

just wondering if there is anyone like me ? Ive been reading this form for around 5-6 months now and eventaully decided to join,

all i ever do is read online, look pcos up and try and find ways to help me conceive.

been with my partner near 5 years now, TTC for over 2 years and no luck

i knw that i have to loose a lot of weight, im only 5ft2 and my bmi is around 57 :(

Anyone have any ideas, or any good diet advice to help me get this bmi down x
Hi Hun,

Low carb diets are really good for us with pcos because of the insulin resistance x
can you give me an idea or things to stick to? I know everyone says low card diets but ive looked it up and cant really find out much else xx
It's not so much low carbs but more low gi / gl which means more of the right carbs like wholewheat, and less of the simple carbs like sugary foods and white bread. As these foods cause our insulin levels to spike and that has a knock on effect with out hormones. If you type into Google 'pcos and .gi diet' you get lots of information and Amazon sell and few books dedicated to pros and gi :) hope this helps xx
Really disheartend, keep feeling like im getting somewhere and bang something happens :( Doctor has now said they cant help me anymore until ive lost at least 9 stones :( x
keep your chin up hun :) you will get there, im on the exante diet and ive lost over 2stone so far in 5weeks, working rele well, exante and cambride diet are the only ones that work for me
i know, i gave CD a try but i just couldnt handle the amount of water to be drank plus the smelly breath, i work with people as in really close up and i was so pariniod about my breath :( x
That is caused by the Ketones. It's sadly one of a few things you can do to lose weight with PCOS, we do have it harder than others.
So maybe try it again and have some nice sugar free candy or chewing gum against bad breath.
You will have to lose weight if it's very high, otherwise it's not just the problem with the conceiving, it's also the problem to retain a pregnancy if it should occur.
Your body needs a weight that it can keep you and a second body inside you healthy.
That doesn't work with a lot of overweight. Your heart is too challenged and your tissues as well.
I'm sure you don't want a pregnancy where you are scared all the time that something could happen to you.
Even for bodies with a normal weight is a pregnancy a very exhausting thing.
So maybe you can take the wish for a child and use that as motivation to get rid of the weight.
And fight even if it's hard sometimes.
If you google low carb you find loads of pages how it works and what you can eat. There are also many books available!
thanks rabbit, thats all iwant is to be a healthy weight and t eventualy concieve with having a healthy baby xx
It's just a problem because if you are chewing your brain tells your stomach there is food coming in soon
and the stomach makes itself ready for it and it results in hunger. But taking a sugar free mint candy is no problem!
Hi, I have PCOS and have 2 gorgeous girls. I had surgery to remove really large cysts and as soon as I got the all clear I went on the CD, lost 2 stone and got pregnant on my first. I was still 16 stone when I got pregnant and developed gestational diabetes which luckily I was able to manage through the diabetic diet. It was tough, really really tough but the thoughts that my weight and my blood sugar was directly affecting my child and could actually harm them was devastating. But the thoughts of eating junk and by that even white bread and butter was spiking my childs blood sugars and causing them to have their own blood sugar problems or making them grow larger than normal was enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. Even then when she was born she had to have her blood sugar monitored as it would go from really low to high. I was induced at 37 weeks because she was measuring larger for her dates around her middle(a sign that they are in trouble blood sugar wise) I then fell pregnant unexpectedly when my daughter was 4 months old. I started the diabetic diet the minute I found out. I luckily was only borderline for gestational diabetes but it was hard work with the diet and I actually lost 2 stone while pregnant but my daughter was taking into the NICU for 3 days because of low blood sugar. I cant tell you how much I cried and felt like I failed her. She was kept in hospital for 11 days, I will never forget it and still blame myself.

I dont want to scare you or anything like that but give you my story. My daughters are very healthy strong children but I always worry that they will develop childhood diabetes as because of my gestational diabetes they have a higher chance of developing it. I dont want type 2 diabetes myself but I am heading there. I watch what they eat, limit sugar and I breastfed them for a long time to help bring down the chances of developing diabetes. I would love another child but I will make sure I lose the weight first before even thinking of getting pregnant. It was actually the reason for me to start dieting, I faffed around with WW and SW but nothing was shifting. I tried lowcarbing for a while but I wasn't really trying. I found myself bawling crying watching a maternity programme and it was the kick up the arse I need to take my weight and diet seriously. I will need to go on Metformin and Clomid when we start trying again, but I am hugely overweight and my doctor wont give it to me, I dont want him to give it to me. I want to have a healthy pregnancy without the constant worry and guilt.

I would really suggest you go on either liptotrim,exante,cambridge or slim and save to get some weight off. If you really stick to it you could have a lot of the 9stone gone in 9 or 10 months. Try low carbing or following a diabetic diet. Those of us with PCOS have it harder with blood sugar, hormones and losing weight but there has to come a time when you say "no I will not let my PCOS take away my body and my chance at a family from me". It took me a long time with excuses for my weight and there are days I just want to binge, its easy to use my PCOS as an excuse but I am so unhappy in myself and I dont want my children being affected not only in the womb but now when I have no energy to run around with them, I dont want them to think my size is ok. Sorry I sound really preachy but I just want to assure you that yes you can lose the weight and you can have a happy and healthy pregnancy with support from your doctor, but if you got pregnant at the weight you are you are putting both yourself and your baby at risk, i am sorry to be blunt. Take it a day at a time, get support from where you can and I wish you all the best in the world. We had been trying for over 2 years for a baby and it wasn't until I lost that first chunk of weight that I got pregnant. Best of luck, you can do it
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yep i totaly agree with you hun, i want to be healthy and ready, dont want to put myself in dnager or the chance of having a baby, thank you for sharing your story with me though xxx
ive back on metformin again, a smaller dosage though only taking 1 in morning and 1 at night , and then gradualy go to 2 in morning and 2 at night cause it does really make me feel sick taking them :( Doctor said thats aside affect though, ive been doing slimmingworld for 3 weeks now and ive lost 17lbs, get weighed again tuesday, im determined to be healthy and get this under control