Thin for Itay ?????


Full Member
So, I felt myself getting bigger for a while. I even blamed the tumble drier for shrinking my clothes but eventually I hopped on the scales to see I had put on 2 stones in the last 6 months. Looking at myself now I can see it has ALL gone round my tummy and my waist measurement is way too high............why didn't I do anything about this? How did I allow it to happen? I think I was in denial, but there is no getting away from the fact that my BMI is 33 !

I started Cambridge SS today, was supposed to start it Saturday but thought I'd get the Jubilee festivities out the way first (an excuse?). Not been a great day in that I feel bit sick and headachy and even a bit anxious. this is carb withdrawal right?

We are going to Italy at the end of August and I really want to be able to enjoy my holiday and not hate myself on the beach, look nice in my summer clothes and enjoy my holiday. Keeping a diary should keep me on track, I hope so. I just want to be slim, feel quite depressed.

Need to be determined !!!!!
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I started SS on Monday and weigh roughly the same as you, im 5ft2 and weigh 12stone. It shocked and horrified me. I actually carry my weight really well, which isnt always a good thing or I would have noticed the pounds creeping on alittle earlier!

Good luck with your first week!, I'm on day two and finding it a bit hard, but this group helps loads and together we can do it! x
Hey Alf, the weight seems to appear out of nowhere doesnt it. I have been squeezing myself into clothes that are waaaaaay too small !!

Hopefully we will be in ketosis very soon which should make things easier.

We CAN do it together, it does help to know others are going through the same and a bit of willpower is all it takes xx
Hello :) I'm 12.8 today and restarting for my holiday in August 2 stones to lose. hope today goes well for you x
Good luck! lots of holidays in August to stay motivated for :) x