ProPoints Third time lucky - my WW journey!

Food diary - 21/03/2015

[STRIKE]26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1[/STRIKE]

Daily allowance of skimmed milk (300ml) = 3PP

50g Fruit & Fibre (Aldi version) = 5PP
Kiwi fuit = 0PP
Grapes = 0PP
Glass of water
Meal total = 5PP

Glass of water after 6km walk = 0PP


150g mashed potato = 3PP
70g bacon = 6PP
Cabbage = 0PP
1 Oxo cube = 0PP
Pint of water
Meal total = 9PP

Can of Pepsi max = 0PP

4 slices of wafer thin turkey = 2PP
Lettuce, tomato, hard boiled egg - white only, cucumber = 0PP
25g low fat coleslaw = 1PP
Crackers = 1PP
Relish = 1PP
Meal total = 5PP

Movie night treat
Packet of Chikatees = 1PP
HB Big Bite ice lolly = 2PP
Pepsi Max = 0PP
Cadbury's Option = 1PP
Total = 4PP

All 26 daily ProPoints used
0 Weekly ProPoints used
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Food diary - 22/03/2015

[STRIKE]26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1[/STRIKE]

Daily allowance of skimmed milk (300ml) = 3PP

Glass of water
3 Wheatabix = 5PP
Milk from allowance
Sweetener = 0PP
Apple = 0PP
Meal total = 5PP

4km walk

Pint of water
150g mashed potato = 3PP
70g roast beef = 6PP
Turnip = 0PP
Small spoon of home made gravy = 1PP
Meal total = 10PP

Tea with milk from allowance = 0PP
1 Chocolate Digestive = 2PP

2 boiled eggs = 4PP
2 slices of Slimsters calorie controlled bread, toasted = 3PP
Tea with milk from allowance = 0PP
Meal total = 7PP

Cadbury's Option = 1PP

All 26 daily ProPoints used
2 weekly ProPoints used

Thank you

How're you doing?
Oh god am finding it fruistrating me i lost 2 stone in 10 months and went on anti depresssant gained a stone back now its like i loose one week gain the next then sts its drivin me in sane lol z
Oh god am finding it fruistrating me i lost 2 stone in 10 months and went on anti depresssant gained a stone back now its like i loose one week gain the next then sts its drivin me in sane lol z

That must be really frustrating! You should ask on here to see if anyone has any tips for you. All I can say is stick at it and you could make a breakthrough. :) x
Food diary - 23/03/2015

[STRIKE]26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14[/STRIKE] 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Daily allowance of skimmed milk (300ml) = 3PP

2 Shredded wheat = 4PP
Milk from allowance
Sweetener = 0PP
Grapes = 0PP
Meal total = 4PP

Omelette - 1 whole egg & 2 egg whites = 3PP
Onion, mushroom, pepper, 2 slices of wafer thin ham = 1PP
Salad = 0PP
25g low fat colelsaw = 1PP
Meal total = 5PP

1 Nice biscuit = 1PP

Chicken curry = 6PP
60g boiled rice = 6PP
Meal total = 12PP

Watermelon = 0PP
Can of 7Up Free = 0PP
Cadbury's Option = 1PP
Pack of Chikatees = 1PP
Biscuits = 6PP

26 dailies used
7 weeklies used
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Being determined really is half the battle!

Thank you :)
Food diary - 24/03/2015

[STRIKE]26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18[/STRIKE] 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Daily allowance of skimmed milk (300ml) = 3PP

60g Aldi Fruit & Fibre = 6PP
Milk from allowance
Meal total = 6PP

Water = 0PP
Hi. I'm doing OK. I was away yesterday and went a bit off plan. Also didn't get to weigh in so I'm back to basics today.

How are you doing yourself? :)
[STRIKE]26 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1[/STRIKE]

Daily allowance of skimmed milk (300ml) = 3PP

2 shredded wheat = 4PP
Milk from allowance
Sweetener = 0PP
Meal total = 4PP

Pint of water after 6km walk

2 slices of toasted Slimsters bread = 3PP
300g Cully & Sully chicken and vegetable soup = 4PP
Pint of water
Watermelon = 0PP
Meal total = 7PP

4-5 malteasers = 1PP

Pint of waterPork chop = 6PP
150g mashed potato = 3PP
Cabbage = 0PP
Oxo cube = 0PP
Meal total = 9PP

1 Nice biscuit = 1PP

Cadbury's Option + rest of milk from allowance = 1PP

Daily ProPoints used: 26
Weekly ProPoints used: 0

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[STRIKE]26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1[/STRIKE]

Daily allowance of skimmed milk (300ml) = 3PP

3 x wheatabix = 5PP
Milk from allowance
Banana = 0PP
Sweetener = 0PP
Pint of water
Meal total = 5PP

Pint of water

Lettuce etc = 0PP
25g coleslaw = 1PP
4 slices of ham = 2PP
Crackers = 1PP
Relish = 1PPTea with milk from allowance
Meal total = 5PP

4km walk

Can of diet Red Bull = 0PP

200g low fat oven chips = 8PP
2 fried eggs (used Fry Light) = 4PP
Pint of water
Low fat yoghurt = 1PP
Meal total = 13PP

5-6 spoons of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream = 6PP (Just guestimating)

26 Daily ProPoints used
6 Weekly ProPoints used
I kept forgetting to update as I had a little bit of a bad week. BUT I maintained from my previous weigh-in two weeks ago which I was delighted with. :D