The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Hey Gem, don't worry about that pesky lb it's only water. The black cords are packaged up and will go tomorrow. They'll cheer you up!

Managed to lose 2lbs this week.
Last week: 162lbs
this week: 160lbs

Big date on Saturday. Wish me luck!
hi guys.. im really sorry.. but im going to hve to give up my place on the team. at the minute things are manically busy and i havent had time to post or come on here at all! in fact im only on here in a rare quiet minute at work!!

really sorry to let you guys down. but i dont feel that i can stay on the team when it could be weeks before i get chance to log on again!!

sorry guys xxxxx
I know how you feel Taryn, I only get on here once a week now :(

Lost 3lbs this week whoop whoop!!! And it was only 5 days yay!!! xxx

Start: 305lbs
Last week: 211lbs
This week: 208lbs

Gem x
time for me

hi all, well, where to start.
I have had a massively hectic couple of weeks ending in us having our Local education authority visit on Thursday, as we educate our son at home (long story, he hated school, was potentially going to get excluded, they said we should take responsibility for him, funny I hadn't thought of that!! so we decided to home educate) now he's nearly 15 it does have its issues, have you tried to get a 15 year old to do homework, well then you know.
Anyway that went ok, and then my folks have gone on a 6 week trip to singapore, sydney, new zealand and then Hong Kong. its really weird as we have never lived in each others pockets but they've only gone yesterday and I'm missing being able to pick up the phone and just chat. - not upset about it, but gave me a jolt in my tum when i thought that they're in their 70's and its only a holiday but at some point they're not going to be there.

Anyway back to more important things like MY WEIGHT - I'm intending to start back on sole source tomorrow, I was doing great on 1000 but have slipped and slid into bad habits. I'm going to give it till i'm in ketosis till I weigh myself as I'm quite horrified at how quickly it goes on when your not watching

I'll let you know
Hiya girls, hows everyone doing? I've had a mega busy weekend with both fils and my Dads birthdays. If people want me to post weigh in results for the team next week then please can you all pm me with your start weight your weight last week and your weight this week so that I can work out the percentages. I couldn't do it this week as i don't have everyones stats. Thanks X x x
New picture...

Well, here is my 7st (almost) lost picture:


Gem xxx
Woohoo Gemma look at you! Love the hips and the curves...........and you don't look overweight anymore!!!! You look like someone who could maybe lose a stone but not overly overweight! Yay you! Glad the trousers nearly fit already, you'll be in a 16 in no time!!

I gotta dash as I'm on deadline. Won't be around much this weekend but just to say I lost 2lbs this week!

last week: 11 6
this week 11 4!

Have a great weekend everyone and stick at it, it's so worth it!!
thanks guys, i feel great!!! i have so much more confidence and i am so happy :D

CD is playing havoc with my stomach lately. i'm in so much pain :( x
Good morning guys. Here are the results of this weeks challenge I hope I haven't missed anybody:

Jayne +1.18%
Frances -1.20%
Gem -1.42%
Jen -1.47%

Well done Gem on a fab 3lb weight loss. I really can't believe your determination to stick at ss for this long you really do deserve a medal.
Frances wd also for your 2lb lossn fab!
Jayne you have had so much going on that i'm sure all of your hardwork will pay off on the scales next week. Our total % of weight loss as a team was 0.73% so i don't think we'll be winning any prizes lol.

On another note I'm going to have to say goodbye to you all. As you all know i've been following cambridge since early August and I have been on 810 for a couple of months now, but the hunger was really getting to me. I took the decision to move onto ww on thursday as the hunger pangs were driving me crazy, I really couldn't concentrate or anything. My body was just crying out for more calories.
I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support over the last few months, it really has been invaluable. I'll still pop on to see how you are all getting on and you will have to pop over to ww and post on my diary. I think its going to be a slow process losing those last 10lbs but I needed to listen to my body and if it takes 3 months to lose those pesky 10lbs then so be it.
Thanks again everyone. Speak soon love Jen X x x
wow it's gone quiet on here!!!

i had a fantastic valentine's weekend away at alton towers with Mike and guess what!!!! I FIT ON ALL THE RIDES!!!!

i remember going about 3 years ago and being almost too fat for Air...they had to smack the restraint into place as my belly was in the embarrassing!!! but this time it did up no problem and even clicked in twice! amazing!!!

i came off the diet for the weekend as i was suffering severe tummy troubles and wanted to get some proper food in me. it doesn't appear to have done much damage but we shall see on monday when i get weighed! xxx
Hi there,
Best of luck Jen with that last 10 lbs, do pop in and tell us how it is going as I too am coming up to that last stone bit!

Gem, I don't understand why you are getting these pains. CD shouldn't do that to you. If you CDC already hasn't given you some advice I would go to the doctor. I don't remember having anything like that.

Weigh in tomorrow. Not holding out that much hope as I have been picking. It is so hard when people keep telling you how good you look and how I have have lost enough now. It is doing my head in as my brain is getting all these mixed signals -- like "eat, don't eat, stick at it to your goal, maybe slow down the losses, you look fine as you are, you deserve a treat for getting to where you are etcetc!"

They do say that the last stone is the hardest and I am coming up to there now. I may even stop at 10 and half stone depending on how I look when I get there. I don't know how it will be until I get there and I am pretty sure I want to get to 10 stone to get my BMI under 25.

But for now I am hanging on in there because I am convinced that my tummy will be the last to go and as long as I carry excess fat it will sit there. Upped my gym programme and now I do some jogging! Only for 2 minutes at a time, but hey, I never thought I see the day that I would be jogging!!!
I haven't been taking the fibre Frances so it's my own fault really! But I am fighting fit again and back on CD so all is well. I think I have gained about 3lbs but not getting weighed officially until Monday so I have time to lose that.

Must get drinking the water!!!! x

Ooh new pic!


Gem x
Oh my God! I have turned into a shopping monster! I can't stay off eBay! I have spent a fortune on there over the past couple of weeks! Mind you it makes a change to be able to buy nice clothes!

There is nothing for it but to spend my days off this week listing all my big clothes on there to make some money back!!! x
Oh Gem, what a transformation! You look FAB! :wow::wow::wow:Good enough to eat, only I'm on CD and it would break my diet lol! You really are such a success I always knew you would be! Why do you think I joined this team! I knew then you were gonna do it and I wanted to be on the winning side!

Stayed the same this week (11 st 4) but I am OK about it as I have had some nice steady weight losses for last few weeks when I wasn't expecting them. Also, I have upped my gym programme and may well be building up a bit of new muscle as I can really feel them afterwards! And as for me jogging.....I never thought I'd see the day!

We gonna look for some new members? Think we ought to have a full ship again soon in order to maximise our race to goal and keep up our momentum coz you Gemma are soon gonna start having the problem I have been having -- nice problems as they are, that people start telling you how FAB you look and you start enjoying new clothes........and it get hard when you ain't so desperate to lose. Maybe let's do a headcount over the next week or two and see who's in?

Meanwhile you enjoy shopping -- you deserve a few treats for all your hard work!
I know what you mean Frances, my losses have slowed right down now anyway.

I'm feeling a bit disillusioned with it all but I don't want to give up as I still have so far to go.

I need a kick up the bum!!! x
What's happened?

What's happened to our team?

Jan seems to have disappeared! Jayne has gone quiet!

None of us seem to be about much now :(

Very sad...I don't know about you but I need all the support I can get right now as I am in danger of ending up where I started! I feel so fed up with it all. I mean I look in the mirror and think that I look good, but I don't feel good. I feel like I still have so far to go and I just cannot be arsed! I know it's harsh but that's how I feel.

Can someone give me a good kick up the backside please??? Hehe xxx