Tiggertoes on Atkins

No idea what's going on with my pages. There seems to be a defective in the depot...

I am feeling pants today. Bloated, tired and heavy indigestion. But mentally I feel great and that's all that matters. ;)

We have my step daughter here the weekend and it's great fun to catch up with everything that's happened in her little life since we saw her last.

Going to the in- laws on Sunday for lunch, and no doubt my MIL will be force feeding me because I'm too skinny now Hehe. :D

Just hoping and praying for some good weather because all this rain is messing with my equilibrium.

I hope everyone else is well and happy.

TT x
Nothing feels good when the solly doesn't shine. What gets up my nose is sun, then rain, then sun - but nothing compared to peeps whose houses are flooding right now!

Sounds like a nice family weekend is planned. Sorry about the bloating - I can recommend Slimatee for a gut grabbing, slightly nauseating, morning after clear out.

Glad to hear the head is in a good place though. Tell me off later when I drink too much and start posting inappropriate things on FB...:D
Thanks for the suggestion. Currently battling toilet issues again... Pretty sure there's something not right with my digestive system (apart from celiac and ibs). If I ate anymore veg and fibre I'd be covered in fur, sleeping in a hutch in the garden.

Is it just me or has Pseudgirl vanished from the forum? I can't find a single post from her and her diary has gone to. I really hope its just my silly android app.

Right I'm off to take the night ferry. First stop: Dreamspace.
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Hi TT, just catching up on diaries, well done on becoming a British citizen, lovely to have you join us and you look fabulous in your pic x
Morning TT, Enjoy your weekend.

Lol on being covered with fur and sleeping in the garden.

Hope your tummy is better soon. I drink herbal tea, maybe peppermint when my tum is upset.

If the sun shines here it's quite an event. :)
Gosh me too. Sometimes people delete diaries if someone they know finds it? Hence my going incognito. Really hope things are ok with her.
Me three. I hope shes ok. So much happening in her life right now.
evening TT... hope you're having a great weekend xxx
Happy Sunday all. :D

Dinner at MIL today. She usually does a huge roast dinner but I think she's going the Cookfood way today. I've put my low carb gluten free dietary requirements in so lets hope for the best.

Weekend so far has been fine apart from the rain. We went to the music festival in the park next door and it was good. A lot of mud around.. After the heavy downpour yesterday I didn't think there'd be so many people.

Looking forward to a few days on my own next week while OH works nights. I just want to be able to eat low carb without having to worry about his bread / rice / chips / mash / toast etc..

I've tried the Dulcolax pico perles.... Wow!!! :O the words dynamite in small packages comes to mind. (sorry tmi)
LOL on the perles, I use Slimatee for the same result :D

How lovely to have some "you" time over the next few nights :) And hope dinner is yummy!
Ha ha... Yes! I was amazed at how wee they are compared to their effectiveness lol xx
Moonlights, I always knew you were as sharp as a tack. It would probably be even worse if someone you knew was a bit on the malicious side.

Now if I can only get to 50 posts and send some PMs :)

4lbs down this week again. WOO HOO!!!!!!!! 14lbs in 3 weeks. If Mr Atkins were alive, I might just propose.

TT, hope you survived Sunday dinner!! xx
We shall be quiet as mousies, Nicola. SO glad to hear from you & that you're ok as well as continuing the seriously epic losses!

Feel free to spam my thread all you need to raise post count xx
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nicolasixx said:
Moonlights, I always knew you were as sharp as a tack. It would probably be even worse if someone you knew was a bit on the malicious side.

Now if I can only get to 50 posts and send some PMs :)

4lbs down this week again. WOO HOO!!!!!!!! 14lbs in 3 weeks. If Mr Atkins were alive, I might just propose.

TT, hope you survived Sunday dinner!! xx

Hello Nicola x glad you are well :D Another great shift!! Well done you!!

Dinner was awesome, I did stray a bit but I'll make up for it this week. I had red and green Thai curry with rice (oops) and so much pims.... Too much pims...

I think Mr Atkins would have had many many proposals if he were still alive ;)

Have a fab day xxx
Morning :)

Hear you on the Pimms front hun, all those naughty drink stallers - sigh - if only they weren't so yummy :(

Dinner sound scrumptious xxx
I love Pimms!!! Mmmm ... And Thai curry... Yum! Xxx