The skin thing

Well your experience is certainly unique and you're right, no one knows. All I can say is, when I freak out about loose skin -and that's often after 130lbs lost- I remember something I once heard a plastic surgeon say which is "elasticity and the ability skin has to retract to fit a new body is very personal and depending on many factors, no one can predict it but a good rule of thumb is that no surgeon worth their salt would operate to remove skin any sooner than 6 months after weight loss so that it has a fair chance to go back".

I've seen skin I thought I would always have loose retract -my arms for instance, I wanted to cry every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror thinking losing all the weight was useless since I still couldn't ever show my arms!- but at the same time it's been a good few months and my tighs still look terrible so there's really no telling.

The way I figure it.... even if skin hangs from everywhere, you'll be at your goal, target weight, you'll feel great, live longer, look great clothed and heck on the beach yeah you'll wear the flaps as scars of war and they still won't make you look as bad as you did at your heaviest!
It cost a bit under £10k privately. As I understand it skin will tighten up, but if you've got something like an "apron" it aint going to dissapear on its own. And it does vary from person to person. I didn't attempt the NHS route because I was lucky enough to be able to fund the cost. People I know who have attempted that route say it's a postcode lottery, you'll often wait for years, they'll only do the tummy etc. I also wanted it done now because I'm very into sports and fitness and want to be able to start swimming and be able to plan when this training interruption will take place, and do it in a way that people at work wont know.

The NHS took out a massive (30cm) ovarian tumour a few years ago and will be getting my gallbladder next year so I can't blame them for not jumping to do cosmetic surgery.
Yeh true. i agree that cosmetic surgery should be well down on the list, but it would be nice of the nhs was more hoenst about it and why some takes longer than others.
The NHS took out a massive (30cm) ovarian tumour a few years ago and will be getting my gallbladder next year so I can't blame them for not jumping to do cosmetic surgery.

Tch. Take take take, that's all the NHS do. And you know what they do with it? Toss it in the incinerator! They don't even mount it on the mantelpiece or frame it!

Doctors these days!

Yes id quite like a tumour on my mantlepiece. So I could laugh at its feeble attempts.......... not knowing that secretly it is laughing abck as it knows its son is in me slowly killing me.
The humour got quite dark here, all of a sudden... lol.

I've lost 10 stones too. Yes I have loose skin, particularly underarm, tops of thighs and tummy. Boobs sag too these days, although compared to some I've seen after huge weight loss I am fortunate indeed.

I'll wait to see how things turn out but if in, say, a year's time things are no better I might ask for a referral to an NHS surgeon. I've kept most of my weight loss off for 9 years so that might help.

Having said all that body improvement surgery is still major, and carries risk. This is my fear - that I might be left scarred or uneven, all lumps and bumps or... far worse. It happens, so there is no point in pretending a lovely outcome is assured.

Good luck to all those awaiting surgery. The area I am most worried about now is actually my face, because it is here I see a difference I can't hide behind clothes. I look older. Not hugely, but older. More lined all of a sudden.

I can't afford private surgery of any kind but if I have to borrow money for one procedure it might well be a face-lift!
Thanks for bringing us back on track girlygirl1. Congrats on the weight loss and even bigger congratulations on the long maintenance period! May you keep it off forever!

About the face... I hear you. I always loved my face, I was quite pretty even when the size of an elephant if I say so myself :) however it seems this largely changed... I look gaunt and with lines, not younger as all claimed I would once I lose the weight but the contrary.

Uh well it's worth it.
I like to thinik I still ahve a pretty face despite being chubby. The hope is to get the body as pretty as the face ;)