

Gill, I hope knowing that your Gran and grandpa will be reunited is comforting at least.

DisneyParis, as Twingo said, we are a team but we do not exclude anyone, so no matter when you started, what plan you are doing or if you are another team, we really don't care on here. We do what we have to, to keep each other motivated and stay strong.

Debs, what go on girl? You ever want to talk about food then just text me, I always love talking about food and sometimes it's therapeutic.
Miss talking to you hun x.

Everyone take care and it' my 2nd day of 100%. I'm soooo looking forward to the headaches and being grumpy.Oh wait, I'm always like that!! Lol.
Gill - so sad to hear of your loss, we are all thinking of you. Know how your feeling - my gran was like a mum to me and I still think of her every day xx
Have just been catching up on everyone's posts and hope everyone is well.
Sonya you made me laugh when I read about you looking forward to feeling grumpy and tired!!!
Thanks for your support everyone - am being SOOOOOO well behaved although have had few slips........sometimes you just have to eat!!!
I am trying not to think of ~Easter Weekend - I mean a normal weekend is hard enough!!!!
Keep shaking team xxxx

Hi Sonya - enjoyed the weekend off. Problem is the BF didnt want me to diet again - has caused major rows. Followed by the "youre still fat and lazy and I hope you make yourself ill". Deja vu??
Why am I still with him - I make myself so angry!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!
Miss you too! xxx

Anyway, i feel better for getting that off my chest. x

After a couple of days off, the worst thing I have noticed is a horrid green tongue - yuk. Not been hungry. No headaches. Just a yukky tongue.

I agree with you Dextersmum - I am dreading this weekend. Lets hope the weather is good so we can get outside - I am like a caged animal if I cant get outside.

D x


Hi Sonya - enjoyed the weekend off. Problem is the BF didnt want me to diet again - has caused major rows. Followed by the "youre still fat and lazy and I hope you make yourself ill". Deja vu??
Why am I still with him - I make myself so angry!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!
Miss you too! xxx

Anyway, i feel better for getting that off my chest. x

After a couple of days off, the worst thing I have noticed is a horrid green tongue - yuk. Not been hungry. No headaches. Just a yukky tongue.

I agree with you Dextersmum - I am dreading this weekend. Lets hope the weather is good so we can get outside - I am like a caged animal if I cant get outside.

D x


Reading your post has made me so angry, how dare anyone speak to you like that !! Honestly I am really, really annoyed - maybe all the Marchies should get together and let him know a thing or two ! Sorry if I've crossed the's just really got my goat !

Don't let it get you down, you're doing so well !!

Thanks Vix,

Yeah he is a git. Knows just how to hurt me - but he says it so often now that it is like water off a ducks back. To be honest, if house prices were a bit better I would be outta here!!

Thanks hun xxx
And he wont make me quit - makes me more determined than ever babe!!

He can :kissass:

Aw Debs, sounds like things are tough but also that you have things under control. I'm sure if circumstances were different, you would be out of there. You stay strong and seriously we are always here for you and hopefully vice versa when I need ya! Which brings me nicely onto my ex. He is back here today and will be staying till Friday.
He is looking after the kids while I have the root canal thing done at the dentist and also cos he wants to spend some time with the kids during the holidays.
So all is good at the moment. Still going strong!

Wont be able to post as much but will still be popping in.

Dextersmum, I'm glad I made you laugh but I was being serious!!!!

Have a good evening everyone.....I know I will! Lol.
Hi Gang,
How is everyone?? I've been MIA last few days as i have (yet again) struggled to stay 100%. Back on track now, had a great day and feel healthy for it too.

Well Done on everyones losses!

Debs, he sounds like a little sod! I think this diet brings out other peoples insecurities...the age old "put them down and it'll make me feel good" attitude. You're doing great and you know it which is the main thing! :banana dancer:

Gill, i really feel for you and am so sorry for your loss. I am incredibly close with my maternal grandparents and can't imagine what you're going through. Big (((hugs))) to you and we're always here if you need to talk.

Hope you're all good Marchies! :talk017:
Thanks Muffin. Whats this dirty cheater comment on your signature?! Go on - spill the beans :p
Have any of you tried the chocolate coated Cranberry Crunch bar? My CDC give me a little bit of one to try and l loved it.
Hi DP,

Yeah i love it too. I only have 4 flavours - didnt like the rest.
cranberry crunch
choc orange
toffee malt
peanut crunch

The best thing on the diet if you ask me!
Morning all,

Here's to a 100% SS day!!!

Im up for 100%.......Im worried though, I made porridge for breakfast, but gagged on the first mouthful and it had to go in the bin. I dont like many of the products any more, to the stage where they make me heave ........Bleuughhhh!!
Hey girls - I'm up for 100% too. Congrats on everyone's losses especially Dextersmum - 7lbs is brillant.

Gill so sorry to hear about your Gran - I've lost all my grandparents now and miss them all. Debs - glad you're sticking with it even without your partner's support sometimes people try and drag you down so they can feel better about themselves. Sonya hope you have a good time with the ex & good luck with the root canal.

I had my weigh in on Monday and lost another 4.5lbs so hoping that's going to keep me motivated over Easter weekend. My danger is boredom and with my flatmate away I'm concerned I'm going to eat my way through my boredom so fingers crossed I can find a way to amuse myself without resorting to food.
Hi all.
School holidays make it super difficult for me to pop in here, but I'm always here in spirit.
Gil ~ sorry to hear about your Gran. I don't have any of my grandparents anymore and try to make sure that Diego gets to spend time with the remaining 3 that he has.
I won't be weighing in this week due to the school holidays but I'll be staying 100% (fingers crossed) and having a good loss when I do step on the scales.
Morning all - so far so good on my 100% week since monday. determined to have a good loss this week! I'm super busy at work so that helps a great deal.

4.5lbs is a fab loss kt. keep up the good work all! c xx