Trying again

Hahahaha - oh bless, hope you're feeling better. All I meant by 'profound' was that somebody could say something really encouraging about SW and how you could make it work for you. Echo Rose - sometimes we've just got to find what works for best for us - it's even harder when you're unwell and hormones are in the mix. Just take time out, get well and then consider what might suit you best - will be here to support from the sidelines.

Take care
Hey thankyou!:) i know whats best for sure and thats keeping my blood sugar stable..thats good old GI for me :)..sw is a makes you lose weight yep..but not worth feeling ill ,or completely poverty stricken for lol!
Well ,have to put a big fat lol here ,coz today im on 92 kilos which converts to 14.6 1/2

Which means that over all ive lost 5 1/2 1b!
Not congratulating myself too much though because I know some of that is hormonal weight..but hey!
Do I feel better? God yeah!! :)
Hi still trying to get over this dieting things been a bit harder..needed comfort food at the weekend so thats slowed things down a bit ..but got back on it yesterday real plan jusr following a basicaly GI way ,and cutting down quite significantly on the amount im eating ,so will see if its paying off over the next couple of weeks I guess :) ..thanks for dropping by ,and hope you are ok x
Thankyou :) haha im still on it with the dieting !feeling much better too watch this space ..40? ...release the godess! lol ..xx
lilbitgeedy said:
Thankyou :) haha im still on it with the dieting !feeling much better too watch this space ..40? ...release the godess! lol ..xx

Sorry to hear you've had chest infection, keep your spirits up and good luck again with gi x
Lil just give us a bit warning when you release the goddess ;-)))
Thankyou sidney :) im feeling loads better today ..the sun has also been sooooooooo lovely I feel sort of human again!
Haha I will try & warn ya!
Hope all is going well for you sid x
Ok..not feeling too great again..mid cycle and the yo yo had started up yet again ,physicaly,mentaly and dietry...i have eaten very little these last couple of weeks ,and still nothing ..infact today I am heavier...i really feel like I dont know what to do about this **** anymore...a few years ago ,i went through something profoundly life altering..and not in a good way ...i had to spend an awful lot of time in doors and being near my bed..this went on for years whole life was basicaly stolen and even going for walks was often impossible..what I went through had a profound effect on the level of activity I could do ,but also even years later,even though ive recovered for the main part I often feel very very fatigued and dispondant...its so hard to get totaly motivated and stick to dieting especialy when im craving sugar so much because of the fatigue and hormone sorry for whingeing ..weve all got our struggles with this havnt we..:) I guess it just hurts that I have to struggle so much just to get a tiny bit of weight off when it feels like my mind and body wont even let go of a few measley pounds .....
is this what everyone with weight issues feels like?
feeling so frustratated and angry with their own bodies?
Ide love to hear what struggles you all deal with ..wishing everyone well!:) x
Just to add ,sometimes I wonder if I should just give up on the idea of being slimmer and simply accept & love myself for the the way I am..
Lil don't give up just give your body and mind time to get well, you will find a diet that suits you xxx you've just got yourself on the bottom and feeling a little down on youself this is natural after illness xxx
Awww ...problem is ,im rarely feeling well!everytime I get motivated..i get struck down with yet something else and then all im trying to do gets,undone the tiredness is all consuming aswell and a big obsticle...but its a vicious circle..carrying extra weight I am sure,exhasibates everything ....thanks for your kind post sidney :) x
hello lovey, hope you feel a bit stronger and happier today, sounds like you've had a rough time of it, so very well done for addressing something that you want to do just for yourself and your own well being.
yes, we do all feel like giving up when this whole dieting malarkey gets tough, i know i have. I've given up so mnay times over the years, i eventually ended up at over 21 stone..just be taking the easier option. or just be not being strong enough mentally to deal with it all at the time!
Your mind has got to be in the right place for it to work hun, all i can advice is that you do it at your own pace, its not a race, even if you lose a lb a week for a year, it all adds up and the extra weight will come off slowly and steady.
Only you can decide if you would be happy 'giving up' and accepting yourself as you are, only do this for yourself hun, not because you think other people want you to look a certain way or weight!
Personally i would keep going because feeling happier in yourself leads to a happier and more confident mind.
good luck hun, if you need a break from it, then do that..and come back to it when you feel able to, in the meantime keep posting, just for a chat..there is no pressure on you to stay on track 100%, just do your own thing...but please don't leave the forum, keep posting and chatting while you decide what to do next!
Many people have to try countless diets before they find the one that are not alone hun x ....keep strong!
Ahhhh what a beautiful soul you are rose!no wonder your threads so busy!and THANKYOU so much for everything you say here..i know you completely understand how frustrating this whole thing is...consistancy has never been my strong point,i get bored easily..i supose I resent having to be one of those people who always has to think about food & how much or how little of it im putting in my gob...maybe everyone does have to moniter their diet ,even the slim people and im just missing the point somewhere!
You are right about having to be in the right place headwise...but it never seems,to happen?i can lose a bit ,and be feeling ok but then usualy some emotional crisis hits and the weight piles on again..
Im not particularly huge but big enough for people to be,it seems forever commenting!im not lazy,or sit around eating pizza all day either and it gets me down that people have that impression...and somehow like im "bad" for being a bigger girl..that just feeds into my already delicate self asteem issues around past abuse weight is an emotional issue for sure,and its a vicious that im really sad about not to mention bloody bored of!
How nice it is to be able to express the truth of how I really feel about it here and get such kind feedback from you ..defo not leaving here,its a place for me to be honest about a problem I normaly have to laugh off and build a wall of pretence around ..
Thankyou for your sweetness and understanding xxx