The ups and downs of the scales

Do you think we should write to our local mps? It seems magnums are getting out of control, maybe an asbo would help?

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I've been manic the last two days and the heat has made sleep impossible. No energy to cook properly either. Add in totm and I'll be delighted with a sts this week. Not sleeping does make you so much hungrier - and lowers your resistance to Magnum attacks. Still, by mid next week the heat will be distant memory. Not going to worry too much if I go a bit off the rails between now and then. Damage limitation mode!

Until then watch out for the ASBO Magnums everyone.
Despite the heat, totm and ASBO Magnum's I've managed to scrape a pound off this week. Absolutely delighted. I guess the running around was good for something!
This week is a bit less manic so hoping for some time to do some good low point home cookery and catch up on some sleep in the cooler nights.

Been wearing my pedometer again recently. Seeing those numbers inching their way up really does help. Burned over 800 calories that way yesterday, just pottering around. To be fair, I have found myself randomly wondering around the flat just to notch up a few more. I think my OH was getting worried about my sanity.
Happy Monday all. Onwards and downwards....
Well done L.M.O . You seem really motivated at the moment .well done on turning things around . You are so luckey with the nice weather you have .Its rainey ,muggy and dull here . Its not fair :(
I do seem to have my mojo back. It's welcome to stay as long as it wants! I have some good motivating goals, which helps.
Out for dinner with a friend in three weeks. Want to shift another five pounds to take me past the lowest I got to before I fell of the wagon in the summer. If it manage it, there might be a new outfit....
I want to look good at the office Christmas party in December.
In March I'm going to become an Aunty. I'm *not* going to be a fat one!

I also think the more I do the diet the more I'm in control of what I eat - even when I'm off the wagon. I may be learning very good new habits. Ask me about that again in a year....
Hope your weeks have all started well....
Absolutely exhausted the last couple of days, so, whilst I've not gone mad I've not exactly kept to plan.
Oh well. That's life. I think a sts this week is about the best I can hope for - which is, I suppose, not exactly a disaster.
Don't think ofsted paying a visit to my OH's school and resultant stress is helpful either.
Still. Trying to stick to plan today. Will see how it goes. Lots of fruit and the likelihood of random ASBO magnum attacks is much reduced.
Stick at everyone!
Tired and hungry. I want either my bed, chocolate or a carb fix.
Fruit just not hitting the spot.

My motivation. Seems to have gone out of the window. Will have to use sheer bloody mindedness instead.....
Ok. Time for an update. Was delighted that I just managed a pound off on Monday. So delighted that I forgot to take my thyroxine. Cue absolute exhaustion like I've never known it before. So far this week I'm up three pounds.
I'm still not back to normal yet - and need extra food just to keep going. Seems to be easing off though. I am forgetting the diet and just eating what I need to keep me going until I get over this blip. I will probably have cake and chocolate, but will have a bag of grapes to munch on too (hopefully to keep the damage down!)
Will have to take a hit weight wise this week and concentrate on recovering. Once I'm feeling better then it's back on track with a vengeance.
Sorry to hear you are feeling wrecked at the moment love . You have the right idea ,dont be too hard on yourself , Just try to rest as much as you can this week . Maybe try having a little more protein this week than carbs . The carbs will give an energy boost for a while then a energy slump but protein will boost your seratonin levels and make you feel better.
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Thanks. Will try the protein idea. It makes sense. Am feeling better than I did, but still tired. Not going quite so mad on the food front, but not good. Will see how we go tomorrow. Scales say 3 pounds on. Weigh in on Monday. Hopefully a good weekend will reverse some of that.
Fingers crossed
Weighed in today. Five pounds on. Unimpressed. Still feeling bad. Looks like I may have picked up a bug. :-(
Hi LMO hope you feel well again soon... I find it hard to stick to the plan when I'm ill, I crave food, especially sweet stuff when I've got a migraine! You can do it though, so don't give up hope. Get yourself well as a priority hun xx
Thank you. Oddly enough I feel rather sick, it's an interesting combination of starving hungry but can't face eating.
It's not like me to be off my food. Usually I crave carbs when ill - sweet or savoury.
Not getting over worried about dieting, just tying to eat healthy stuff and rest when I can. Hope I can shake it soon.
Fed up of it now
So I've just about got back to normal. Still over tired, but much improved.
The bad news is 7lb on. Frustrating is not the word! I suppose it could have been worse.
I'm getting my head back into diet mode from today. New start and hopefully a new low before Xmas. I just need to keep tracking and I'll get there!!!
Been pretty good this week. 4lb off - and it's TOTM.
Yesterday and today I've really not been too good. Still I will knock that on the head tomorrow. Hoping for 2-3lb off next week.