Total Solution Time to leave the fat suit and put on that sexy dress

Hi hon - how you doing? Hopefully back on the straight and narrow...sending strength X
So I've been off the diet 3 weeks now between having stomach bug, struggling to get back on, feeling crap again and now I have the problem that when I eat something with a bit of flavour my stomach goes into overdrive and I can't keep off toilet! I had put 4lbs on from eating, was ill and it came off, felt better started eating stomach didn't like some food so bowels went crazy again. It's like my stomach isn't tolerating food. Not sure if it's from diet or my stomach is sensitive from having a tummy bug........anyone else had this problem???
Omg you poor thing! Definitely get yourself better first before you jump back on...ignore the scales, listen to your body :character00264:
I agree, wait til you're back to normal before introducing too much. Bland stuff and small amounts and see how you go. Sending love and happy get better vibes xxx