This is incredible journey

Well done for losing this week, onwards and downwards chick xx

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Well done for still loosing. Glad your feeling better. Xxxxx
Glorious day! Sun is shining and a very lovey temp outside.
Went for a walk into town then back again (total of 4 miles).
So ladies? This is my week 8!! let us begin

Week 8
Day 1

Breakfast - choco shake
Lunch - porridge
Dinner - porridge with 1/2 a peanutcrunch bar crumbled in
Snack - remaining 1/2 of the bar.

Water intake - poor :( I am trying but thus far have only managed 1.5ltrs (not including 2 cups of tea and water used for foodpacks).

My goal this week is to lose 5lbs - no excuses. Figure if I walk home from work Mon - Wed - Friday, plus do the exercises from the trainer, I should accomplish this.
Noticed I have no butt, yet amazingly I can sit fine without sliding off a chair?
Bought a new bra :( okay, lost some in the size and defo went down considerably in the cuppage. Good news? I can see my toes better now. I could see them last month but even BETTER now.
My feet are ugly.

Time to ge back outside. Bring in the bedsheets, cut the grass and refill the bird feeders.

Enjoy your day lovelies!!

Totally exhausted now. Had my bath, coloured the lid (hair), trimmed the nails, meals ready to go in the morning...outfit cleaned and pressed. Bed smells DEvine and can't wait to crawl in and enter slumberland.
Tomorrow is to be another good day - so no excuse NOT to walk home. Okay, I did promise myself to do this in order to attempt a 5lb loss but....I do usually look for an excuse come 4pm to take the bus home :(

Hope you all had a great day and got all your water in. Still working on the last bit of my water to make it 3 litres. Why is it so hard these last few days to get this in??

Good night ladies, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
If they do...cut 'em in two
One for me and one for you. :)
Awe your so lovely. Hope u had a lovely nite sleep and ready to fight the day. Xxxxxx
Week 8
Day 2

Mixed it up a bit today- such a daredevil aren't i?

Breakfast - cranberry/rasberry bar
Lunch - choco shake
Dinner - chili and an oatmeal biscuit - overkill with cayenne pepper..HOT!!!!

(normally I have the shake for breakfast..oooOOOOoo so daring mixing it up)

Walked for 40 minutes briskly. Water intake: currently I am setting at 3litres and will get at least another 750mls by 9pm.
Best I can do thus far.
Boring day - it was Monday...end of

Off for my evening soak then into bed.
Another good day for you Weebles you are so focued and doing so well keep it up sweetie! xx
Your so motivated. It's fab. Well done hun :happy036:
Wotcha Weebs,
Really enjoyed catching up with your diary. It amazes me how people manage to stick with this plan through thick and thin, and your a great example of that.
When the waxing story is told I fear it will go down in history lol

Hope you and your OH are making a good recovery.

Onwards and downwards.
Wotcha Weebs,
Really enjoyed catching up with your diary. It amazes me how people manage to stick with this plan through thick and thin, and your a great example of that.
When the waxing story is told I fear it will go down in history lol

Hope you and your OH are making a good recovery.

Onwards and downwards.

Glad you enjoyed the read. Will get on the waxing story very shortly..promise and it probably will serve as a very important history lesson to all :)

The diet does get easier - honest. It is just now routine and I am learning that food doesn't always have to be a pleasure experience but rather just fuel for the body. Grant it, I still miss certain foods but when I look at how much flavourings and additives/chemicals have been added to make the food taste great - makes me realize that all those things helped increase my weight .
Seriously...growing up we never had the "convenience foods" nor ready meals - everything was home cooked. Now everytime I turn around another burger joint opens (or fast food place) or another instant meal is available and all are loaded with calories.

OMGosh...look at me rambling: so sorry.

You will do WELL on this program and will defo lose pounds...that is guaranteed providing you do your part.

Just wish there was a pill to suck up the lose skin :( LOL
Week 8
Day 3

Breakfast - peanutcrunch bar
Lunch - vanilla shake
Dinner - Oatmeal biscuit and chili

I am now liking the bar for breakfast :) Lovely with a cup of coffee and it now holds me until lunchtime.

Well, we have 2 people down and out with sickness at work and thus work is BUSY!!
Had to go to the GP afterwork and get checked out and forms filled for LL this saturday. Doc was VERY impressed with the loss and I just love my weight on his scale :) Not gonna say how much I lost, as it is only official on the LL scales :( But HEY, loooooooking good!!
No walking today....crawled due to exhaustion though :) Does this count?
Gonna be another early night but first a date in the tub with some scented candles and my bottled water.
Life is good

Take care Ladies!! May just peep around later - or not.
Good luck to all weigh in's today/tonight!
Hey chick, why did you have to go to the doctors to get your forms done, didnt you have to do that before you started? Sorry being nosey lol

Oooo I am excited to her how you will have done at your next Wi. xx
That right Gracielou9 - those forms is what I was talking about. Now are all signed, sealed and will be delivered promptly.
I peek a boo'd on the scales at work and was impressed so now I all i need is it to be confirmed by LL scales.
Guess to make this happen I will wear in my leggings and the lightest of light tops? I have. Question: how much does everyone think a bra and knickers weighs? :8855:
Those darn scales weigh every 0.0001 ounce!!

Week 8
Day 4

Breakfast: cranberry/raspberry bar
Lunch: banana shake (actually tasted good...think my taste buds have changed)
Dinner: a mock chili/sloppyjoe on a oatmeal biscuit.

Water intake - poor :( Be lucky if I get in 2 litres by the time I go to bed.
Exercise: another 45 minute walk but not a fast pace :( My partner in crime didn't wear the proper shoes so had to slow it down.
Tomorrow will be a much better walk as i am going solo.

Work was TERRIBLE. Very slow day and not enough work. This made a long day and I noticed that the other peeps at work were bored as well, and went to my old "beloved" and bought crisps, choco bars etc.. I Sooooooooo wanted some but refrained :) :clap: I wasn't thinking about food at all, truth be told...but it would have filled some time.
I know I will be faced with boredom eating once off this plan and must find a hobby of sorts to prevent this from happening.

Hope everyone had a glorious day and enjoyed the sun! Tonight my plans are to do up the laundry and hang it all out on the line at 6am tomorrow morn.
I really am getting low on clothes that fit!!
I sympathise I too am a boredom eater and worry a little about it when I am off plan, but hoping what I learn in the classes will help me. That and the fact I intend to find a hobby for the evenings as I fnd them the worst.

As for your bra and knickers weight well suppose it depends what they are like, big apple catches and a hammock, hmm could be quite a bit lmao. You kill me seriously lol xx
Okay, weigh in day I will remove the wire from the bra cups and go: knickerless?
Ew tmi lmao, you really crack me up! Guaranteed if ever I feel miserable reading your diary always brightens my day.xx
weebles said:
Okay, weigh in day I will remove the wire from the bra cups and go: knickerless?

Your off your head girl lol. Why don't you go the whole hog and go naked. Pmsl. Go
lol ur funny xx