Tinytootz rant-and-involve-some-food diary

Day 1 (AGAIN!) 21/5/11

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

SW chips
Roast carrots

1/2 Friji - 8

Syn free bolognese
Garlic dough balls (will syn them later) - 8
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Spag bol made, and the little taste I've had - it's pretty yummy!

250g Extra lean mince
2 trimmed rashers of bacon
Carton of passatta
Cubed tomatoes
Oregano, basil, parsley and chives
Red onions
Salt & pepper

- and that's it. Mmmmmm. Hurry home Dave, I wanna eat!
Sounds yummy!
Day 2: 22/5/11

Seem to be struggling to behave. All I am doing is craving bad things. I'm wondering if it was because it was TOTM (which goes on for ages due to the darn pill), and I'm now at the tail end of it.

Rice Krispies - 5
Milk - HE

WM pitta - HE
Small portion cheese - 6

Fritatta made with eggs, leeks, trimmed bacon, chicken, spring onions and cherry tomatoes
Baked beans

Pork loin steak
SW roast potatoes
Mash potato
Gravy - 3
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Day 3: 23/5/11

Ho hum. Woken up feeling a bit "woe is me". I know why. I tried to make an effort for when OH came home from work, but due to my hours, I was still working when he came in, which kinda killed it for me, and I simply didn't have the confidence or guts to go ahead with it, so I ended up half arsing it. Talked about it with him later, saying I felt a bit of a div, he said that it's something we can work on, which made me smile. He is so good at trying to make me feel better about myself, and it is deff working.

Tried on the things he bought me, 2 out of 4 fit :( One is a wee bit tight, and the other is a total no-go, which I am convinced has the wrong label on it, as it is a proper no way no way! Shame I can't return them really, but its the store policy

Lots to do today as we seem to have run out of everything boring, like kitchen towel and eggs! Going to check my bank account today, and if it makes me smile, I might treat myself to a bit of retail therapy tomorrow. Will type up my food diary now, even though it depends on what I buy when out!

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Cheese sandwich - very naughty, but couldn't be bothered at all
Twix bar
Bag of frazzles

Basa fillet
SW chips
Baked beans

Yup, blow out. For no good reason. Cause I'm lazy and crap!
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Day 4: 24/5/11

Back on the wagon today. 2lb gain to report, amazed, as all I did was eat crap. I think the fact that I was poorly 'helped' with the small-ish gain.

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE
Muller light

2x WM bread slices - 6
2x Eat Smart sausages - 1

Didn't have a proper tea. Was supposed to go to OH's daughters parents evening, but she couldn't go, so I offered to stay in with her. We were both tired when we got in, and a bit grumpy so it's gonna be a red day!

2x WM bread slices - HE
Small amount grated cheese - HE
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Day 5: 25/5/11

Going out for lunch with a friend today, strangely quite excited - not been out for lunch with friends in aaaaages!

Cheerios - 5
Milk - HE

2x WM bread - HE
Trimmed bacon
Dollop Mayo - 5


Chili Con Carne - Free
Boiled rice
Sweet potato wedges


OK, so I was a little naughty today. Ooopsie. But I have done over an hours worth of walking :D
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Day 6: 26/5/11

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Mug shot

Egg fried rice:
Leftover boiled rice
Scrambled egg
Spring onions
Tbsp sweet chili sauce - 1


Not sure on tea yet. If OH isn't cooking (I have dropped LOADS of hints!) then I'll knock up a sausage casserole with mash and veg
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Urgh! Friday has been and gone, and we fell out AGAIN! But I think I now know the trigger, and how to deal with it. When he is stressed, he basically becomes impossible and Mr "no". And my problem is that I think everything is my fault, so I go quiet, wondering what I've done. So I opted to ignore him, and that worked for a bit. Then he was playing with the dog and trying to get him to eat my feet (y'kno, as you do!), and I hit him, told him to stop as it would hurt. He then went in ANOTHER mood, saying he was going out. I stopped him, and asked where he was going. Then Mr Impossible turned up again, so I opted for the "do what you like" routine. So he was going to go out till midnight - do what you like. He didn't want to come and see my parents - do what you like. He wouldn't walk the dog whilst I was out - do what you like. In the end up, we both took the dog for a walk, he then came to see my parents, and all was fine. He doesn't seem to be able to deal with upsetting me. I told him off for getting the dog to nip my feet, and he flipped. I got upset as he was being impossible, he stormed off in a huff. So I've learned to leave him to go off in a huff if he wants, that it isn't always my fault, and when he gets impossible, play the "do what you like" card. He was proper trying to play me though. When he said he didn't want to see my parents ever, and wouldn't walk the dog, and I followed it with the "do what you like" line, he then threw in "well, what if I said I didn't want to come out with you tomorrow night" (this has been a proper sore point with me for weeks), so I said "do what you like". Needless to say, he is coming out tonight. And if he throws his toys out the pram again, well, I'm going out anyway, regardless! :D

Right, now that's out of my head, on with the food diaries!

Day 7: 27/5/11

As usual, a rather fractured Friday!

2x WW ginger biscuits - 5
About 10 chippy chips - 3?
Chicken meat
Mayo - 2
About 10 Kit Kat bite thingies - 6

Yup, how crap is that!
Day 8: 28/5/11

Out tonight, so it will be syns galore! Jumped on the scales this morning (naughty) and I am the same as I was at WI, so I am optomistic that I can either maintain or perhaps even lose a wee bit if I behave on Sunday and Monday :)

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Pasta pack with rocket & spring onion added

Then vodka. Going to try and avoid the wine as it makes me smashed, and my shoes are rather high!

* Well, that was a dreadful night out. OH sulked the entire night, and put a right downer on it. He keeps playing games, and I simply cannot be fagged to play, which is frustrating him even more. He said he was going home, I said ok, leave the key out for me. Then he said he was going out, so I asked for the key. Then he said he was going to stay with his nan for a couple of days and promptly pulled out a suitcase. I said ok, its up to you.
Needless to say, he didn't go home, he didn't go out elsewhere, and his suitcase is still upstairs. Now he thinks I can't be bothered with the relationship, which is pretty much the way I feel when he plays damn games. So lord knows whats happening there. I want to still be with him, but I also want to help him. He is so awkward around people, announcing to me this morning that he doesn't want to go out with my friends again, or ever see them again. I mean, what a darn childish thing to say! So I'll treat him like a child. When he has a tantrum, I must do my best to ignore him.

So he sat with a face on him all night, every single one of my friends tried to cheer him up, but to no avail. Think I had......6 vodkas and diet coke. No takeaway. Back to bed. Woke up at 4am and remained awake, so I now feel like crap.
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Day 9: 29/5/11 - RED

Cheerios - 5
Milk - HE

2x WM bread - HE
2x Eat smart sausages - 1
Trimmed bacon

Well, due to my general poorlyness, it didn't stay in my system very long :( I didn't want a big tea, but I desperately needed comfort food (cheese toastie), so it became a red day.

2x WM bread

Also had about 10 of those kitkat bite thingies which come in them pouch bags.
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Wish I didn't still feel poorly. Wish I could blame the alcohol on Saturday, but I didn't have much at all. Yesterday I was poorly from every angle, and this morning seems to be the same, but I have managed to keep some weetabix down, but I think the general stress of Friday, Saturday AND Sunday has made me genuinely ill. OH chose not to talk about it in person yesterday. He said he felt ashamed via text, but I guess tonight I'm gonna have to pry it out of him, as my stomach can't cope with me spending my days worrying!

Day 10: 30/5/11 - Green

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

SW chips - I need comfort food :(
Baked beans
Small amount grated cheese - HE
2x bread slices - HE
9 KitKat bite thingies (all gone now) - 5

Got the joint of pork out on Saturday, and it is still frozen in the fridge! So plan B comes into operation :(

2x Eat Smart sausages in syn free casserole sauce - 8 *sob sob*
Mashed potato

I hate it when that happens! If I had of started out on an EE day, then there is far more choice. But to be on a green day with no HE left over, I don't have much choice. If it was just me I would have pasta, but I have him to feed too, and I'm not about to do two meals!
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Day 11: 31/5/11

My usual Tuesday friend is away on hols, how rude, so not sure what's going on in the evening. But if I'm staying in, then it is as follows (or I might make him indoors cook it anyway!)

Cheerios - 5
Milk - HE

Cottage pie


WM roll - HE
SW chips
Large salad (lettuce, gerkins, tomato, spring onion, cucumber)
Birdseye simply chicken burger - 5??
Mayo - 2
Trimmed bacon
Low fat cheese slice - 3

90 syns left
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2lb lost this week. Was hoping for more, as a naughty scale hop on Sunday suggested a 3lb loss, but I guess my poorlyness caused me to gain a wee bit, as cheese toasties are not the way forward, are they!
Must try harder this week, really must. I'm fed up of hovering around the 12.1 mark :(
Day 12: 1/6/11

Where has the year gone? It's June already! Was toying with what to have as I walked round the park with the dog this morning. If I go green, then lunch is easy, but dinner is a problem as I MUST cook this pork joint before it goes off. If I go red, then it means I can't have any roast potatoes with dinner, as I have a WM roll which needs using up. If I go EE, then I either have a synned breakfast cereal and WM roll for lunch, or HE breakfast and the WM roll goes in the freezer. Right. Decided!

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Jacket wedges
WW noodles
Large salad (lettuce, spring onion, red cabbage, gerkins)
Mayo - 2

Mug shot

Roast pork
Roast potatoes
Roast carrots
Roast parsnips
Gravy - 3
4 sips of Friji milkshake, rest went down the sink! - 3

82 syns left
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Well done on your loss this week - that's fab news!
Food looks good today - good plan!!

Just found out that him indoors might not have Friday off work. Bit bummed out, both of us only have one day off a week, a Friday. So it not only means we don't have a day together, but he also doesn't get a lie in, and can't spend the day with his daughter as it's half term. Was quite looking forward to perhaps taking her to the zoo or something. Sadly, won't know if he has it off until Friday early morning probably, poor duck has to get up at 6:15 6 days this week if he is working. What makes it worse is that I'm covering shed loads of shifts this week too, so I don't finish till 3am this Thursday night/Friday morning, and we usually get to have Thursday night without either of us working, which is a total novelty! Oh well, there's always next week. But then his daughter is back in school. Got everything crossed that he gets it off, and that for once, we don't fall out over something so blummin' silly.

Finally got to the bottom of what *apparently* was bothering him Saturday. I say apparently as I'm not totally convinced, but hey ho. My friend went to say hello to him in the kitchen, as he wouldn't come in the living room. I was there, and she was kinda drunk, but I know she didn't mean any harm. She apparently in a round-about way called him a 'retard' and dissed some sports ground, which is where his cousin plays football. As I say, I'm not totally convinced that was all that was bothering him. But he is sticking to it. I think it was more a case of he was nervous about going out with ALL my friends, and she kinda put his nose out of joint, so he decided to sulk all night. TBH, it was super embarrassing, as they all tried to get him out of his shell, but he plain refused. He's asked me to put it behind me, I said I will try, but I'm worried it will happen again. At which point he said he doesn't mind my friends, but she bothered him. So I've dropped it, but obviously still mention it in the virtual world! It made me ill, how bloody stupid is that! One night made me poorly for about 2-3 days, just through worry and stress.

So enough of that, I will recross my fingers with regards Friday!
Well, that's one 13 hour day down, another to do on Saturday :(

Woke up in a terrible grumpy mood, so I've decided to take the afternoon off, and I'm heading out with the parents to buy them a laptop. I hate being tired, it makes me so sensitive over everything, and it makes me overthink everything.

Day 13: 2/6/11

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

2x mini creme eggs - 5

Jacket potato
Cheese - 6
Large salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumber)

Pasta and sauce

Chicken burger - 6
Mayo - 3

62 left
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Oh bugger. I've been using lean mince and not extra lean, as you can't get extra lean in my local supermarkets. Dammit! Oh well, a few extra syns on those days then!

This week I'm gonna try and run down the freezers (yes, plural!) so I can stock up with better food. Still got 2 frozen pizzas in there which have been there for blummin' months, and shed loads of ice-cream! Need to re-stock with things like chicken, EXTRA LEAN mince (if I travel), pork steaks and the like. Still got a pork joint in there, a small lamb joint, loadsa pork steaks and two packs of lean mince.

So I'm thinking stew tonight, All day breakfast tomorrow, OH is cooking Sunday, pork steaks Monday, then I'll asses the situation!
OK, time to be honest. I proper f***ed up this week. *sigh*. Food diary will show this, and will follow soon :cry: