Things that make you go hmm!

Malc-D said:
it's september and the xmas biscuits and xmas puddings are already in the shops. but not seen anything for halloween yet. strange

Home bargains have halloween stuff since the end of august!!!
*Emsie* said:
Hmm...when the lady next to you in the staff room is telling people about and when they comment about the fact she is eating crisps (walkers chicken) she says its ok as she is allowed 15 syns a day and they are only 4.........
She has lost weight so fair play to her and I didn't question it as its not my place I don't think.

Wow she's grossly underestimated them!
reading a movie section in the paper, and all the crap films are high rated and the good films are rated low .. does my taste in films suck or are the reviewers getting *gasps* backhanders to reiview stuff. nearly always the same critic too :eek:
The local shopping center for the last month has advertised a ''halloween spook-tacular'' it was billed as an unmissable event..

walking around the shop today i see this amazing event.. 2 young women in black dresses, scarves and pointy witch hats making balloon animals and other stuff for the kids.. wow amazing and unmissable.