The Mince Pies are gone it's time to start the diet. Again.


Full Member
I am starting today, sounds promising, but this time last year I was in exactly the same place, a little lighter. I am now the heaviest i have ever been, and the unhealthiest, I can barely run upstairs without feeling lost for breath.
I ended my anti-diet food binge, which had been going on for a while with a lovely carvery followed by Chocolate Fudge cake, A good way to end I suppose. I must admit when I stepped on the scale and discovered that I had gained half a stone over Christmas, I was a bit disappointed in myself.
I have not written a blog since I gave up on dieting in Feb last year. But I am back with a vengeance. How disappointing it is when your mother-in-law is losing weight and you aren't.
I have a wardrobe full of clothes that I don't fit into, most bought on the idea that they would inspire me to lose weight, well now they do. I have no holiday to look forward to this year, although I look awful in last years pictures, so maybe that's not a bad thing.
Last year I said it will stay off, but then failed to actually do the losing this promise requires. This year it will stay off and I mean it.
I am rambling, I apologise it you took the time to read this.:(
Good luck Hun !! I'm sure your gonna do great... One thing I have noticed ( I'm new to this site ya see) is that people who keep a diary ... Even if you just log your food intake it can be great for you, to reflect, and to see what works well and what works not do well !! Best of luck to u !!! X
Day one over, It started well and was generally good until I went to the cinema, I took my own low fat drink with me and a very small treat, which was calculated into my allowance, but I did not account for my Mum offering me some of her delicious chocolate! I had some and then felt guilty for the rest of the night. I am off to the cinema again on weds and will try to resist this time. Should be ok, I have a dentist appointment just before the film so that should put me off. Tonight should be fine, just an evening with the husband sat in front of the TV.
Good luck :) i find keeping busy helps with temptation and hunger pangs! Cinema treats, a wee fun size bag of maltesers or milky way for the chocolate craving..or ideally a pre packed small fruit salad or some raisins.

have a good day :)
Day two is over, I think I worked out there are 145 to the date I would like to achieve my weight loss, which means losing 2 pounds a week. I only have 143 days to go!
Off to the cinema again tonight, but going at a stupidly early time of 6.10, which means I will have to eat my tea early or take it with me!
I am finding the smallest Milky Bars to be good for a little treat, so will take one with me just in case, only 69 cals.
I would take fruit with me, but I am struggling to find decent fruit! I like Clemintines/satsumas etc but the last lot I had were really nasty. I may have to stick to tinned as they taste nice at least.
I have decided to do an Inventory of my wardrobe this weekend, as the majority of it doesn't fit. Then I will try it all on in the Feb half term and see what fits, which should motivate me to keep going, in case I am starting to lag. I find that once I am in a diet frame of mind I am usually ok to keep going.
I have decided not to go down the excercise route until I stop losing 2 pounds a week, which isn't as effective I know, but I don't want to excercise until my husband stops his early shift and won't walk in on me doing something embarrassing, that and I am a bit lazy.
Ok, so it is now Friday and i have been good, eating more fruit than anthing else, do need to drink a lot more though.
I am thinking of actually heading to the gym tomorrow morning, I discovered that my very unused gym membership expires on the 7th April, which coincides with my planned target date to reach my desired weight. After which the weather should start to improve allowing me to go out for a cycle or go out for a rollerskate with my friend, which is more interesting than jogging etc.
I am going to do an inventory of my wardrobe still, just to further motivate me. I won't try anything on though as I know what does and more likely doesn't fit.
I'm sure I read somewhere that you should only buy things if they go with at least 2 other things in your wardrobe....I'm sure no-one would buy anything if that was the case!

Good luck with getting to the gym tomorrow, and for sticking at it till April. You just need the motivation to get there, once you're there you're there aren't you :)
Epic fail on going to the gym! I woke up on Saturday and didn't feel like going, same for Sunday.
I had a bit of a strop at myself on Sunday afternoon, I went into my wardrobe and looked through my clothes to see what I have to look forward to wearing at the end of my diet and found two things which depressed me, one was a top I bought last summer in America that I have never worn even though it is gorgeous, because it fits the slim me. The other was a top I got Last Christmas (2010) which I have never worn for the same reason, which means last year was one big fat waste of time.
I know that I should be obsessing about the health benefits of losing weight and wanting to be fitter (I can't even run up and down stairs without feeling breathless). But I am obsessed with clothes and at the moment it is depressing looking in the mirror and not fitting into anything.
My husband asked me on Saturday why I wear these horrible shapeless, slightly too big grey trousers to work and don't look as nice as I do at the weekend, when I seem to make more effort. I told him that it's very simple, I have lovely trousers, skirts and dresses in my wardrobe to wear to work. I just don't fit them right now. He asked me why I don't buy some that fit. I do have ones that fit, just not this body.
I am in the zone now, I know that I will lose weight by the deadline I have set myself, but that is always the fun, challenging bit. When I get to the end I run out of steam and just go back to the way I was eating before. And I say everytime that I am not going to Yo-yo back to this size, but looking at my weight loss diary over the years I clearly see a pattern of losing it then gaining it again. It has been going on for the last 11 years, I have not maintained a weight since I had my son in 2000. I need to figure out how to maintain my weight so I am not caught in this yo-yo forever.
I think I might do a work out video when I get home tonight.
I weighed myself today and have lost 3 pounds, which is rubbish for my first week, in the past I have lost more in the first week, then average out at 2 pounds a week. must try harder.
3lb is a great loss! I'm a half a pound a week loser though at best so to me that's a 6 week slog you just did in a week :) I did lose more than I normally would this week as it's the start of the diet but from next week it'll be back to the half pound.

I know what you mean about looking in the wardrobe and just seeing all this nice stuff you used to wear, or bought and never wore, especially when you buy something nice you plan to wear to work and then never did and you go back to the old standby trousers :-( Your husband says you look nice on the weekend though and recognises you make an effort, sounds good to me :) I could just stick a black bag over my head and my bloke wouldn't notice!

Good luck for week two on the diet. Maybe try and just say you'll exercise once a week, that's all I aim for so then I know I've done something. Any more than that is a bonus then :)

The only problem with a 3lb loss is that it puts me still heavier than the last time I started a serious diet. I still have another week until I am at my normal starting point. I suppose it is my fault for really letting go at Christmas, although doe sit make a difference that I am a due a visit from the crimson fairy this week? or is that just wishful thinking!
Have nothing planned this week that can be a problem, no cinema visits or anything. I have a meal out with a fellow dieter on tues and due to the lack of any budget and the low cals I am ordereing the soup. I also have a parents evening, which prevents me from snacking in the evening on Weds. My husband is out next Saturday night and working all weekend, so I have to fend for myself, which is a good thing as he tends to cook and whilst he made healthy options this week, they can't have been that good if I only lost 3lbs first week.
I didn't get to work out last night after all, I had a problem all day with my right eye and by the time I got home it had manifested into a migraine, not fun, so I went to sleep, which didn't help but made me groggy and moody. I am such a pleasure to be around I'm sure!
I am still going, been really busy, which is good. I have now lost half a stone, which is great, but I think I am going to have to add some excercise into the program. I am planning on getting up and going to the gym this weekend, then continuing with at home excercise during the week.