This is incredible journey

Those balls should come with warning labels!
Got a bit of rug burn on my chin. This should be an interesting story at work to tell ;)
Who'd a thunk this would happen...LMAO

Up early this mornng after the 'storm' all day yesterday. Those winds were terrible and viscious. Now to get outside before work and rescue the bird feeders that, i think, are in a couple of yards down the road.....along with my bin.

Have a SCRUMPTIOUS day ladies!!!
Sorry Weebs huni, I laughed when I read your ball experience. Be careful!

You come across so confident in your posts I was suprised to read you hate going out an being noticed. I guess you can be who you want to on here, which is great.

3lbs, great weight loss. Looking at your stats, cant believe how much in total you have lost - awesome huni. And the exercise I really need to tackle too.

As for the blip, Well done on making the decision and not beating yourself up. I'm too scared to go the whole hog incase I dont stop. Although last night, my daughter had chips from the chippie (rare treat) and left loads ...I put 2 in my mouth, thinking I wouldnt be able to stop but not as nice as I thought they were going to be ...greasy and tasteless. I was shocked and stopped at the 2. Chips are my downfall.

Hope your nose isnt too burnt ;)
Yeah, I am a tad shy at first until you get to know me. Since I can remember, way back, I have always been afraid of public ANYTHING.
Not sure where it came from and I detest standing out in a crowd - saying that, my mishaps in life really can make me stand out (unwillingly).
I am fine on here cause nobody knows me and I am in the safety of my own home. :) I use to force myself to go out for walks at one point - well, walks alone that is. Always like the buddy system going anywhere ;)
Chin is doing nicely and everyone at work had a chuckle over my antics - such a klutz.

Week 13
Day 3

Shakes and porridge Ladies....been doing REAL good!!

Roll on tomorrow so I can have a BAR!!! Love my bar in the mornings along with my coffee.

Walked home from work - 45 minutes at a moderate pace. Water intake is alright - nothing special....working on improving this before bed.
Gentle exercises tonight - no stability ball shall be involved!!!
Then into the tub for a long soak and OFF to bed I go.

Will catch up on diaries for a bit

Hey my gorgeous gal, you re the funniest person I know inthe world of cyberspace! Absolute classic with the chin burn! Seriously I have this image of you balancing on the ball and then collapsing in a hep on the floor, needing help to be removed from the wedged wall incident! You rock bird seriously! xx
you've got some balls, trying to do do the ball exercise ;) x
Week: Whatever
Day: whatever

No clue and too lazy to check up in my diary to find out where I am.
Safe to say, I have stayed on track. Water intake productive and back passage is providing positive results! I ROCK!!

Read through some of yur diaries but am really tired tonight as it has been a LONG week. My mind is all over the place with facts and figures running in it and not a SCOOBY on what is going on in the real world.
Gonna do some light exercises tonight WITH that dang ball and see what happens. Will follow this up with a lovely long soak in the tub.

This woman never fails to cheer me up!
Get some well deserved rest chicca xxx

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Hey missy, hope you are ok hun, you dont seem your usual self, but thats ok we all get like that sometimes. Just remember we are all here for you. Enjoy the soak gorgeous xxxx
Giggled at the 'ball experience' i had a similar one! lol
Hope you feeling ok today, it is nearly Friday :)
Have a nice weekend!
back passage... HAHAHAHA x
Passage tunnel
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Finally the week is OVER! Good gosh it has been a long one...and had little to no energy to much of anything today.

So this is my week 13
Day 6

Meals - usual
Water - poor intake but excelled in coffee and tea consumption. Sad - so will now up the water tonight be it orally or rectally! One way or another it is gonna get IN.

So true Lady T - just not myself these days. Crap going on back home that I have no control over, this is the weekend of the pre booked dinner thingy for O/H's birthday, and the weather has been crap!
haven't gone off the LL path this week but i SO wanna!
My beloved was filled again and seems EVERYONE in the dang office had some of its contents. All I heard most of the afternoon was 'munching' sounds of a crispy substance - then the rustling of wrappers - and the smells just captivated my olfactory senses to the point of total rapture as I recall those moments I use to partake in.
In my mind I kept thinking I can't have these morsels just yet...but will soon.
Tomorrow will be WI and then the DINNER. Think I am gonna pull a sicky on this and just not go. I know myself that I can not just sit there and eat a LL bar while everyone is eating foods I adore.
Oh well, one more month and I will assess again.

Did the 'ball' last night and seemed to go better. Propped my feet against the wall for stability and this worked for balance. I believe the ball and I have settled our differences for now - I also deflated it somewhat after IT deflated my ego the other day. Fair's fair.

off to eat dinner and then a soak in the tub

goodluck with WI x
Good luck hun with your WI xxx

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Week 13
Day 7

DOWN 3lbs!!!! Very shocked especially after a disasterous last saturday. My weight in kg is now in the 70's and I am deeeeeeelighted.
Class was good and once again a real thought provoker and yet more things to tackle and deal with. So thankful for these classes! I mean, if you go to WW or SW, you just wiegh in, listen to the moans and groans and are done. With LL, they really get into issues and each class makes you stop and think. Long after you leave that day, you are constantly thinking about what was said, and how to change your behaviours.
Never was a person for group support but I now LOVE it!! Could have really used THIS kind of support with the blips and blops I have had in my life and learned how to deal with things rather than bottling them up until a more convenient time.
Also got a BEAUTIFUL idea on how to deal with my first son's death. I know I never talked about it on here but, it was something far too personal. I never wanted to hear the words; sorry. Heard them enough in my life and it means nothing to me. For years I carried the guilt, regret, broken heart, and the feeling of a missing piece of my life. I never knew how to get rid (?) of this emptiness. Well my lovelies...I know now how to do this. I am so hoping that the advice offered by one of the group memebers will finally mend my heart and i can live again.
Very sorry for never really sharing that story. Please know I am okay, in a few months would be his birthday, and he would have been 29 years of age.
This has been another reason for my quietness lately. Never wanted to burdeon any of you with this - I learned years ago it was easier (?) to suffer in silence. Or so i thought.

Onwards ladies and UPWARDS!

Enjoy your day. I got (finally) an ipod and now must figure out how to use it! So much smaller than my walkman...ugh.
