The Rest of My Fabulous Life Challenge

I didn't know about Alaska Barb!
Oops, sorry RD! It is our 30th wedding anniversary in September and we wanted to do something really amazing to celebrate! So we have booked a 16 night cruise. We fly to Vancouver then sail the next day up to Alaska then back via the inside passage! We should see whales and glaciers and all sorts of fab things. Really excited. On the way back we stop at Seattle, which is on our actual anniversary and then we arrive in San Franciso, ready to fly home! I want to be slim and fit for this adventure, I know I will regret it like mad if I'm not.

It is also my 50th in November and I want to be feeling fab at 50 not fat at 50! So loads of incentive to keep myself going and looking forward to the 'rest of my fabulous life!'
Oh Barb - how wonderful!! With an incentive like that, I'm sure you'll achieve your goal :)
Thanks Sam and RD, yes if that isn't incentive enough then I don't know what is!
Eeek eeeeek eeeeeeeek! Have only just seen this thread! Am going to read it, then reply!

Sorry sorry sorry

D x
Ok. Here I am! I haven't deserted you Barb!

You sound like you are doing really well, and I totally relate to it being easier at work than at home, although I've been feeling so determined that it's been OK being at home too.

So for the past 2 days I've been on plan, but not exercise wise. Bearing in mind I've been a lazy little monkey for the past 3 weeks (but have been very very good at drinking lots of wine and eating lots of potato and chocolate based snacks to soak it up ;) ) I didn't think my body would thank me for going back to work AND cycling there too! I will start again next week though, and build it up. And I walked home yesterday which takes an hour and involves some serious hills.

Food wise, I feel very relaxed. I am having the same breakfast most days (porridge with fruit made with rice milk), lunch has been different every day as has dinner. At dinner time, I am trying to serve, because OH has a habit of giving us both the same, and as he is 6ft4 with no weight problem, that is not good! I've been giving him more carbs and me more salad/veggies. He wants to lose a few pounds after christmas, but if he doesn't eat enough he ends up looking like Jesus on the cross! I'm not a feeder, I promise! I haven't had a craving for anything yet, but am adopting the rule 'If I really want it, I will have it, but I have to really want it'! All the chocolate has gone into a bag into a cupboard. I know it's there, but it's out of sight so largely out of mind. If there is no chocolate here, I go to the shops to buy it, then ANYTHING can happen.

Under 'other', I've been listening to Paul McKenna mind programming every night. I still don't know if I believe in it, but feel it can't hurt!

Phew!!! Lengthy post to make up for my relative silence!

D xx
Hi Dom, missed you, but was confident you'd be along. I am totally with you on the choc front, I am better when it's in the house but not under my nose, than when there is none about. Bonkers, aren't we?

I am adopting the same rule as you too - If I really, really want something I can have it but only if I really do. Also I am not letting one indulgence allow all the others to join in. For instance, we are out for a curry and a few drinkies tonight, so I have been very good all day; knowing I will overdo it tonight would normally signal a 'no point in being good mood' I am turning that on it's head and saying that is the very reason to be good all day and have some damage limitation!

Its minor stuff but I know it is the minor stuff that counts.

Good to hear you sounding so positive Dom, we can do this you know!
That's cool! Also, you get to really enjoy the treat or indulgence. So like this evening, my evil boyfriend brought home a bottle of wine. I've had ONE glass. I sipped it and loved every mouthful. And had ONE line of Green and Blacks Cherry chocolate. Which I loved mouthful by tiny mouthful. Then that was it! What I didn't do was think 'we're going through a bit of a nightmare at the moment, we deserve to get hammered, and may as well have takeaway, a bar of chocolate and eat foods based around pastry and fat all weekend'. I'm trying to find the 'off' button, and this evening I appear to have found it!

I'm so excited about finally achieving what I want, and seeing you (and others) do the same!
Hi Barb

Wow you're anniversary trip sounds truly amazing, i'm very jealous! lol. And i agree, what a fantastic incentive for you to lose weight.

Loving your attitude towards food and your weight loss.

Good luck,
Hi Karen

yes it is seriously exciting. It feels like a real adventure as opposed to just a holiday and I am so looking forward to it, but I know it will be extra enjoyable at a lighter weight.

Ok Dom, so you are now doing 'lines' of chocolate!! Sounds like fun, especially stopping at one. It's great to hear the enthusiasm in your post. You are definately getting the hang of this positive thinking and it really does make a heck of a difference.

I had a nice night out, good curry, too much to drink but now feel ready fro a very lean day. I actually don't like that 'over indulged' feeling. I feel full up and lazy this morning and definately on the seedy side. Not keen on that at all.

So 4 days till first weeks weigh in and I intend to make every effort to see at least a 1lb loss, but really this first week I'd like to see 2-3 off.
Good luck for the week ahead Barb - I know you can do it: and with class and style! ;)
Ok Dom, so you are now doing 'lines' of chocolate!! Sounds like fun, especially stopping at one. It's great to hear the enthusiasm in your post. You are definately getting the hang of this positive thinking and it really does make a heck of a difference.

I had a nice night out, good curry, too much to drink but now feel ready fro a very lean day. I actually don't like that 'over indulged' feeling. I feel full up and lazy this morning and definately on the seedy side. Not keen on that at all.

So 4 days till first weeks weigh in and I intend to make every effort to see at least a 1lb loss, but really this first week I'd like to see 2-3 off.

I definitely think lines of chocolate are the way to go, it is my drug of choice after all - Green and Black's is my crack!

I know how you feel about being over the whole overindulged thing. It's so horrible, and so much nicer feeling 'just right'. But it's good you had a nice night and 4 days is well long enough to see a budge on the scales!

I am not sure I will see a budge on the scales for some reason. Well, 2 reasons in reality. This feels too easy and 'pain free', and also I think TOTM must be on the way at some point in the next few weeks. But seeing as my goal is consistency, that shouldn't be a problem because it will come off eventually.

The one glass of wine and one line of chocolate lead to a major head breakthrough last night. My 2 core beliefs (it's a LL thing, so bear with the psychobabble language) are that 'I'm an all or nothing person' and that 'being moderate is mediocre'. But being able to do what i did last night, even just once, is evidence that I am NOT an all or nothing person, and I think I am slowly growing out of the second one. I was very excited for hours after realising this, and if that makes me a sad person, well bring on the tissues!
Ah ha, same light bulb moment Dom. I have always been down on myself, decided that I am all or nothing, that I can't stick to small amounts of chocolate etc.. BUT I CAN! Why is it such a shock? I don't know, but it really is. I just keep thinking to myself that if I keep w/atching the cals the pounds will look after themselves! It is the same principle as money really isn't it? You overspend and feel fed up, in so deep what's another 50quid? You don't even really enjoy the shopping cos the guilt is nibbling at your brain. Spend within budget and you buy more carefully, what you realy want or need and you enjoy the purchases without the guilt and without invading your overdraft!
I am seeing it all so clearly now. I don't have to starve or stuff, there are other choices and I am going to make the good ones.

last night we had a KFC, OH 's idea, not my fave food at anytime. I nibbled round one piece of chicken and ate about half a pck of small fries. YUK! It tasted unhealthy,greasy and horrible. It got me out of cooking, so not all bad, but I didn't want it so I didn't eat much of it. Poor OH did!

Later I fancied some ice cream, so I had it, really enjoyed, ate it slowly, enjoying the texture and the flavour. Felt totally satisfied.

This IS the way forward. I am going to go to Alaska a very much smaller Barb! Hurray!!
You're definitely onto something there Barb. I think I would've gone overboard on the KFC though - that's one junk food thing I DO like (only the wraps though).
Maybe it's the pressure of not being allowed to eat ABC that makes us want it all the more and eventually we can no longer trust ourselves (so we think) around 'banned substances'!
Even I, Mrs No Control, had a bit of a shock at my weigh in. I weighed myself just before Christmas (21st) ... no idea why - it was a horrible revelation. I was 18st 6lb and certain I'd be back at my 2006 starting weight of 18st 13lb by my CD restart in Jan. Consequently, I ate what I wanted when I wanted - no point in being careful - right? So there was no pressure to either diet nor pig-out and with the progesterone out of my system I wasn't a carb monster so I didn't have a yen to eat mince pies in vast quantities. The big shock came on Jan 4th when I hopped on the scales, held my breath ... and had LOST 5lb!
The weight itself is scary - but the fact I'd lost over the festive season was a major shock.
So I think your approach really will work because you've removed the pressure of dieting without throwing caution to the wind completely. Balance in all things - a great lifestyle :)
Ah, KFC. It always seems like such a good idea, and then always tastes like a greasy grease ball! Although RD, I can see how the wraps would be delicious!

It's lightbulbarama in here at the moment!

Had a very moderate Saturday as Saturday's go. Did make the mistake of going shopping with no food in my bag (to homebase of all places, will bore you with the details on my thread!) and felt really wobbly by the time we popped into the supermarket on the way home. So we went to the patisserie and I had a hot chocolate and 3/4 of a millefeuille (which is poncey for 'french custard slice'), but had that in place of lunch and didn't have anything else til dinner time. Just one glass of wine last night and 4 chocolate orange segments. I know to a size zero skinny minny, that doesn't seem very restrained, but believe me, my body must be in shock compared to what I am capable of putting away! Esp as I have monster PMT!

About to get the bus to Devil's dyke and go for a 'blow the cobwebs' long long walk. Love doing this, feels more like a treat than punishing exercise, but seeing as my body doesn't know the difference, bring it on!
It's lightbulbarama in here at the moment!

Blimey! You can say that again. Just caught up with this thread. Need the dark glasses back on....think I've got a migraine on the way :D
You put up with the glare KD - it's character building!

I had another breakthrough at lunchtime - family all fancied 'mum's egg mayo sandwiches' so as I am a complete sucker I agreed to make them. A very quiet voice in the back of my mind said ' barb would rather have a cheese and egg salad'; so instead of automatically doing the same for me as eveyone else I listened to the voice and made myself a lovely salad, tasty and delicous, no bread no crisps etc.. just good stuff. Felt so pleased with myself.

RD is right, so much of this is about taking away the pressure around food. It is just fuel, it can be yummy fuel but that is all it is. You wouldn't dream of pouring extra petrol in your car ' just in case'; you put in the right amount to keep the car moving. Same for us really, just a bit harder to judge what amount exactly we need to 'run smoothly'!

I like what you are doing Dom, making changes that will become habits and that WILL make a difference. You had your cake, you enjoyed it and then recognised that you didn't need a follow up lunch. Would you 'normally' have had one? I know in situations like that I would have but, like you, I now think about it and that is what is going to make the pair of us suceed at this challenge.
You had your cake, you enjoyed it and then recognised that you didn't need a follow up lunch. Would you 'normally' have had one? I know in situations like that I would have but, like you, I now think about it and that is what is going to make the pair of us suceed at this challenge.

But of course. For the extra vitamins, you understand :rolleyes: Not anymore though. I think I get just enough vitamins!
Hi Barb, just checking in! I'm fine, a bit grumpy, cold and hormonal with a serious munchy head on, but coping!