This is incredible journey

Aw god, I can't Cook unless I'm eating. I'm a terrible picker that's why o haven't cooked in 8 weeks since I started this!
I've had 3 shepherds pie and one bar today. Had a very dangerous episode on the car on the way home from my friends, that if I car was beside me I would've ploughed straight into them, and over a barrier and been a gonner it's scared the **** out of me.
I have food thoughts every day weebs, I just ignore them now. Although usually in the afternoon I'm dying for a cube of cheese lol no idea why, although I do love it!!!!! You're doing great weebs and should be very proud of yourself. Can you get someone else to be head chef and you can just help out?? okay now? Somehow I missed this blog (mind is scattered all the time).
I love to cook or did (on occassion). O/H has been doing his own meals thus far and this roast and the other meal is doing my head in.

CHEESE!!! OMGoodness...i LOVE cheese.
Now I want some too.. LOL

Food thougts are now gone, basically. I am putting it down to the coated ibuprofen from the other day. Must have been the sugar coating that started the juices flowing :(
I will know better next time.
Awww i remember my LLC saying that about ibuprofen and i've felt the hunger after i have taken it too. Sometimes i feel hunger when i have the bars... not too sure why though. Stock up on the water and it should subside the hunger for a little while until your next pack. The tablets didn't kick me out of ketosis but i'm careful with what ones i take now.

Hope your meal goes well xxx

Thanks Cass - I too will be more careful what pills I take from now on. Those cravings are Brutal.

BTW, your stats are amazing!! Haven't read you diary yet...but I will now ;)

Spread was a success and it was all gobbled up. I did NOT even lick my fingers!! So proud of myself :)
Put the roast in the slow cooker this morning before I left for work and it was done by the time i got home. Did the magic to it and sent it off to its rightful owner. AGAIN - I did not have a taster :) :)

So flippen proud of myself!!! Now I got another pot of substance cooking in the slow cooker for O/H. he can deal with it all in the morning (this will be his meals for the week). Just a little perfect wife am i. HAHAHAHA

So this is now my
Day 2

Breakfast - bar
Lunch - shake
Dinner - chili
Snack - porridge

Water intake good and up to par. Did some light stretches and some pilates during the soaps. Had my bath and now chillin with a lovely litre of water.
Life is good today - even if it is Monday

Hope all is well
Gonna go snoop some diaries

Off to bed now Ladies,

Can't think or form 2 words to make sentences tonight. Tried some diaries and probably none make sense....oops.

Just now tired - to slumperland I go

I hate when youre too tired to concentrate it's awful isn't it?

Thanks! Your stats are good too :p xxx
Well done on resisting temptation flower xx
Well done on your continued journey-and resisting the cheese!! :)
Preparing food while on abstinence is my biggest fear! I hate it with the passion!
Luckily I don't have to do much of that at the moment!

Hope things are well with you chicca :)
I WON the dress on Ebay! YAHOO. Now let's hope it fits.
The dress was on last week and when I went to bid, the internet connection and comp decided differently. :(
Still waiting on the swim suits to arrive - ETA is by the 18th.

For the slow cooker episode...AHEM. Left it for O/H to check? WRONG MOVE. He decided to add some spice before tasting....UGH.
Instead of adding chili powder - he added cayenne PEPPER! Good grief.
Asked me when I got home if there was a way to rescue this. Did the best I could Ladies and then tried a lick of the spoon to see if it had calmed down. has gone down a few degrees and is no longer of 'burn your lips off" status. More of a curl your nose hairs now.
Not quite a cheat by licking the spoon - right? Didn't really fancy any of it anyways. THANK YOU LL.

Week 12
Day 3

Usual meals and no LL chili on menu, just porridge for dinner and snack.

Water intake - POOR!!! Opted for more coffee today for some reason but am trying to glug 1lt in before bath and bed time.
Tummy work in exercise tonight as well along with some gentle stretches.
Really need to firm the tum tum up and lose some of that flabby skin.

OH...wore the 'thong' today. Ummm..tad uncomfortable. Felt like my bum was munching my trousers all day. Was so paranoid that my front view had the 'camel toe' imprints that I opted to pull my cardigan around me while I walked. Is this normal???

Hope everyone had a SPECATACULAR day. ROLL ON FRIDAY!!

LOL The 'thong' thing made me laugh=however can u find them comfortable! My friend who is lets say 'a larger lady' like myself has always worn them so once i bought a classy M&S set complete with thong-JESUS i agree most uncomfortable thing ever!!! LOL
:8855:omg you and the thong description is hilarious, I was actually shoulder shaking at it!

You so cheer me up Weebs, you rock hunny! xx
Now singing the thong song!! chuckle chuckle!!

Do thong and cardigan really work as an outfit?!? xx
LMAO Camel toe!!!!!!!! shirley in eastenders often has a camel toe with her skin tight jeans LOL x
Just say no to thongs, big knickers all the way lol
Laughing away here at all your comments.
Today I attempted another thong. Sorta hafta at this point until i get back into town to buy some full back pannel knickers.
T'was easier today wearing it but still feel like they are getting into all my nooks and crannys. Guess they just take sometime getting use to? Most difficult to FEEL sexy when you are constantly adjusting your trousers and at times walking funny so as they don't feel as if they are disappearing into the abyss.

Week 12
Day 4

Usual meals
Dinner and snack - porridge.

Walked home from work since it was a nice sunny day. Took me 45 minutes at a medium pace. May just do it again tomorrow (weather pending).

Got a compliment today from one of the gals at work.
She called me a skinny b**ch. Just love these bonding terms...hahaha It was all in fun, and I take no offense.

No plans for the night. Watched supersize/superskinny last night - WOW. After I got into watching Jamie Oliver's changing America schools (?) Something like that. Was shocked to learn about pre made hamburger patties. Okay, I did know that it wasn't REAL beef in a sense but wan't prepared for HOW and WHAT they added to it!
Not keen on a form bleach in my food thankyou. Gave me nightmares all night!

OH..someone asked if I was from the states? the answer is NO!
I am from North of there ;)

Time now to go have a nosey round the diaries

Hilarious, you crack me up! Xx

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Just ctaching up on your diary ...laughing at the thongs :D

I believe the trick is to get the size up to what you are if your a 10, get a 12 etc. They shouldnt be cutting you in half lovely ...

I've noticed the camel toe on shirl from eastender too Gem think someone would say summit to her ....ah but then again ....I'd prob keep quiet ..she's a tuffie, wouldnt like to mess with her


A size larger? OMG thanks for the tip. Never thought of that. Today i opted for a pair of O/H's boxers. Just couldn't handle picking my arse another day! Peeps at work tend to look at me strangely when I do that. :)

Week 12
Day 5

Meals - typical
Dinner was chili and my snack will be porridge.

Water intake - pas trop bon (not too good) Will get another litre in tonight.

Work was okay - had a french speaking customer on the phone and was a good chance to brush up on what I allegedly learned in school.
That was the highlight of my day - or low light ...depending on what end of the conversation you were on.

One of the bathing suits arrived today and it fits. Okay, the boob part is a struggle but it still fits over my bits. I can now defo see the areas of my body that need extensive work :(
The suit is a size 12 and a HUGE difference from the size 24 I struggled to get into last year at this time. I am happy!! yet sad :(
Was so hoping that my excess skin would just SPRING and snap back into position but alas it ain't happening. More work to fix this and more work to fix my self perception and goals I set for myself.

Onward and upwards - right ladies? think of the positives and look to the future.
