The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

thanks night owl, I'm trying to give myself a break, anyone on the positive side , have managed to sole source all day and even to stay awake long enough to watch film and chat with hubby, I'm normally in bed at 9.30. family day tomorrow, mum and dad coming over before jetting off to new zealand, hope I'm doing things like that in my 70's cos can't afford to do it now
Night all
It is indeed lovely Frances! I have never owned so many belts hehe! My bum seems to haev shrunk all of a sudden!!! Waiting for my thunder thighs to go next! x
hi guys. had a lovely day today, my best mate came round with her toddler this morning and my mum and dad also came, they get on great together as we have had some traumatic times together (my mate was beaten up by her ex (and now dead) husband) - its lovely to see her now so happy and settled with new husband.
Then I took my mum to see my lovely hairdresser and he's made her look fab, then we went clothes shopping and I was able to get a size 12 top and size 14 trousers (george at asda but who cares) I have a stone to go till I'm considered normal but I felt quite normal today for a change. Have SS's all day, need to drink some more water as have been a bit busy, and now as its Thurs, its my best tv night with final series ever of er and new series of brothers and sisters, which I get to watch in peace in bed. Then hopefully going to brum tomorrow on the last day of my annual leave. Get weighed tomorrow so we'll see how its gone this week
hi guys, well after a lovely day yesterday it all went tits up. decided I was starving and ate, and have continued to eat including chocolate, carbs, roasted veg, salad and couscous. Having great difficulty going to the loo, does anyone know if its ok to take fibresure rather than the cambridge one as need something to take now rather than waiting till I see my CDC on monday. Am not proud of myself and am getting back on ss from now. I tend to have this problem when I'm on holidy from work and don't have a structure to my day. Also when I'm working I'm usually asleep by 10 whereas the evenings are where I have done my most damage this week. Fortunately I am back at work tomorrow and only off monday which is when I am seeing my cdc so that should keep me on the straight and narrow. Wish me luck!
Have posted my weight and as I'm not in ketosis I have only lost a pound (in fact I've put on 3lbs since the 13th , hopefully its my glycogen stores and will go as quickly as it came.)

188lbs (13 st 5 lb)starting weight
172lbs (12 st 4lb) last week 9th jan
171lbs (12st 3lb) 16th jan - so 1lb only for me this week (not surprisingly)
my mood is changing like the weather at the moment, was feeling all motivated earlier and now feel like going into hiding. I feel so ashamed at my inability to stick at this particularly when I can see the results on a daily basis and can buy clothes from normal shops etc. I said a couple of hours ago that I was starting again and then went back to eating.

So I am putting this in capitals so that I can shout at myself


I'm still feeling really fed up with myself and need a good kick up the ass
:badmood:gotta shake off this mood, maybe its the thought of going back to work tomorrow although I'm banking on it to save my weight loss
has anyone else got a mardy stroppy teenager that would be willing to swap notes. Mines turned into a nightmare (male, almost 15, hobbies sleeping 18 hours a day, unable to disconnect himself from xbox and when he does he transfers to the ps3, unable to bring cups, plates and glasses downstairs) although he can be charming when he wants something
hi there Jayne, can't help with the stroppy teenager but I know what you are going through dietwise -- it's the "nearly-there syndrome". I have been stuck at 11 stone 12 lbs since the start of December. Everyone keeps remarking on the difference, I only have to lose about another 10lbs and I can apply to become a CDC, I know I am not there yet as it looks to me that my shrinking hips and waist actually accentuate my rounded, stickyouty tummy, and yet the scales won't flipping move!

But, the good news is that I tried on a size 12 jeans in New Look today and they FITTED! Thankfully they were only a tenner as I had to buy the first ever size 12 to fit didn't I? Came home and tried on my 15 year-old black 501's (30 inch waist) and although tight, I was able to button them up! So fingers crossed for Wednesday that the scales will have moved again and I am back in the land of losing!!

hi jayne... dont beat yourself up. i have been in a REALLY low mood the last couple of days. and quite frankly all i wanted to do was curl up in bed all day with a mass of food. but i have managed SOMEHOW to stick to cd, and i am starting to feel better for it, so just bear that in mind.

i still feel a bit pants but i have a feeling i have been knocked out of ketosis somehow, as im starting to feel rubbish like i do on the first few days of CD.

you can do it jayne.. jus keep the end goal in sight...i have loads to go but im taking it stone by stone. and Gem has been a really great support as well (thanks Gem)
hi girls, just a quick post as I am on my lunch break sitting here with my shake and have been ok so far, like I said I don't have time to cock it up when at work. Feeling more positive today. Won't be on here really till monday so wish me luck
jayne x
aww you're very welcome Taryn! i'm here for whoever needs me lol

jayne, i won't wish you luck because there is no luck involved. i just know you will be coming back on monday with a success story! x
Jayne, you've stuck to ss successfully before so I know you can do it again. I know what you mean about it being the days when your out of your routine that you struggle the most. i'm the same. If I'm not busy its when the cravings start.
Frances thats fab getting into a size 12 well done you! I bet your made up.
I've been to the gym again today I actaullay enjoy it once i'm there. I'm wanting to keep up with going twice a week.
I was hoping for a boost in my weightloss come Monday, but my body is messed up at the minute and my totm arrived 2 weeks early grrrrr. Fingers crossed I still get a loss. X x x
Managed to get to the gym today -- first time in ages -- burned 250 cals so feeling positive. I think twice a week is a realistic amount to aim for. I just get so caught up in work in the week I can't face it, but I will try, anything to get those scales moving again.

Hope you're all having a good weekend.
hi everyone!! hope you are feeling all groovy..

i am feeling much more positive now. but i tell you what.. im constantly chilly on this diet!! haha .. perhaps the shivering will burn off some extra cals:8855:

think im going to have a bit of a pamper session tonight make me feel a little bit more glam and snuggle down with a hot water bottle and my last litre of water.

well girls, we won't be winning the challenge this week. our percentage was 0.57% but we should still be proud!

the loser of the week was me yay! with 1.37%

hi guys, have updated my tickers and as you will see I have done some damage over the last few days. However rather than lie to myself and you guys I am taking responsibility for my actions and will achieve my goals. I have started again this morning and am seeing my CD this evening. I will do this, I may have messed up our figures and I'm sorry about that but I will do better for next week. i also still intend to meet my 1st feb goal I just need to work really hard at it now and get in a few gym sessions. I really appreciate all your support. I'm beginning to realise that its not when your doing ok that you really need it, its at times like this. Sorry to be maudlin