The really slow loss team!

Hmm chilli choc. I would like this I'm sure.

Been mega busy today. Cut the grass, weeded a massive part of the garden, washed windows, hoovered throughout, scrubbed external doors and canopy, done lots of washing, unpacked last boxes, put clothes away, cooked chicken dinner, ran around after kids and I forgot to eat except the chicken dinner but had a bottle of wine - oops. I got a new push bike today though so going to be biking on a night do hoping that helps. Monday tomorrow BOO x

I feel exhausted just reading this.
2.25 on for me this week. Deserved though as I had my first flexi syn night on Thursday and enjoyed a Chinese buffet. Starting an exercise plan today, c25k and 30ds so hopefully see some results here, In size if not on scales. I want to get to a size 12 by end of April for my holidays, am a 14 at the moment. Should be do-able I think x

Hope you enjoy the c25k, I'm half way through week 2 and loving it.

Hopefully your gain is more a temporary bloating - I know if I have anything like this over a weekend my weight is still up at WI on Tuesday, but then falls back on the Wednesday and Thursday.
Morning Peeps - Well some of the bloat from the incredibly long journey home has gone and I weighed in at 1½ lbs up from 9 days ago - a "squeak" under 12 st.
And I mean a "squeak". When I convert my kg weight to stones & pounds it comes out at 11st 13.99 lbs. :eek:
And I vowed I would never go over 12 st ever again! Phew - that's close.

That makes me 4lbs over target (after a gain of 2½ lbs during my target celebrations week) - so just outside of maintenance range.

So 100% back on plan for the next few weeks as it will no doubt take me far longer than the 2 weeks it took to gain the 4lb gain to get rid of it again.

I am going to try really hard this week as I want to be on the norty step next week as I'm going to try and lose half the gain!

Good luck with getting back into target range.
Hope everyone is having a good day.
Rkm I haven't forgotten to email you just haven't been able to get on laptop I will do it tonight x

Well I feel motivated again- finally. Feeling much better, the sun is shining and life is good. I want a decent run of losses to take me down to 10.7 by July. I didn't get chance to weigh in last week so am going to have to wait til Friday now. I know I gained last week so if I have managed to lessen that gain to a pound by this Friday I'll be over the moon. I'll update stats etc on Friday.

Pom I'm on it 100% with ya to get you back in target- we can do this! X
Hope you enjoy the c25k, I'm half way through week 2 and loving it.

Hopefully your gain is more a temporary bloating - I know if I have anything like this over a weekend my weight is still up at WI on Tuesday, but then falls back on the Wednesday and Thursday.

I'd love to enjoy running - i'm hoping i will. Fingers crossed the weight doesn't stick around long :)

Rkm I haven't forgotten to email you just haven't been able to get on laptop I will do it tonight x

Well I feel motivated again- finally. Feeling much better, the sun is shining and life is good. I want a decent run of losses to take me down to 10.7 by July. I didn't get chance to weigh in last week so am going to have to wait til Friday now. I know I gained last week so if I have managed to lessen that gain to a pound by this Friday I'll be over the moon. I'll update stats etc on Friday.

Pom I'm on it 100% with ya to get you back in target- we can do this! X

Thanks hun, and yay to feeling motivated again!! x
I'd love to enjoy running - i'm hoping i will. Fingers crossed the weight doesn't stick around long :)

Never thought I'd like it, I was one the ones who sneaked off for a cig during the monthly school cross country runs.:eek:
Morning all!

Glad to see we seem to have some motivation running through the thread again - I certainly need it!

I managed a 100% day yesterday with a total of 8 syns.

Am aiming to repeat the experience today.

Now I have no car, I am walking a lot more in addition to my cleaning jobs, however no amount of body magic seems to affect my weight unfortunately.

One lady I know says I should be a stick insect the amount of stuff I do in a day, but there you go.......

It will be nice if the sun comes out today to give us all a boost.

Have a good day girls. :)
Throw some motivation my way girls - I've ABSOLUTELY lost the plot! I'm not sure what's happened. I seem to have had a day off.....and just not stopped. I hate the way it makes me feel but for some reason I can't stop! I'm not even going to bother weighing in tomorrow :(
lisa you will find it again, honest ly you actually get fed up of eating off plan! are you eating badly as well or just off plan? i know this feeling so well, my weekends are shockers again...but luckily i am maintaining so its currently a big relief (but i wouldnt reccomend it)
When I went badly off track I found re starting my food diary on here really helped me focus. Could you give that a go ?
Hi all. Back from my big weekend away, which turned out to be very costly in terms of gain, but well worth every Disaronno and bag of crisps! I am 3.8lbs up this morning, but hoping some of that is bloat as I have EATEN over the past 4 days!!

So sorry for those who are not "feeling it" right now - I have been there and bought that t-shirt and it's not a great place to be :sigh: :( - hang in there ladies, it will be get better:bighug:and hurrah to those who have their mojo rising...... me too :D

Back on it big time this morning and hoping for a small gain by Friday if I am lucky, very strict and do lots of cycling; but if it's a biggie I don't really mind as I earned it and enjoyed it :break_diet:

Onwards and downwards all :)
lisa you will find it again, honest ly you actually get fed up of eating off plan! are you eating badly as well or just off plan? i know this feeling so well, my weekends are shockers again...but luckily i am maintaining so its currently a big relief (but i wouldnt reccomend it)

Bascially I was in London friday & obv didn't stick to plan, I made my usual meals saturday but we had family stay & out came the cakes & chocolates & it was as if it was impossible to resist. I don't even have a sweet tooth! I just wanted it. Sunday was the same, my meals were ok but I was eating rubbish inbetween. And the same last night. It's wreaking havoc on my skin, I tend to breakout on my face when I eat bad, and even that's not stopping me. I'm actually upsetting myself as I know how hard I've worked & I'm actually undoing all of it :sigh: I've always had the motivation, I know I just need a few days back on plan but can't stop the treats. Exercise helps me too but I don't sleep well & am finding I just don't have the energy.
When I went badly off track I found re starting my food diary on here really helped me focus. Could you give that a go ?

I keep my own food diary in a notepad just so that I can see where I've gone wrong if I gain, for some reason I seem happy to write down all the rubbish I'm eating & it's having no effect on my mind. It's like I've turned into a little piggy & thats just not me, I genuinely feel I've lost control of wanting to try, not good :(
Lisa, that sounds like my weekend to a tee!! you can get back on plan hun, honestly you can. It is very easy to slip especially in public celebrations or family occasions, just make sure the slips dont go past a few days and you can get back x
Lisa, that sounds like my weekend to a tee!! you can get back on plan hun, honestly you can. It is very easy to slip especially in public celebrations or family occasions, just make sure the slips dont go past a few days and you can get back x

I'm usually ok, I get it out my system & get straight back onto it. I just feel I've put on so much recently I'm completely going backwards. I've got a lot on & thats not helped at all. I think I need to set myself a personal challenge or something, and I know I need to get back into exercise. I actually love to workout, I feel refreshed after.
hi all

lisa- sorry to read your struggling hunni,i went through a couple of weeks like this when i moved and just couldnt seem to stick to it, i did put 3 pound on but it could have been a lot worse, ive since got it back off but havent been mega strict with myself as i find this has the opposite effect on my weight loss, i just take it one meal at a time now and do my best and it seems to be working. dont be so hard on yourself and get into the mindset of 'i need to be really good, no treats at all' or you wont be able to find your motivation, try cooking your fave sw friendly meal and start there, after eating it i guarantee it will get you on a roll and youll feel proud of yourself for doing it, when i want comfort food i go for sw chips, eggs and beans and have a green day so i dont have to faff with 2/3 super free. baked beans lasagna is delicious and real comfort food too. bug hugs.

well i bit the bullet today, a week and a half ago i weighed 11.9, so today i went to boots on my way past to see where i was at as im back on plan and increased my exercise , but ive had a couple of rubbish weekends and been ill etc so wanted to see what the damage was, i didnt have my usual weigh in clothes on (leggings and vest) i was wearing heavy trousers so was expecting a gain. anyway...i have sts!!! i cant believe it, im so happy. i think im being better than i think i am, also my exercise has greatly increased which has helped.. so im hoping when i do my official weigh in on friday in my actual weigh in clothes that ive lost!!! oh i hope so, that will wake me lower than ive been since having dd2. also i think the fact my periods are regulating is massively helping. i almost ate a sausageroll up town but changed my mind and waited til i got home and had a ham sandwich in nimble bread
Ah thanks Lou. I know how I can be, the same as everyone else, I'll suddenly have a bad day which turns into a week. All I need is a few good days & I'll be back on track. right now my problem is getting in the right mindset. I usually have something coming up to motivate me but I have nothing right now, time away or a wedding. Before I know it summer will be here & I'll still want to cover up! I love pasta bake as my SW comfort food, yummy :)

Well done on sts, I bet if you had your usual clothes on you would ahve lost, so well done :) Are you noticing yourself tone up from the exercise? Or your body changing shape?
My tummy seems flatter, my legs look a bit slimmer. But it's mainly more walking I've been doing rather than heavy exercise. This is how I lost my weight years ago, exercise really is key for me. Plus like I say my hormones were all over I went months without a period and in that tins u was pretty good on plan yet wasn't losing a great deal but ive had 3 periods since end November which for me is amazing and I'm noticing the weight is coming off a bit easier, my pcos symptoms have calmed down too im not half as spotty. So i think with me it os definitely hormones that hinders weight loss majorly, along with the over eating and lack of exercise of course lol. It's my friends wedding at the end of April i would love to have lost half a stone by then but I'm not pressuring myself, I find it easier to move on from the slip ups and get back on track quicker if I don't put pressure on myself.

I tried a dress on today, thought I picked a 14 up as that's what it said on the hanger and I got it on but it felt tight, I got all panicky til I looked at the label and it was a 12! And I got it on! I almost bought it for that reason lol