Things I'm looking forward to when I've lost weight

Cutting my toe nails without getting cramps in chest
agree with recovering chocaholic, as well as being able to paint my toenails with some kind of accuracy!! It ends up a mess because i can't lean down far enough to see @_@

Being able to wear nice shoes without wearing them out in a month! (especially stiletto heels) and to not be crippled after a night of wearing said shoes :p
  • Cant wait to ride my horse and not feel like I am squashing him.
  • To not feel like I am apologising for my size everytime I step to the side of the pavement or room and let someone else through
  • To not hurt everyday, knees, ankles, hips, back,
  • to be able to run around and play with my kids.
  • to not have my husband offer me the seat in restaurants which he has without realising worked out is the easiest for me to access and exit.
  • to go to "Go Ape" the climbing place and feel able to join in.
  • to choose clothes based on what I like rather than what fits.
The list could go on all day.