This time I mean business! I CAN do this.

Weigh in #1

I lost 9lbs :D
To be honest though I am a teeeeeeny bit disappointed coz I was hoping for 10 or more but hey ho, 9 is better than nothing!

Off to the gym to find out about a pilates class today, I used to do pilates and loved it. Hopefully it will help tone me up as I lose weight.
Thank you :D
Just treating myself to a nice cold glass of dr pepper zero!
Bring on week 2, I'm hoping for a 5lb loss so that'd be a stone in 2 weeks but we'll see.
Great loss Blue :) well done! I used to do pilates and loved it too, my husband ordered me a pilates set yesterday with mat and dvd and all sorts in it, but he won't tell me much about it cos it's a surprise! I reckon he bought something else too cos on the internet banking more money went out than the pilates stuff would have cost, so it's either a surprise present or he's been ripped off :D xx
That's a great loss in your first week. I lost 7lbs in my first week but 9 lbs would've been wonderful. Keep up all the good work! x
Thanks again everyone :D

Aaawww Jennie that's great that your hubby is treating you to some lovely stuff, really sweet of him.

I'm not sure when I'm starting pilates yet coz there is a short waiting list because the classes are kept small (10 people max) and the instructor is fantastic!
Hopefully I'll get onto a class in the next few weeks.

It's my birthday tomorrow :D I'm gonna be 28, I feel so old lol.
Dont think I'm gonna be getting any presents but I'm going out for lunch with my family and dinner with my friends, I will be coming off plan for the day. I've made the choice to have the day off and if I have a gain/low loss/sts then that's ok.

Hope everyone is doing good.
Fantastic work on the 9lbs, that's a great start.

Good luck with your birthday, be strict in drawing the line afterwards and getting back on track! Hope you enjoy your birthday celebrations... and don't be scared by 28! I wish I was there again!
Happy birthday to me!! It's my birthday :D I've had a lovely day today, been very busy and am knackered now and it's only 10pm.

Didn't go out for lunch in the end just out for dinner so I'm hoping it wont have much of an effect on my loss on sunday.

Off to bed now coz cant keep my eyes open. x
Happy birthday :)
Oh gawd I'd almost forgotten about my poor diary!

I had a lovely birthday and then after mine it was my mums so last week wasn't so good diet wise but we had a fun week.
I wont be weighing in tomorrow because I did eat last week and dont want to see a gain so I will skip week 2 just coz I can!

I have started a '100 days at 100%' thread so if you're reading this then come join us over on there too.
I'm going away at the beginning of october but that's something silly like 139 days away so I chose to just go for 100 days for now. Nice little challenge to be getting on with I think.
Good luck with your 100 day thing. Thats quite a long time to be 100% but you will be so near your goal if you do it..xx