Thinner by thirty


Gold Member
My family is complete and now I need to lose this weight once and for all. I'm sick of losing the same 5 stone falling pregnant, and gaining it all back.

I've tried to restart Slim Fast a couple of times now and failed miserably because breastfeeding made me ravenous. Now my youngest eats real food and only comes to me for night feeds I'm finding it a lot easier to stick to.

My weigh in days are Friday.

It going on, I have been starving though but hoping my body gets used to it! Drinking plenty of water to fill my tum up! I'm hoping after a week I will find it easier. I'm off to center parcs on Monday so I don't know how I'll stick to it but I'll try!
Good luck to both of you, half the battle is to have your mind in the right place to start.
The first week is the hardest but pure determination see's you through, the following weeks get easier because your body is used to less food.
I love the strictness of slim fast and having to only think about one meal is a god send.
But let each pound spur you on and it soon adds up to stones ;)
Hi Ya, how is it going with the diet? I think your situation is similar to mine, had all the kiddies I want, turning 30 in Jan 2013 and I just need to lose the weight for this!
Its been a while since the last post but I am trying to resurrect this thread :) I am turning 28 this July and honestly, I hope to be a lot thinner then but I definitely want to be happy and healthy by July 2015, when I turn 30! At the moment, I am aiming to lose roughly 7st, although ultimately I might want to lose 8 or 9st all together. It has been a while since I have been 12st but I remember looking pretty fit then, so I might be happy there. I will just have to re-evaluate when I reach 12st.

Loving Slim-Fast so far (this is my 3rd day) and I am down 3lbs already. Good luck to everyone!