This time I will do it!!...

Morning, hows you, feeling any better xx
Still in pain hun. Not as bad, it's like constant toothache.

You okay? X
Oooh my tummy feels like toothache and then spent 26minutes (yes I counted lol) on the loo :-(. Sorry TMI.

Anyway, food has been SW friendly so that's one thing:
HExA = 40g Reduced Fat Cheddar
HExB = 35g Porridge

Magic Porridge with Raspberries and Blueberries

SW Quiche

Pasta with Tomatoes, Tuna, Onion, Mushrooms, Peppers and Garlic topped with Cheese (HExA)

Rhubarb (1 syn)

TOTAL SYNS = 1 syn
awww no :( hope it all starts to ease soon for you. I am fine :)
Nope :-(. Last night and tonight have been bad, been up and down all night if you catch the drift.

Trying to pin point it from what I've eaten but have no idea x
Yeah that's what OH thought but now to narrow it down from all those ingredients lol.

Maybe the cottage cheese as I don't usually have that? X
I have eggs maybe once a week but am okay with eggs I think.

I have had Rhubarb two days as well...don't usually have that either. Been trying to up my intake of SS foods x
Lol. Least I'll be at target shortly, at this rate I'm worried to eat lol. How long did it take you to suss it all out x
Fab few days on plan, must be a nightmare trying to figure out the triggers I'd keep a dairy on paper with exact ingredients and highlight the days your in pain, if you pin point several things then you'll have to try them on separate days. Is there any info online. Xx
Fab few days on plan, must be a nightmare trying to figure out the triggers I'd keep a dairy on paper with exact ingredients and highlight the days your in pain, if you pin point several things then you'll have to try them on separate days. Is there any info online. Xx

Good idea! Not really just says it's diff for everyone and is trial and error x
Ive had mine since I was 3 hun so its been pretty much a lifelong thing. It used to be most everything I ate, as I got older I just had to think about what id eaten that day as sometimes the food literally just hit my stomach and id have to run. My mam used to say to me on a Sunday , eeee Sheila it cant be ya dinner working that quick - oh yes it was :-( 9 times out of 10 that would be down to having Pork.
Oh hun. I get a lot of constipation and lately, painful cramp and then loo! Now! Lol

Manageable when at home, just. Nightmare in work today. Been drinking lots of water so kept saying I was popping for a wee but felt like I was in there ages. Was starting to feel self-conscious x
Im the opposite hun I get the runs real bad, the only time im bunged up is from tablets. My sis has it too :-(