Triage is at GOAAALLLLL!!!!

Thanks ladies, a very happy bunny I have to say :0) wonder if it's gonna be a 10st 7 something for me tomorrow, a pound off this week but that's good with totm and the Chinese buffet with wine on Wednesday! And only 10lbs to my goal weight can't be bad......eeeeekkkk less than a stone to go!!! x

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Jo you're doing so fab :)
Morning Jo, you'll be there in no time at the rate you're going love. :)
Morning/afternoon all!!!!

Well just woken after quite a nice sleep after nights! Woke briefly twice but all in all a good nap :) and 3.5 days off now too with payday thrown in the mix!!

So today is official WI day and the results are......da da daaaaa

10st 6 3/4......another 2lbs off :0) how exciting!!!! 9lbs til goal, cannot believe it :0)

Must get up n forage soon as I'm famished!!

J x

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It ching!!!!!!! Already checked! x

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Yay :) Some small comfort from sorting people's lives out whilst missing our own. We've not yet got online pay thingy n the paper statements are always out after payday lol. So it'll be a surprise for me.
Well done Jo - great news on numbers down on scales and up in bank account:D
I got both bank hols Claire, pay increment for annual joining thingy and a little more SPP.....x

Thanks Katie :)

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No spp for me :-( Should start getting a few more pennies for being confirmed tho. Had two or three time n half shifts for an op we had on n one bank hol I think. Fingers crossed it pays for me new washing machine anyways.
Fantastic loss Jo!! Wow... So impressive! Well done ... You're so close now! Xx
Thanks guys :) x

This morning I'm still 10st 6 3/4.....! Happy days.

J x

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Thanks all, my appetite has however gone AWOL.......!

Yesterday I ate.....

2 small salmon fillets baked in the oven with cream cheese and some green beans...

1/2 a small bottle of coke zero and 2 cups of coffee with Splenda!

That's it, I had however slept til 3.30pm after nights...

Today was

B - 2 slices of leedamma cheese rolled with thin deli sliced pork loin with rosemary and a coffee with cream

L - Coffee with cream

1 chicken leg with spinach, green beans n asparagus cooked with cream cheese n garlic butter...


Although I feel satisfied, and Mr Taubes states 'only eat when hungry'!!! So I am :)

Hope you've all had a good day!!


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