The nicest compliment you have been paid

It's really lovely and uplifting to hear the compliments that people have been getting. I've lost 1.5 stone, but only a couple of people have noticed (other than my best friends who get a weekly weight loss update, lol! :8855:). I can't wait to get the kind of compliments you've all been getting!

Though I think I'd need to have some serious plastic surgery to ever be called pretty! :8855: xxx
Oh yes and my granny also called me skinny the other day too! I asked her when she was getting her cataracts out :8855:
I've had a year 11 kid come to see me after his Science exam and say "holy f***, miss you're well hot, how much have you lost". Made me giggle.

Also one of the members of the senior leadership team keeps threatening to give me an award at the end of year assesmbly, "most shrunk". LOL
OH just went to 'tap' me on the bum and got me a little harder than he intended and hit my a bone in my bum - didn't even realise it was there until now! Now to me that's a compliment - OH can't stop laughing that I can now feel a little tap as there's so much less padding!! xx