*****Thursdays Hour By Hour Thread ********

aww nicky, hope your daughter is better soon. Your shopping trip will have to wait for another day.

I had a good day yesterday. My first 100% SS day for ages, and 790 the day before so I think I can now officially say I am back on track. So far so good today but Im busy packing the last of our stuff as we move tomorrow.

Wont be online much over the weekend but will catch up with everyone early next week.
hi guys im well on track now have lost 12lb since last tuesday am chuffed to bits i m down to 11.9 now so i m really pleased it s been a battle over the last few weeks but i m winning hope everyone else is doing well
hi guys please to say i m back on track lost 12lb since last tusesday am down to 11.9 now so i m getting there hope your all doing well
Afternoon all, Just poping on while im on my lunch break. Its been a manic day here and im shattered already, i usually sit a my desk all day but this week i have been giving tours and its really tiered me out, only another 3 to go today and then tomorrow its the 80's fun day. Ive already had 2 tetras today, i usually hold out until 1 for my first one but really felt as though i needed one earlier.Right im off to start tours again, i hope everyone is having a good day, its lovely and bright here xxx
Afternoon all!

I am sat here at my desk, about to fill up another pint of water to make it my 6th so far today!!
The work load varies from day to day and today is one of those quiet days!!
Georgie - thanks for your thoughts, maybe it is the glycogen thing. It was so much easier in the beginning but these last few weeks have been getting harder and harder! I wish I could SS again:(:(

Been horseriding this morning which was great. The horse kept stopping though and each time the girl shouted at me to squeeze my thighs to get him going again - it is such a good leg workout!

Little boy just having a nap now so better make the most of it and get on with abit of housework.

ta ta for now
Afternoon/evening all well done Gerogie on getting into a size 16 what a great achievement! Hope you have a lovely time with your parents!

Spooky i hope your daughters ear get's better soon

Well i'm feeling positively crap today am tired and weary and full of a cold even thoguh i've had it for oever a week and according to my scales i've either stayed the same or lost 1lb which doesnt make sense after all my hard work in the gym and on CD this week so after feeling positively crap i had 2 treat size flakes....would have had 3 but the wedding shop rang to arrange my dress fitting so got 12 weeks to lose as much weight as possible so thank goodness for intervening fate!!!