Transition to primal/paleo?


Full Member
Hi all.

I was just wanting to draw upon your experiences of transitioning to a primal/paleo way of life. Especially if there are any ex-vegetarians?! I'm not completely veggie as I eat fish a couple of times a week, but it's been a long time since I ate land-walkers! I've just read the Primal Blueprint and the simple logic of it has made me want to try eating Primally. I don't have a lot if weight to lose at all, but I would love to find a lifestyle that would help to clear my cystic acne without medication, reduce my stress levels and possibly even relieve my sluggishness and lethargy! I would love to hear about any experiences!
I'm only starting the transition to so I can't answer your q's but I know what you mean about feeling less sluggish etc. Best of luck!