Haha, I totally get that! I used to be like that too, I hated exercise of any form. I'm so pleased I took the plunge and joined though - I'm really hooked!! I've never enoyed exercise until I started these classes, and now I absolutely love it! Can't wait to go tonight, I'm turning into a right gym bunny.

Actually just been looking online for more gym clothes. I've been going that regularly it's been a mad rush trying to get stuff washed and dried. I am really fussy though, and all of my stuff has to be pink. I know it's not a fashion parade going to the gym, but I have grey and pink nike flex running trainings, so I like the rest of my kit to match :giggle: xx

Haha! When I done my bootcamp and running, all my clothes (actually, and my proper swimming cozzie) were black and pink :D what we like! I'm looking forward to the weather getting warmer..I love going for long bike rides for exercise! xx
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This sounds like a great idea!!! I am going to look into some classes would u recommend body combat??

100%!! It's absolutely fantastic and my favourite of all of the classes I do. I really worked up a sweat last night, which doesn't sound nice, but it was obviously working! It's really fun too. It's a lot of boxing - jabs, hooks and uppercuts - and then some kicking and knees too. And there's a really fun bit we sometimes do too, where you imagine you are fighting 5 pirates :D Sounds really cheesy, but it's a fab, fun workout.

I also like Body Pump - I think I'm doing that tonight. It's basically a weights work out focusing on lots of different parts of the body. My other favourites are CXWORX and Bums, Legs & Tums which are shorter classes but really good for toning.

You can take all of the classes at your own pace and just do what you feel you can, there's no pressure. It's definitely worth a try! I hated exercise before these classes, and now I'm there almost every day xx
Sounds good will defo look into that in my area. What is cxworx??

CXWORX is a workout which focuses on your core. It's only a 30 minute class but it's quite intense, with lots of planking and exercises with a resistance tube. There's more info about it here About CXWORX :) xx
Stevie you hit the nail on the head I feel exactly the same that one badish day ruins it all and to be honest my idea of a bad day is nt too bad if I'd let my self be logical but no I go over the top think I've ruined it all so may as well carry on , them wi day comes and I don't coz I don't want to see a gain so carry on guilt eating, so there for getting back on plan can take 2-3 weeks, I love the way you put it eating like PAC man I'm gonna remember that it seems to of hit a cord with me , thanks stevie you don't know how much your post has helped me , have a great day lovley xxx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Stevie you hit the nail on the head I feel exactly the same that one badish day ruins it all and to be honest my idea of a bad day is nt too bad if I'd let my self be logical but no I go over the top think I've ruined it all so may as well carry on , them wi day comes and I don't coz I don't want to see a gain so carry on guilt eating, so there for getting back on plan can take 2-3 weeks, I love the way you put it eating like PAC man I'm gonna remember that it seems to of hit a cord with me , thanks stevie you don't know how much your post has helped me , have a great day lovley xxx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Aww Yvonne, pleased I could help!! Hope today is a better day for you my lovely :) xxx
Got a bit mixed up with classes earlier! It was Bums, Legs & Tums and then Body Pump we were going to do. But anyway in the end we only did BL&T - my cousin had a bit of a sore shoulder and couldn't face Pump, so we just did the one class tonight. Feel like a bit of a cop out as I normally do at least two whilst I'm there :giggle: But hey, one class is better than none!

Have had a really hungry day today, and looking at my diary I've eaten quite a bit more than I normally would. After tea, for example, I made some rice pudding and had it with some mixed berries stirred through. I normally don't have puddings as the meal fills me, but I am like a black hole today. There's just no filling me! I am just taking myself to bed to watch TV with my HiFi and a drink so that I can't be naughty...
Morning diary, happy Friday! Had a lovely nights sleep last night. So much so that I didn't want to get up out of bed this morning :giggle:

It is still bitterly cold here, and we have yet more snow!! I am sick of the sight of the stuff - it shouldn't be snowing around Easter time. When I think of Easter I think of the nice green fields, baby lambs and tiny chicks - certainly not snow! Nevermind.

Off to another class tonight to stop me from going out lol! Not that I could be bothered to go out in the snow anyway. I'm doing an 45 minute Body Combat class tonight - can't wait!

I'm meant to be at a 21st party tomorrow night, but I don't think I'm going to go. I can't be bothered to get all dolled up to head out into a blizzard...not fun at all! I desperately want a good loss on Tuesday too, so I don't want to sabotage myself again. Please persuade me to stop in lol :D

Time for a change today. I'm going to have a Red day . . .

= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed


- Apple (S), Pineapple (S) and Strawberries (SS)

- Finn Crisp (HExB) topped with Cracked Black Pepper Low Low Spread (HExA) and Cherry Tomatoes (S)
- Cheese & Onion flavour Pom-Bear Crisps (4 Syns)
- Grapes

- Chicken (S) and Bacon Stir Fry (Beansprouts (S), Cabbage (S), Carrot (S), Onion (S), Peppers (S), Baby Spinach (S), Chestnut Mushrooms (S) and White Mushrooms (S))

- Special K Dark Chocolate Chewy Delight (HExB)
- 2 x Rich Tea Fingers (2 Syns)

Healthy A: 60g Low Low Spread
Healthy B: 6 x Finn Crisp & 1 x Special K Chewy Delight

Daily Syns: 6 / 15
Weekly Syns: 6 / 105

Daily Body Magic towards Gold Award: 45 minute Body Combat class
Weekly Body Magic towards Gold Award (Week 4):
150 mins / 150 mins
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Morning diary, happy Friday! Had a lovely nights sleep last night. So much so that I didn't want to get up out of bed this morning :giggle:

It is still bitterly cold here, and we have yet more snow!! I am sick of the sight of the stuff - it shouldn't be snowing around Easter time. When I think of Easter I think of the nice green fields, baby lambs and tiny chicks - certainly not snow! Nevermind.

Off to another class tonight to stop me from going out lol! Not that I could be bothered to go out in the snow anyway. I'm doing an 45 minute Body Combat class tonight - can't wait!

I'm meant to be at a 21st party tomorrow night, but I don't think I'm going to go. I can't be bothered to get all dolled up to head out into a blizzard...not fun at all! I desperately want a good loss on Tuesday too, so I don't want to sabotage myself again. Please persuade me to stop in lol :D

Time for a change today. I'm going to have a Red day . . .

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S), Pineapple (S) and Strawberries (SS)

- Finn Crisp (HExB) topped with Cracked Black Pepper Low Low Spread (HExA) and Cherry Tomatoes (S)

- Chicken (S) and Bacon Stir Fry (Beansprouts (S), Cabbage (S), Carrot (S), Onion (S), Peppers (S), Baby Spinach (S), Chestnut Mushrooms (S) and White Mushrooms (S))

- Special K Dark Chocolate Chewy Delight (HExB)

Healthy A: 60g Low Low Spread
Healthy B: 6 x Finn Crisp & 1 x Special K Chewy Delight

Daily Syns: 0 / 15
Weekly Syns: 0 / 105

Daily Body Magic towards Gold Award: 45 minute Body Combat class
Weekly Body Magic towards Gold Award (Week 4): 150 mins / 150 mins

Sounds awesome Stevie!!
You must stay in :p

Quick question, when you have stir fry what do up use as sauce? Cos I'm guessing you don't have it dry!? Or is it just soy sauce as this is free I believe? Xx
Sounds awesome Stevie!!
You must stay in :p

Quick question, when you have stir fry what do up use as sauce? Cos I'm guessing you don't have it dry!? Or is it just soy sauce as this is free I believe? Xx

Hehe, thanks lovely! :)

With the stir fry I just add lots of cumin, a little ginger, and then garlic and chilli so that there is plenty of flavour in there. And then I add just a little splash of soy sauce! I don't like really 'wet' stir fry, so it's literally just enough to add a bit of moisture so it's not dry as you say. It's really tasty! xx
Hehe, thanks lovely! :)

With the stir fry I just add lots of cumin, a little ginger, and then garlic and chilli so that there is plenty of flavour in there. And then I add just a little splash of soy sauce! I don't like really 'wet' stir fry, so it's literally just enough to add a bit of moisture so it's not dry as you say. It's really tasty! xx

Mmm sounds lovely! I've been fancying stir fry for ages!! :)
Are all soy sauces free? My mam has a peculiar looking bottle In the cupboard ha it's soy sauce all the same just not a brand I've seen before!
If not al easy pick some up :p xx
Mmm sounds lovely! I've been fancying stir fry for ages!! :)
Are all soy sauces free? My mam has a peculiar looking bottle In the cupboard ha it's soy sauce all the same just not a brand I've seen before!
If not al easy pick some up :p xx

I hadn't had it for ages but I've just gotten back into it! It's really handy for me as I won't get home from the gym until 7pm tonight, so it'll be really quick and easy to make :)

Yeah, all soy sauces are free hehe. Enjoy! xx
Food sounding good! Now Missy, you can stay in :) As you say the weather is horrible, plus you want a nice loss on Tues xx
You can stay in Stevie, this snow will certainly put you off lol its blizzardy here in bishop too! If it gets worse there will be no zumba for me tonight probably. Never mind!! Have a lovely day xx

Mmm sounds lovely! I've been fancying stir fry for ages!! :)
Are all soy sauces free? My mam has a peculiar looking bottle In the cupboard ha it's soy sauce all the same just not a brand I've seen before!
If not al easy pick some up :p xx

Lol, its probably from tesco! They do asian brands in there x
You can stay in Stevie, this snow will certainly put you off lol its blizzardy here in bishop too! If it gets worse there will be no zumba for me tonight probably. Never mind!! Have a lovely day xx

Thanks hun! Hope you manage to get to your Zumba class xx
Just imagine doing your hair to go out and going out in this, what would be the point? Stay in and stay warm!

Uck, I hate that!! I am definitely definitely not going out this weekend. I've now got the Minimins app on my iPhone too, so I have no excuse not to check in with you guys. So please give me a good telling off if I go AWOL!! xx