Things that people not on Lighter Life just can’t understand…

Hannah - great thread. Absolutely love it. Made me smile just reading all the things that are relevant to me. Love it :D
Yesterday we went to the lovely sandy beach at West Wittering.
First time for donkeys years I wouldn't have been hiding under layer of clothes, wouldn't have felt horrendous wearing my swimsuit - what happened?
Bl**dy rained all the afternoon and I had to keep my clothes on!!!
LOL @ SB makes all that hard work worth while :D
Aaaaaaaaw at SB -that is just bloody typical isnt it.
My sister is 40 in a couple of weeks and is having a party and i think i would love to buy something nice to wear but am scared and dont know where to start or what i should be looking for lol. Obviously for the first time in years i wont be having to go into Evans :D
Speaking of Evans...

  • One thing people not on LL just don't understand... is our love/hate relationship with that shop.

I remember when I was about 16 I found it. I was SO HAPPY to finally have clothes that could fit me. And this was in fact back when High Street shops did not sell anything above a 12/14 as standard.

  • Or the fact that sometimes, we feel the need to go in there "just to have a look" even when we don't need to... habits die hard...!
I still go into Evans and I still pick up a size 18 and go try it on, just a little reminder of what not to do again.

Another thing I do is compare, drives my poor hubby mad. We'll be in Tesco and I'll see someone and before I can say anything my hubby is saying..

"No she is not smaller than you, your bum is nicer, your legs are thiner and yes you do look better than her."

Oh yeah, and, my engagement ring is too big!! Seriously gutted about that! But in a nice way.
Minerva totally with you on the love/hate relationship with Evans. I used to be so grateful to get something to fit - even though it normally looked too old for what i felt i should be wearing. Anyway i was grateful to be able to buy something but always put my Evans bag inside a Next or M&S bag - as if somehow if people didnt see the Evans bag and just the 'normal bag' then maybe, just maybe they believed i was small enough to shop in a 'normal' shop. Who was i kidding!!!!
Linda I do that too - every single time i am out i say 'am i the size of her'. Its got to the stage with me too that b4 i open my mouth my OH or daughter respond before i say anything. It definately takes the mind a while to catch up.
still not done any shopping.

Im gonna blow some of this months wages on clothes IF I get to 14st by 1st September
Flex you must be looking like a "normal" person by now?
My OH is shorter than you and heavier than you and looks good.
I still look to you as one of my sources as inspiration!
Good on you!:D
sadly not. still xl, still have bad posture trying to lean forward as it where to stop the bulges showing.

still long ways.

normals who needs em anyway
I just thought...prehaps my OH is not normal then?? Haha...think I might tell him he needs a diet to!!!! ;)

Walk tall Flex and pull your core in, makes you look better. I tell my OH for walking like an old man!