The only way is up!!


I have only recently joined this forum and found it most interesting - both enlightening and motivating. However, I just thought I'd put pen to paper to say that, even as a W8 consultant, we are not immune to life's stresses. This weekend my alsation collapsed and refused to get up - a long wait at the vet and she was booked into the Animal Health Trust at Newmarket (I live in Kent). Sat night saw me driving like a maniac to get her there and a lovely orthopedic vet admitted her and gave her an MRI scan so he could ascertain she has a crushed disc in her spine. Early on Sunday he removed the disc & surrounds and after she came round from the anaesthetic, he reckons she'll be home in a week.. Boy was it impossible not to comfort eat whilst waiting - nails were nibbled and tears shed. The only way now is up as it looks like we have her for another few years and can't wait to have her home filling the void she created in her absence. Hope you are all coping with life's challenges too and love the fact we can share through this forum.
Have a nice evening and, in case you say your prayers, be kind enough to add a little one for my pooch Sharne too, or reach out & invite me to be a friend, it's times like this that it's those little touches that matter...
Thanks, Lucy x
Sorry to hear the news about your Sharne. Has there been an improvement yet?

And it is great to have a W8 consultant

irene xx
Hi there, thanks to all that replied. Sorry to have not replied all week, but I guess we were lulled into a false sense of hope of having her home quickly. As she already has 2 false hips and is now 10, it is taking her a lot longer than everyone expected to get up. She is getting pysiotherapy and they take her out daily with 2 hoists, but she's stubborn and won't walk so my husband and I went to visit her yesterday to see if we could encourage her to try. Our presence seemed to help, but left us both bereft to see her in a worse condition than expected. They say she is a little better today and Bryan is going again tomorrow as I am working, so I'm hoping that he'll have good news when he comes home. Funny thing is, after years of having a big alsation that our vet was happy with (I suggested otherwise but everyone was adamant!), the neurologist says that she's actually overweight and that isn't helping... I explained that getting a few lbs off her won't be a programme... So nice to see you care and I do so enjoy the forum when I've got some time in the evenings, I know how you all help each other and I like to as well, but am new and only cover the North Kent area, so would hate to overlap with someone as not everyone says where they come from. By the way, noticed the info on the London meeting and would be great to pop by and say hi and meet you guys if it's open to me too - ?? I will try and find the thread now
Take Care, Lucy
So sorry to hear about Sharne, I had a similar experience with my dog when she started fitting at five months old, so know what you're going through. I hope she'll be home with you soon.
Lovely meeting you last night Lucy xx