The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

Thank you so much everyone!! If that isn't motivation for another fabulous week then I don't know what is! Seriously happy :D :D
Woohoooo! Go Stevie! Hold on to this feeling next time you fancy a cheeky Jaegerbomb..!

Your post WI splurge sounds like my kind of (pre-SW) night! I used to live next door to a chippy and I piled on the pounds even just having battered sausage and chips once a week. Peanut Butter Kit Kat Chunky is an absolute weakness of mine (a treat if I save all my syns for a day) and I love the Marvellous Creations Jelly Bean one - although I dread to think of the syns in that..! It does sound extreme when you write it all down though. At uni I used to regularly sit in my room and eat a sharing sized bag of Doritos, a sharing packet of Wine Gums and a sharing packet of Minstrels just because I was 'stressed' - I would have been mortified if anyone knew, but for some reason that just made me want to eat more.

Sounds like you've got it totally sorted with your post-WI treat. And you can ACTUALLY enjoy it, because you're making great choices to keep this winning streak going! :D
Congratulations!! On the loss, the nomination, and the fab attitude :D
My yummy treats



Thoroughly satisfied :)
Well done hun. You've been a bloody superstar this week! xx

Thank you lovely. It's been a long time in the making!! :giggle: xx
I am craving a curry!!! Might have to make one tono

Really enjoyed mine tonight, was delicious! Already looking forward to my next 'treat' next Tuesday :)
I am craving a curry!!! Might have to make one tono

Really enjoyed mine tonight, was delicious! Already looking forward to my next 'treat' next Tuesday :)
Morning campers! I'm a very happy camper indeed this morning - still on a high from last night. A fantastic loss and another nomination has really given me a boost for another great week.

Sticking to Extra Easy and 5 Syns throughout the week, so here's how today is looking...

Extra Easy

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Watermelon (S) and Strawberries (SS)

- Tesco Chilli Chicken Noodle Salad (3.5 Syns)
- Flump (1.5 Syns)

- Flattened Chicken Breast (S) topped with Tomato Puree (S), Peppers (S), Red Onion (S), Mushrooms (S) and Cheese (HExA). Served with Carrot Chips (S), Salad (Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), and Cherry Tomatoes (S)) and homemade Salsa (Chopped Tomatoes (S), Red Onion (S), Red Peppers (S) and Chilli (S))

- Mint Crunch HiFi (HExB)

Healthy A: 40g Low Low Grated
Healthy B: 1 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 5
Weekly Syns: 5 / 105
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Salsa sounds lush! And I am so so happy for you! If we're as in sync as we often believe hopefully this means a final change of attitude for me as well! haha! I am so glad you have an IG now, your food looks so yummy and its good to see your portion sizes, I need to get back on photos of everything rather than just dinner.
Definitely the motivation you needed, youll be back to you mini goal in no time! :) x
Salsa sounds lush! And I am so so happy for you! If we're as in sync as we often believe hopefully this means a final change of attitude for me as well! haha! I am so glad you have an IG now, your food looks so yummy and its good to see your portion sizes, I need to get back on photos of everything rather than just dinner.
Definitely the motivation you needed, youll be back to you mini goal in no time! :) x

Thank you hun. This week has meant a great deal to me. I finally feel like the old me is back - I am so positive and determined to do this. I feel like I've had my messing around now. Eaten and drunk everything I wanted to and now it's time to be serious again.

I have to admit that you're sounding positive too and your latest post was good to read. One thing which really stood out for me was that you're trying not to put too much pressure on yourself and just ease yourself back in - can totally relate to that! I've put far too much pressure on myself in the past and beaten myself up when things didn't go totally to plan, and honestly it's really damaging. I think your attitude and the way you're dealing wth things is fantastic! We'll both be flying towards target before we know it :)

Ahh I love IG!! I have a personal account but I never liked to post too much SW stuff as I thought people might get a bit sick. So I made a SW only account which is great because I can post as much as I like without having to worry about boring people! If people want to follow my journey then they can - and it's great to see how many people are actually interested. Have picked up some great recipe ideas and motivation from there too which is fab! Regarding portion sizes, mine are huge!! I've always been a big eater and it's great that I still can be, with just a few changes.

Best of luck tonight - will check in with you later to see how you've done :) xxx
Stevie!! Congratulations on the runner up award! Your prize was too sweet! I want those flowers, love the shabby chic accessories! And wow, was your treat jalfrezi?? That looks to die for! Also, I had so many daim bars the last couple of weeks because of your diary haha! Think i'll start using IG for SW stuff too! I can't get enough of it, it's like my hobby! Have a fab day!

PS Are the mint hifis any use? I used to get the orange ones but went off them. xxx
Ooooh I want to do that too!

I am obsessed with IG but I want a SW only one so I don't sicken everyone else!

Do you have to log in and out though all the time between them? I use the app for iPhone and that would put me off! x

I love IG too - I am hooked! I use it more than I use FB these days. You do have to log in and out to switch between accounts though. I must admit - it's very rare I use my personal account now, I use my SW account tons posting photos of my food, comparison pics, motivational quotes, etc, etc. I have had my SW account a week today and I have posted every single day - I've maybe used my personal account once, twice at most in that same timeframe x

Stevie!! Congratulations on the runner up award! Your prize was too sweet! I want those flowers, love the shabby chic accessories! And wow, was your treat jalfrezi?? That looks to die for! Also, I had so many daim bars the last couple of weeks because of your diary haha! Think i'll start using IG for SW stuff too! I can't get enough of it, it's like my hobby! Have a fab day!

PS Are the mint hifis any use? I used to get the orange ones but went off them. xxx

Ooh yey, another IG fan!! If either of you want to follow me on there, my SW account is stevielena_sw :D

My treat was indeed jalfrezi, a proper one from a takeaway!! It was divine. I mean, I've had it before but never bothered counting Syns and just scoffed it down. But last night I actually weighed out my portion and had salad with it to make sure I was getting my 1/3rd SuperFree. I actually enjoyed it more than usual, because I had worked my socks off for it and I knew it was still within my Syns. AS 350g serving is only 8.5 Syns, and it worked out at about 2/3 of a carton, which is generous!! Teamed with the gorgeous salad and boiled rice it was super filling. Plus my Daim bar of course! Yummy things they are :)

I love the mint HiFi's! They taste sooo naughty. They are probably my favourite of all of the regular sized HiFi's, and then the peanut and the berry bakewell varieties. Oooh I love them :drool: xxx
Ooh yey, another IG fan!! If either of you want to follow me on there, my SW account is stevielena_sw :D

I've set up my own food IG now too - can't wait to upload loads of pics later that I've been holding back on posting!! Yay!

I've added you Stevie, I'm Opal_Lil :)

Roll on SW food photos! Wooo!x