This is it!

I'm the one on the right
You look fantastic! well done x
you look beautiful
Woohoo, I stepped on my lovely new electronic scales (which are correct) and I am 10 stone 12 1/2 lbs. When I started weight watchers this time last year I was 16 stone 11 lbs, and at start of LL I was 16 stone 4lbs I never thought I'd be 10 stone anything (unless is was 10 stone 6 stone!)
Oh Sandra - how fantastic

:0clapper::0clapper::0clapper::0clapper::banana dancer::0icanfly::0icanfly::0icanfly::0icanfly::party0011::party0011::wee::bunnydance::bunnydance::party0038::party0019:
OMG I just gave myself an awful fright to think I used to look like this. Using the BMI tool on LL website, before and after side by side is in my gallery!:eek: