Those who exercise


Silver Member

I'm starting swimming today and just wondering if people take their shake before or after exercise? My first shake was at 7 am before work and I'll be going swimming at 12.30.

Well I took it after as didn't particularly feel hungry before. When I got out the pool I was all weak and dizzy so will take it before next time to see if I feel any better!

Think I'm going to enjoy swimming although I can only fit it in once a week. Got to be better than nothing tho? x
Well done! I am going to try and swim to, good all round exercise x
Well done for going swimming, even if you can only go once a week its all good.

I have mine before exercise, and even though it''s a shake follow that same rule of no exercise an hour after eating.

I don't have it before for any reason other than the way it works out. I usually exercise when I have time in the evenings, so from 8pm onwards. Shake's well gone by then. If I was swimming at lunch like you are, I'd have mine after swimming as I'd prefer it later than too early
I take mine about half an hour before. If I don't I feel really weak, sick and dizzy :(