Told im gonna die :/

Wishing you lots of luck. Does your GP not do that referral scheme thing where you get 12 weeks at sw free?

My biology teacher told me I wouldnt pass my O level so I went and bloody did just to show him. When you've achieved your goal sashay into the surgery in a little pair of shorts (even if it is midwinter!) and say "you were saying.........?"
how the gp said is so rude but whatever he said its got you into thinking enough to get on here a d start to think about getting your weight down, but if it were me focus all that energy and upset towards the gp and throw it every bit into doing this. You can do it and then stick two up at the gp.

Good luck x

I already started getting my weight down an lost a stone in a month xxx
Wishing you lots of luck. Does your GP not do that referral scheme thing where you get 12 weeks at sw free?

My biology teacher told me I wouldnt pass my O level so I went and bloody did just to show him. When you've achieved your goal sashay into the surgery in a little pair of shorts (even if it is midwinter!) and say "you were saying.........?"

She said they don't do it in my area but its not a lot and its £5 less I can spend on food. Xxx
I'm going to play Devil's advocate here and wait to be shot down in flames!The remark about the scales was unprofessional, but despite that , everything else has really galvanised you into doing something hasn't it? Yes weight is a sensitive issue,but how many times have you watched a programme about someone at 35 stone or more who was housebound and said "why didn't his /her doctor do something before it got to this stage/". The trouble is these days alot of healthcare professionals tiptoe round the subject to avoid "creating waves" and nothing happens. The number of times in my career,(I was a physio) I gently suggested that someone would , have less pain, more mobility if they lost weight, and got the "Evil eye" well if I had a pound etc.
My own Gp just nodded when I went about my hip and I said I would lose weight,she wasn't going to bring that up.And probably had thoughts that it wasn't likely to happen! So all in all, it's got the right result, you'll gain loads of friends at SW,enjoy losing weight on proper food and then when you have your baby, you will be healthy and able to be a yummy mummy. Who knows,when that happens you might even look back and thank that doctor for making it all happen.
We all know the saying that every cloud has a silver lining, well even though your doctor sounds like a complete beeeyatch she has motivated you into making a step in the right direction. From a guys point of view towards SW I have to tell you that it really will change your life. I've only been a member for 6/7 weeks and I literally feel like a different person already. You should also ignore what your doctor says about you not being around to see you baby (if you had one) grow up. I think that's absolutely ridiculous and one thing I've always lived by my whole life is the notion of never ever writing anything or anyone off. People often achieve the most spectacular things when they are told they can't. I remember when I told my friends and family I was going to join the Army when I was 19. So many of them told me I wouldn't be able to do it and that I wasn't cut out for it. At first it absolutely devastated me that nobody believed in me however one thing it did do was give me a burning fire inside that would keep burning hotter and hotter until I got what I wanted. I proved every single one of them wrong and had a very successful 7 year career. I think you can do something even greater than this and I fully believe that you have the passion and the will power to do this.

Every single one of us will be here to support you no matter how hard times get and you need to remember one thing... Anything is possible! Too many people in life are negative and try to shoot down people's ambitious dreams... the funny thing is that the people we all read about everyday are the people that went for their dreams and got them. Those who told them they couldn't or shouldn't are no where to be seen ;).

Good luck and I believe in you.
I'm going to play Devil's advocate here and wait to be shot down in flames!The remark about the scales was unprofessional, but despite that , everything else has really galvanised you into doing something hasn't it? Yes weight is a sensitive issue,but how many times have you watched a programme about someone at 35 stone or more who was housebound and said "why didn't his /her doctor do something before it got to this stage/". The trouble is these days alot of healthcare professionals tiptoe round the subject to avoid "creating waves" and nothing happens. The number of times in my career,(I was a physio) I gently suggested that someone would , have less pain, more mobility if they lost weight, and got the "Evil eye" well if I had a pound etc.
My own Gp just nodded when I went about my hip and I said I would lose weight,she wasn't going to bring that up.And probably had thoughts that it wasn't likely to happen! So all in all, it's got the right result, you'll gain loads of friends at SW,enjoy losing weight on proper food and then when you have your baby, you will be healthy and able to be a yummy mummy. Who knows,when that happens you might even look back and thank that doctor for making it all happen.

I don't want to shoot anyone down in flames here or get into a massive debate, I agree the doctor has tried to use 'shock tactics' to galvanise someone into action if you like, but has gone about it completely the wrong way. She has behaved not only unprofessionally, but has been totally offensive to Poppy, the poor woman must have been devastated when she left. The fact that she has lost a stone herself shows she is not only capable, but willing and committed to losing weight and I personally feel the GP should have picked up on that and given her further encouragement and support not humiliation.
This is a tricky one. I get what judimac is saying unfortunately when dealing with ppl with addictions the soft approach doesn't usually work as the addiction is so set in ppl will find justification and reason in the support.

Take this real example a friend of mine is heavily pregnant smokes 60 a day pregnant and the midwife took a soft approach believing everyone now knows that this is not a great idea to smoke at all let alone this much and the woman will stop. The smoking nurse, did what this doctor did and told her very bluntly the seriousness, the girl left and moaned she was rude And upsetting, and ran straight to midwife who was kind and supportive and has now latched on to fact her baby has a heartbeat and measure in normal limits to mean her baby is fine and everything is perfect. She still smokes 60 a day and is now in firm belief smoking doesn't harm babies otherwise her midwife would of said baby's not well.

My point is the doctor has a duty to tell it how it is, (the scales comment was rude though no debate) I disagree that she should need a gastric band but yes the doctor was right to point out having a baby at at a large weight isn't a good idea, there is no nice way to say to someone you need to loose weight. I'm quite comfortable with it now but at first it's upsetting but then you accept it yourself.

If you join up post a diary on here we will all follow ur progress and support.
It may not be nice to hear someone tell you that you need to lose weight, but it can still be done without being humiliated or embarrassed.
O god hun thats awful the manner in which the doctor spoke to you! Im all for tough love but she should have been applauding you for losing 1 stone and encouraging. The comment about breaking the scales is disgusting and i would complain about that! However, you have now decided to join us here, this is my third time back at slimming world and im determined to stick to it as i do enjoy it but i just lost my way before, its a fantastic plan and one i have enjoyed making lovely meals. Take a look at my diary if you need any ideas on meals etc as i tend to post pictures of my main meals :) Goodluck we all know you can do it :) x
I think the GP needs to be very careful using this approach. Poppy had already lost a stone alone and had gone to the GP for help. Those kind of comments could have just as easily made her think what's the point if the GP doesn't think I'll do why even bother. It's all credit to you poppy that you decided to carry on as you we're and continue to lose weight. The GP needs to know that no matter how good intentioned her comments were she upset you and needs to maybe reign it in a bit.
Do you have health trainers in your area?

Gp 's aren't most tactful they say it how it is and I guess not defending the rudeness they must get a lot of it drug , addictions, smokers, alcoholics and no one wants to hear it. But health trainers are bit more personable they come to your house you can txt them they support and help deal with reasons behind it not just a pragmatic rude gp. There free and would work well along sw I think.
Yeah your GP has gone about telling you most things the wrong way but you should and by the sounds of it already have used it to motivate you to join Slimming World. You will probably be thanking her for being so brutally honest when you reach your target.

I wish someone had been like that with me years ago instead of being so nice all the time.

I lost 15st in 10 and a half months last year and i lost 13st 10lbs of that on slimming world. Just follow the plan 100% and try adding some exercise in and you will be shocked at the results that are possible. You wont need a Gastric Band fitting either, you just need to get your mind in the right place and everthing will fall into place.

I weighed 30st Jan 1st 2012 and am now around the 14st 10lbs mark and have been since Nov 20th 2012. It really has completely changed my life around. I am now the manager at work and had 3 pay rises in the 10 months i have been in charge! which is crazy haha. I have also recently found the women of my dreams who is so stunningly beautiful inside and out, kind, amazing, so loving to. She has completely changed my outlook on life, she is INCREDIBLE and accepts me for who i am.

YOU can and will do this just believe in your self and the rest will follow. I hope you enjoy your fist class today :)
Yeah your GP has gone about telling you most things the wrong way but you should and by the sounds of it already have used it to motivate you to join Slimming World. You will probably be thanking her for being so brutally honest when you reach your target.

I wish someone had been like that with me years ago instead of being so nice all the time.

I lost 15st in 10 and a half months last year and i lost 13st 10lbs of that on slimming world. Just follow the plan 100% and try adding some exercise in and you will be shocked at the results that are possible. You wont need a Gastric Band fitting either, you just need to get your mind in the right place and everthing will fall into place.

I weighed 30st Jan 1st 2012 and am now around the 14st 10lbs mark and have been since Nov 20th 2012. It really has completely changed my life around. I am now the manager at work and had 3 pay rises in the 10 months i have been in charge! which is crazy haha. I have also recently found the women of my dreams who is so stunningly beautiful inside and out, kind, amazing, so loving to. She has completely changed my outlook on life, she is INCREDIBLE and accepts me for who i am.

YOU can and will do this just believe in your self and the rest will follow. I hope you enjoy your fist class today :)

10 months that's awesome inspiration just goes to show you it can be done.

Do you think there's a cap on how much a week you can loose doing no exercise ? If your not willing / wanting to exercise can you expect to taking longer to get to target ?
your gp sounds charming. not.

well ive just seen its half eleven, so you should be at your sw class, so just to let you im thinking of you right now, and ill bet you are realising its not that bad, and you will come away full of positivity and we will all be here for your support when you get back.

Good luck today! I joined sw on my own and have never looked back yet! I'm coming up to 12 weeks on plan and have already acgeived my club 10 and hope to get my 2st award next week! I started put a v large size 20 (prob should have worn 22 but was stubnorn!). Ur gp is nasty. There was no need for that attitude! I've had many similar run ins with medical staff! Not least when I fell pregnant with my first daughter when I was at my heaviest!! So it is possible to have children large, but I have to tell u. Pregnancy and life with a baby is so difficult when ur larger :( I really struggled so I do advise u to try to loose a little, and as soon as u start loosing ur chances of conception go up loads! So its win win! Good luck! K
10 months that's awesome inspiration just goes to show you it can be done.

Do you think there's a cap on how much a week you can loose doing no exercise ? If your not willing / wanting to exercise can you expect to taking longer to get to target ?

I wouldnt know about if theres a cap to what you can expect to lose a week if doing no exercise as i have exercised all the way through. The health benefits from exercising are immense though, as i couldnt breath after walking up the stairs in my house and now i could happily sprint up and down em 50 times easily.

I would think it would take you longer to get to target if you are not exercising. I still pulled big numbers right upto hitting my target. I was still losing 3,4,5lbs a week. It averaged out about 4.6lbs a week lost which is a hell of a lot but i was so determined to lose the weight that i didnt let anything or anybody stand in my way.
Hi hun that's the reason I don't go drs I don't think they realise that we both we are big!!! I started sw yesterday weighing in at a massive 21stone and size 26 clothes I'm desperate to loose weight and if you want chat and help each other feel free to pm me xx
Some doctors are complete morons, i'm banned from seeing one doctor after I went to her knowing there was something wrong for her to tell me "we can't do anything until you are trying for children", took me 3 years to go back to be told "you have severe pcos we could have started treatment for this a while ago" (this was after being tested for uterine cancer...i cant imagine how it would have turned out if it was that and the other doctor basically told me to p*ss off.)

Anyway you are on the right track now, she may have been brutal but look at the positive, would you have joined SW if she hadn't have said it? Good luck :)
For another really inspirational read, google "Weightloss *****". This lady was 43 stone last year and has lost 11.5 stone on SW. Her website is amazing and every day she writes a really interesting piece about this or that and shares her ups and downs. She's very honest and open and you can email her as well. I really enjoy reading her articles. She is staying anonymous at the moment but when she feels ready, she will she show her before and after pictures.