The start to my 7 stone loss!!

Im half on my feet lol. Time will fly with the company on here, even though i only seems to speak direct to you lol xx
Lol you can speak to me anytime you like hun I like a good blether - I may talk rubbish but it might keep ya laughing :D
Lol you can speak to me anytime you like hun I like a good blether - I may talk rubbish but it might keep ya laughing :D

Good to know.. oh i can be the same haha. Or i just dont shut up! lol

Today been ok-ish.
B- Banana, toast(heB)
D- pot noodle (5)
T- New york chicken, salad, chips, coleslaw(4) cheese.(heA)

feels like ive had a bad day but writing it down i havent :/

I got weighed Monday and said id gained 1 stone 11lb :sigh: But i know thats a lot of swelling, water, weight of my leg brace etc. I had a look today and says -11lb :)
I know its not 100% accurate as it is from swelling and water tension going down, but is from been back on track too.. Im just happy the numbers going back down. When i get back to class when im able to get into the car and walk more than a few meters! (hoping end April) That il be back to my previous weight before surgery or even less :D Then il be very happy. An il be able to continue the rest of my journey :)
Exactly so im not worrying (yet) haha.. Thanks all thanks to hubby :) i made the chicken bacon bbq before hand (freezed meal) but rest hubby did and was very nice!!

Beef goulash tomorrow i think...
Id have to make and freeze everything if I had to rely on OH to cook lol hes no chef thats for sure

lol mines not too bad just makes it easier on him :)

Had delisious potato salad for dinner, having pork pasta for tea! Think will need to add some more sauce though seems pretty dry
Had lemon & herb chicken burgers with lots carrot/pea/cauliflower/broccoli mix. and chips. Wasnt too bad, burgers were nicer whe cooked before, but defrosted and re heated they went pretty dry so wont be doing them as a freeze meal again...

Ive been busy looking at my chart & stats of weightloss i have on excel....
Before surgery i lost my 5.5st award by 3lb :/ oops. Then after surgery i gained another 17lb,(i know alot is water/swelling/weight of brace) But 1st week home and on track i lost 13lb. :D
so now im dead on 5st loss, Which makes me feel good knowing in 7lb off what i was and 1st to get my 6stone award which im hoping to get by Jacobs 2nd birthday (1st June) Bring it on :D :D

(sorry im obsessed with my weight and working 'stuff' out lol)
Hi Jess - thats good going so soon after surgery hun very well done. I have a feeling you will have your 6st before June :D
Hi Jess - thats good going so soon after surgery hun very well done. I have a feeling you will have your 6st before June :D

Hiya, Im very surprised how well that first week went. Some is from dieting, and obviously the rest from some of the swelling going down...
I really hope i do get it before then :D but i dont want to be pushy and end up messing myself around. Only got our 5th Wedding anniversary, my friends daughters 2nd birthday and nieces 2nd birthday before June but i will so plan around these. ive got 9 weigh ins to go. Half will be at home then rest at SW class. So id absolutely love it if i could go back to class & weigh less then before i left :D
Your determined hun, so you will do it. My C always says to us - how bad do you want it?? do you want the food/drink/bad stuff or do you want the weight gone

Theres only 1 answer isnt there, so yes I feel you will do it before June hun. x
aww thanks it really helps also when people believe in me :)

I enjoy the naughty stuff within my syns + the weight loss hehe
Dont forget you also have to believe in yourself hun - you do amazingly well and have some mega losses, so you know you can do it and you should be proud.

I love the naughty stuff lol - but whereas Id go stupid with naughty stuff before, If I go over now I reign it in because I want a weight loss more
yes im proud :)

I too prefer the excitement of the loss each week other than eating something for few mins, then regretting it! :)

Only difference is once swelling has gone the losses wont be to great with exercise since its only walking to the toilet an back about 5 times a day lol
Good day again today,
B - Banana & weetabix
D - Fry up (2syns for sausages)
S - Banana and orange shared with Jacob
T - Will be having cornbeef hash, 2syns i think. need to check again.

Realized the past 2 days ive been forgetting to have my healthy extra A :/ so i WILL have milky hot chocolate later on tonight :)
didnt end up having it, decided to have some philly cheese with my chips as a dip. Hmm :)

Feeling ok, having one of them feel rubbish bla type of days. Want to jump in shower but cant, want my bed upstairs but cant and so on. But pain is getting better :)
Tomorrow il have my fake shower in kitchen, get freshened up. And going to bake some cupcakes with Jacob for something to do together. So shall be messy but fun! I so miss the day to day things i did with him & i miss tidying my house lol. I guess i enjoy tiding and seeing my nice sparkly house :D
Hope your doing ok too xx
Im glad the pain is getting better hun. Lol I know what you mean about the house, OH does it but not to our standards eh lol.

Awww its still nice that you can sit and make cakes with Jacob even if it will be messy haha your hubby will clear it up