The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

The failure has landed!!!

Well as you may have guessed, the restart did not go to plan. I am so stressed lately! Have 2 essays due in next week. I have done one and doing the other this weekend.

I am planning to start 1000 plan this weekend. If I don't manage that then I think I will have to realise that CD isn't for me anymore.

Sorry guys for letting you down again :cry:

Yes, I had guessed, but just so glad to hear from you. Will you stop being so hard on yourself, and you are letting no one down. Work and performance stress is a BIG factor in all our lives and you cannot go on such a demanding diet unless everything else around you is stable and cool. I know when I started SS+, back in June 2008, I cleared the decks workwise for a week, so that I could focus completely on getting my head around the diet, and just sleep if my head was playing up with the head hunger etc.

Have a go at 1000 cals at the weekend by all means. You might even find that it helps with the stress of essay writing to be in control of what you eat. It might even clear your head a bit. But if you need to snack to meet your deadline do NOT think you have failed, it is just not your priority at that moment in time, your essay deadline is, that's all. And certainly do not believe that CD is not for you. Maybe SSing isn't, but for every meal that you have a meal replacement instead of something carby and calorie-loaded, lacking in the same nutrients CD gives you, then, the way I see it, you are ahead of the game. Little steps Gem, little steps. I lost all my 5 stone and 4lbs on SS+. I didn't SS for a single day. The laws of physics, or whatever, say that a woman will lose weight on anything less than 2000 cals a day. Never forget that. If you chose to do it a pound a week on 1500 calories a day, that is still losing, not sts or gaining, and you are still ahead of the game.

Hang in there, and STAY IN TOUCH!
Lots of love
Well said Frances! See how you get on this weekend Gem. Good luck!
Helen xx
Eek, haven't been on for a couple of days. Ate some scrambled egg (CDC said its high in protein so there's no reason why not) and I just ate a chocolate button. Evil little *******. So starting afresh tomorrow, got weighed by my CDC - 11.5! Woo, so not going to weigh myself till like Sunday or something so I'll hopefully be less then 11.5, and I won't feel so guilty about eating if I don't see how much I put on :p

Hope everyones great :)

Oh and I measured myself, definitely 5'8. Oops :p
Couldn't give in and weighed myself...
I haven't gained a pound! Yay! Definitely motivated me to stay on track from now on.


Hope everyones doing great :)
Glad you gained your height back lol! I always say I am not overweight just vertically challenged. You'll be fine with a bit of egg. I occasionally have an egg when I can't face any more chicken or tuna. Pure protein and contrary to what they used to think, they do not raise your cholestrol.

Did a phenomenal amount of exercise today. A hour's swimming lesson followed by a 20 minute (gentle) jog. The 45 minutes practising in the pool this afternoon and another 45 minutes swimming this evening!!! That's 2 and a half hours' swimming and a jog!! Better have lost some weight on Wednesday!
Need an early night, now I realise how much I have done!
Two more half hour lessons and then home tomorrow. Yay!
Couldn't give in and weighed myself...
I haven't gained a pound! Yay! Definitely motivated me to stay on track from now on.


Hope everyones doing great :)

You don't need scales, woman, I could have told you fact I think I just had, but couldn't get there fast enough lol! What are you like! "I ate a Button!" If it is less than 5 it doesn't count -- everyone knows that!
Hehe, it was a giant chocolate button so it has to count for at least three :p
And wow! Thats a load of exercise, been very lazy this week :( But its been cold and I haven't had the energy, lol. And good to know :) I think I'll be doing two CD shakes a day and some scrambled egg for dinner. I can't live without eggs, lol.
So I posted this earlier on, but as I was on my Iphone, I didn't see I had posted it on the general CD Team forum and not here.:rolleyes: So I'll copy and paste I guess:
Well, so far so good - on end of day 4 and boy was it hard!!! I had the family over for lunch today and cooked a fab meal - but just wanted to reach out and eat it all BUT I didn't and had a veggie soup instead ha! Then we went out walking/roller blading with the kids and I actually felt better. I still have problems with drinking my water, and I think the reason I've had food cravings is really coz I'm bored.

I went and peeked at the scales, and it's -10lbs so far so I've lost the 7lbs from my time-off in NY +3 more - I have 3 days until weigh-in, so maybe I will have 2-3 less to report, we'll see. I do feel good about not giving in to the food-monster though! :D

Well Done, 10lbs is a Brilliant loss & by the sounds of it your gonna lose more, Good for you!

Your a star for not giving in to food, I find it really difficult, At Mine & Keiths house there is always some kind of goodies in the house, They shout my name you know, cheeky little F@ckers!
I have such a sweet tooth its shocking.
You should be proud of yaself for fighting food! :D

The failure has landed!!!

Well as you may have guessed, the restart did not go to plan. I am so stressed lately! Have 2 essays due in next week. I have done one and doing the other this weekend.

I am planning to start 1000 plan this weekend. If I don't manage that then I think I will have to realise that CD isn't for me anymore.

Sorry guys for letting you down again :cry:

Hun, Dont you think you are letting us down, CD I think is a hard enough diet without excess stress in your life, if you have priorities then CD needs to take a back seat, No-one is gonna think any less of you! You do with what you feel is right.
Try 1000cals, I find OSS makes a huge difference to my hunger.
Just Keep posting, it helps to talk chick. xx :D

Yes, I had guessed, but just so glad to hear from you. Will you stop being so hard on yourself, and you are letting no one down. Work and performance stress is a BIG factor in all our lives and you cannot go on such a demanding diet unless everything else around you is stable and cool. I know when I started SS+, back in June 2008, I cleared the decks workwise for a week, so that I could focus completely on getting my head around the diet, and just sleep if my head was playing up with the head hunger etc.

Have a go at 1000 cals at the weekend by all means. You might even find that it helps with the stress of essay writing to be in control of what you eat. It might even clear your head a bit. But if you need to snack to meet your deadline do NOT think you have failed, it is just not your priority at that moment in time, your essay deadline is, that's all. And certainly do not believe that CD is not for you. Maybe SSing isn't, but for every meal that you have a meal replacement instead of something carby and calorie-loaded, lacking in the same nutrients CD gives you, then, the way I see it, you are ahead of the game. Little steps Gem, little steps. I lost all my 5 stone and 4lbs on SS+. I didn't SS for a single day. The laws of physics, or whatever, say that a woman will lose weight on anything less than 2000 cals a day. Never forget that. If you chose to do it a pound a week on 1500 calories a day, that is still losing, not sts or gaining, and you are still ahead of the game.

Hang in there, and STAY IN TOUCH!
Lots of love

WELL SAID!!!! ;);)
Well guys I decided to Weigh In early as I will be at Keiths the weekend so Scales wont be the same, I weigh myself in exactly in same spot in my room! lol

Well I Lost 9lbs in 6 days................................:D

Last Week 12.11lbs
This Week 12.2lbs

So quite happy with that considering I am having OSS every day.

Well yesterday I had my tattoos re-worked on.. Just very sore today! :rolleyes: So hoping they heal before the 1st xmas party.

Today my Avon order is due, Big order this one everyone has gone mad with their xmas shopping, me included, lol..

Will try and get on later. xx

hiya kelly

you ok, you will be back to goal in no time at all!! Do you still see Christine with your shakes! If you do when does she come through to hartlepool. I go to julie at the salvation army on a monday night.

keep going
helen x
Thanks guys,

I'm just so sick of trying and failing. I really don't know why I find it so hard! I can go all day 100% but then it gets to the evening and I eat. It's not like I even have to think about it. I just do it. I never used to do that. I used to have a fight with myself and I always won in the sense that I didn't cave in. Now it seems like the voice in my head telling me not to eat and why I should remain 100% has buggered off on holiday somewhere leaving me to stuff my face!!!
Thanks guys,

I'm just so sick of trying and failing. I really don't know why I find it so hard! I can go all day 100% but then it gets to the evening and I eat. It's not like I even have to think about it. I just do it. I never used to do that. I used to have a fight with myself and I always won in the sense that I didn't cave in. Now it seems like the voice in my head telling me not to eat and why I should remain 100% has buggered off on holiday somewhere leaving me to stuff my face!!!

OMG, I can relate to you so much as I can go 100% all day then on a night thats when I find the diet really hard! I have little sugar free chubba chubb lollies everywhere for when I need a sweet fix, It stops me from cheating, At the end of the day its dark, lol, No seriously if you eat on CD its not the end of the world you just brush it off and start again, dont beat yaself up about it, I have re-started CD lots of times and wished I didnt cheat & mess about every time but hey ho I did..

I havent been 100% this week, I have had OSS, Chubba Chubb lollies and a few other bits, I am not in Ketosis & I have still lost 9lb, Just drink the water chick it does make a difference...

Keep smiling Hun, I know exactly how ya feel. xx
Well done everyone for becoming the biggest losers:D

soz for not being around. been on nightshifts this week and don't tend to come online.

went for my weigh in this morning and have lost 3lb this week. I am pleased with this.

810 plan is going well and really not feeling the need to stray off which i am well chuffed about.

Looked back my LL weigh in card as my numbers weren't adding up.....she gave me an extra 1lb loss in my first week:eek: thats a bu**er as i thought i had reached my 2st this week:cry: never week!
They weigh you in kg and just write what that is in lb's at the side.

Thankfully CD weigh in st and much easier for me to follow lol.

Gem, can't you keep your bars for evenings?

I have my chicken and veg for my tea and make a milky coffee and have my bar later on. Keeps me going and gives me something to look forward to.

Well done on all the losses, keep up the good work girls x
Thanks Kel!

I don't have any bars sunshine. I only have chocolate tetras and I can't afford to buy any new packs at the moment.

I keep beating myself up. I really need to address my binge eating because that's what is undoing my hard work!

Oh well, here's to another crack at it! x
Can you afford to binge, Gem? It just wastes your packs? That is one thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow. As you know chocolate is my only weakness and that's what I tell myself when I am standing looking at a Galaxy bar in the shop.............."Buy that and you may as well throw £40 away." I don't know. With your Miss 100% Angel being on a hols, and being no help, I just thought this thought might help?

I don't know what to advise as we seem different. You seem to be an "all or nothing" girl while I don't like extremes. As Kel says, we all eat off plan from time to time (and yes, it does always happen in the evening!), but the difference is we just draw a line under it and carry on with the diet next day, whereas you feel if you are not doing it 100% you may as well knock it on the head. That's not true Gem. The tetras provide you with 500 calories a day. Even if you eat another 500 calories of crap, you are still only on 1000 cals and you will still lose weight. It's just slower, that's all. Obviously, it is better if you can stick to it, but don't get so down on it, just keep going and eventually Little Miss 100% will come back from wherever she is skiving off!

A big well done on the losses! Who knows, maybe we'll win again!
What day of the week do we post our losses?

Not entirely sure, but me and night-owl both have our weigh in on Wednesday...i think?

Lost another pound today! 11.2!! Getting closer and closer to the 10s! And only 10lbs to lose until the next stone is gone. Seems my diet of 2 CD shakes and some scrambled egg is working :)

Hope everyones doing great!!