Princess_Stevie said:
Thanks hun! Oooh I love a good pasta too :drool: but agree with the holiday thing - I'd come back like a house end after all of their gorgeous meals..and especially the ice cream :drool: mmmmm xx

Oooh ice cream, definitely crossing it off my list now haha xx
ooohhhh I've just noticed you were on twitter, I'm going to follow you too

your friend's ex sounds like a right loony nutjob, sounds like he's well rid.

food looks great, hope you have a good weekend xx
Day 26, Extra Easy: 29/01/12

Morning everyone, hope you're all well and having a fab weekend.

I've been sooo naughty the past few days. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just haven't been able to stop picking - and all of the wrong things of course! :confused: Hoping to make up for it over the next few days with minimal Syns and lots of exercise.

Here goes..xx

=Speed (SS) =SuperSpeed

- Banana


- Chicken Breast served with a Jacket Potato and
Laughing Cow Light Cheese Triangle (1/4 of HExA) and Salad (S)
- Chicken flavour MugShot


- Chicken flavour MugShot
- Pineapple
- Kellogg's Milk Chocolate Fibre Plus (HExB)

- Salad
- Laughing Cow Light Cheese Triangle (1/4 of HExA)
- Spicy Sweet & Sour MugShot

Total Syns for the day:

Exercise: 30 minutes on Just Dance 2, 90 minutes Dog Walking


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Hi Stevie!
Just thought i'd pop by to say you're diary is great, doing so well! My munchies day was matter what i ate i just wasn't satisfied! Didn't go off plan though so thats something :D
Just noticed you're not too far from me, i'm in Newcastle xx
Hi Stevie!
Just thought i'd pop by to say you're diary is great, doing so well! My munchies day was matter what i ate i just wasn't satisfied! Didn't go off plan though so thats something :D
Just noticed you're not too far from me, i'm in Newcastle xx

Hey hun, thanks for commenting :) glad you like my diary!

Well done for staying on plan! That's really good. I went majorly off plan
:( and I'm now trying to make up for it. I think I'd be happy if I can at least manage a maintain on Tuesday. I don't know why I do this to myself every weekend - the weekend seems to arrive and I just can't stop eating/drinking, so annoying!

Do you have a food diary on here? I'd love to follow your journey and see how you're getting on xx
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:wavey: hope you have a great week x

Hi Em, thanks hun! :)

How are you? Hope you're feeling better today, I'm sorry to hear you've been poorly. Big hugs xx
Day 27, Extra Easy: 30/01/12

Morning all, hope you are all well. Can't believe it's Monday again already - the weekends just fly by!

I'm still trying to be really good to counteract my bit of naughtiness on Saturday :eek: I had a sneaky peak at the scales this morning (I know I shouldn't have) and I'd lost 1lb according to them. I'd be thrilled if I manage that by WI tomorrow, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I think I'll be pretty happy with at least a maintain :)

Going to spend some more time on the Wii tonight after tea - I did Just Dance 2 for 30 minutes yesterday morning and I can really feel it in my arms today. It just shows that it's working!

Hope everyone has a great day, and good luck to anyone with WI today xx

(S) =Speed (SS) =SuperSpeed

- Magic Porridge (HExB) with chopped Banana

- Jacket Potato with Cheese (HExA), Baked Beans (SS) and Salad (S)
Yuck - the Jacket Potato was still really hard in the middle, so I ended up leaving it!
- Cream Cheese & Chive flavour Ryvita Minis (4 Syns)
- 4 Mikado (2 Syns)

- Liver with Shallots (S) and Mushrooms (S) (2 Syns for Gravy), served with boiled Potatoes and Vegetables (S)

- HiFi Bar (6 Syns)

Total Syns for the day: 14
Exercise: 30 minutes on Just Dance 2
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- Jacket Potato with Cheese (HExA), Baked Beans (SS) and Salad (S)
Yuck - the Jacket Potato was still really hard in the middle, so I ended up leaving it!
- Cream Cheese & Chive flavour Ryvita Minis (4 Syns)
- 4 Mikado (2 Syns)

I hate it when that really look forward to a nice soft jacket. And then its like a big hard rock. :(

Hopefully your dinner will be nice.

Good luck at WI! :) xx
Can't believe we are back round to your WI day - the weeks are just flying past!! Hope you had a good weekend :) xx

I know, I can't either! I can't believe it's been a week already :eek:

I'm looking forward to class tonight, as I haven't been able to stay the last few weeks. I'm hoping for a maintain tonight and looking forward to Image Therapy. Also had a text from my Consultant this week to say she's up for an Award for Ruby Consultant, so it'll be nice to hear from her about that :)

My weekend wasn't too bad thanks hun. Was a bit naughty Saturday but hoping I've pulled it round a bit since then. Had pretty much a quiet weekend - did you get up to much? Feels like we haven't spoken in ages xx
Day 28, Extra Easy: 31/01/12

Morning everyone, hope you are well. I can't believe it's Tuesday again already! Tonight is WI for me.

I'm nervous, but looking forward to class tonight. I'm hoping for a maintain after the naughty weekend I had - anything better than a maintain would be a bonus! :) But I'm not going to get my hopes up.

Not really a lot to say this morning. Will keep you updated with my WI result tonight. Hope you all have a great day, Stevie xx

(S) =Speed (SS) =SuperSpeed

- Magic Porridge (HExB) with chopped Banana

- Ham Salad (Rocket, Red Onion (S), Red Pepper (S), Tomato (S), Mushrooms (S), Jalepenos & Sweetcorn)
- Cream Cheese & Chive flavour Ryvita Minis (4 Syns)
- 6 Mikado (3 Syns)

- 2 WW Tortilla Wraps (10 Syns) topped with Passatta (S), Red Onion (S), Red Pepper (S), Tomato (S), Sweetcorn and Cheese (HExA)
- Spicy SW Wedges

Total Syns for the day: 17
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I know, I can't either! I can't believe it's been a week already :eek:

I'm looking forward to class tonight, as I haven't been able to stay the last few weeks. I'm hoping for a maintain tonight and looking forward to Image Therapy. Also had a text from my Consultant this week to say she's up for an Award for Ruby Consultant, so it'll be nice to hear from her about that :)

My weekend wasn't too bad thanks hun. Was a bit naughty Saturday but hoping I've pulled it round a bit since then. Had pretty much a quiet weekend - did you get up to much? Feels like we haven't spoken in ages xx

I know it does feel like ages - I have been away for the weekend so haven't been able to get on here! It's really strange - it was quite a relief to be able to get back on here this morning to confess my weekends syns and catch up on everyone's diaries - really makes me think I wouldn't have been able to stick to this without minimins!!

Ooh what does becoming a ruby consultant mean?! xx
I know it does feel like ages - I have been away for the weekend so haven't been able to get on here! It's really strange - it was quite a relief to be able to get back on here this morning to confess my weekends syns and catch up on everyone's diaries - really makes me think I wouldn't have been able to stick to this without minimins!!

Ooh what does becoming a ruby consultant mean?! xx

I've just been catching up with your diary hun, sounds like you've had a fab weekend! Don't worry too much about your food/drink - the main thing is that you enjoyed yourself :) Plus, after all of that walking you've done I'm sure that'll even things out.

To be honest, I'm not too sure about the Ruby Consultant thing. I think it's just like an award for being a great consultant/having good group results/etc - she even gets a shiny sticker for it :p woop woop. She sounded mega excited on the text, so I'm looking forward to seeing her at group tonight and hearing more about it - she's so lovely xx
I've just been catching up with your diary hun, sounds like you've had a fab weekend! Don't worry too much about your food/drink - the main thing is that you enjoyed yourself :) Plus, after all of that walking you've done I'm sure that'll even things out.

To be honest, I'm not too sure about the Ruby Consultant thing. I think it's just like an award for being a great consultant/having good group results/etc - she even gets a shiny sticker for it :p woop woop. She sounded mega excited on the text, so I'm looking forward to seeing her at group tonight and hearing more about it - she's so lovely xx

Yeh I had a fab weekend - just feeling a bit uneasy as I haven't had an "official" WI sounds silly I know but hopefully I will see a loss next week :)

Oooh we all like a shiny sticker :) xx