Triage is at GOAAALLLLL!!!!

Ha ha, no Jim, posh loos in Debenhams!

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Soooooo today I've had...

B - Coffee n cream + Atkins shake (yuk never again and made me ravenous and gave me a bad tum!! )

L - Left over Cauli cheese from Sunday

D - Will be - King prawns, scallops and chorizo with salad or creamy spinach!

I'm back on track with eating thankfully, don't know where my appetite went last week!!

Off to pick up my Ebay purchase from the sorting office, Animal Jeans, brand new with tags £20....bargain! Let's hope they fit, then into town!

Catch ya all later xx

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Hi Jo, The shakes make my tum funny too. Chorizo is my all time favorite thing. How are the jeans? x

Oops missed the other post, well done on your loss, great.
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Hi Jo, glad your problem sorted itself out even if FAR TMI:eek: :D

I avoid the shakes too - always make me hungry!
Evening Jo... So pleased you're down on the scales!! Well done !! Xx
Thanks everyone :)

Jeans are too tight! Animal are always a smaller cut so that'll be a goal for me to get into them, they are rather nice though! They go on but don't do up!

And I went back and bought the dress in the photo above....kept thinking about it and then saw it again every time I went into a TK Maxx, so it must be fate.....I'll hopefully be another stone down by the time I wear it in June and I found a matching scarf, not from the same company but you'd never guess! Exactly the same colours and design...I'll post pics nearer the time so watch this space!

Tonight was prawns, scallops n chorizo but with asparagus and a little feta crumbled over!

Bed now, earlies in the morning :( night all...

J x

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Ooohhhhhh almost forgot, denim skirt shot, I never ever wear skirts.....usually :p

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Thanks Jo, that's the look I want :D
I posted it for you Ali :) x

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triage999 said:
I posted it for you Ali :) x

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Lovely :D
And here were go again, up a pound this morning, have no idea why, but I'm getting a bit peed off with it now!!!!

So 10st 7 3/4........

Now off to work, the joy of it!!!

J x

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Morning Jo... You look so weeny! Gorgeous! Xx
Morning Jo, are you sure you need to lose any more? i say that because I'm a stone over the weight I aimed for, but was stopped by My wife and daughter who both said I'd lost enough and was starting to look scrawny, if as occasionally i do i go much below my current weight they say the same. You look fab on the photos love, and whilst i wouldn't say you look skinny, you do look just right.
Thank you everyone for your kind words..... Although I'm not feeling terribly slim today, just rather bloated for some unknown reason!

I would like to lose at least another stone if possible Jim, 9st 11lbs is the top end of my weight range for my height and i'd like to be around 5-7lbs under that so I have something to play with.... I've only got another 8lbs to lose to get me to that top end but it just doesn't want to happen! :(

I still have a lot to lose on my upper arms and thighs as these are always my problem areas and the last areas to lose weight, I hoping with gym work starting on Tuesday it'll help shift some weight and tone this area.

I know I'm never, ever going to be skinny, nor do I really want to be as I do like my curves and hourglass shape, I just want to feel comfortable and not frumpy within my 5ft 2" frame..

So today I've had...

B - Coffee n cream, 2 slices of edam wrapped around slices of german bierwurst.

L - Will be chicken (that my daughter cooked and was going to throw as she doesn't do cold chicken, 1/2 a bird left!!! :eek:) and mayo with salad greens.

D - Dunno yet as we have options evening at the school tonight for the youngest...

Oh and on glass number 1 of water!

J x
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Bless you all, your such lovely people......I wish I could feel the same about myself.....

So today was as per above, tonight was a garlic n herb spatchcock chicken from Tesco, awesome value at two for £8 and each serves 4!!! So had the breast and wing saving the leg for tomorrow, with spinach done in butter n cream cheese....oh n just breaking my wine fast...2 glasses down, you gotta live a little after all!

I lost more drinking it than not :)

J x

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