Tuesday check in


Silver Member
Right ladies, where are you all and how are you all getting on? If you're doing good so far that's brill, let's hear about it, if you're struggling we can help x x It's gone so quiet on here, I really hope everyone's okay!?
I'm still managing tho stick to points, just. I'm still fighting the snack demons and getting to tea with only a few points left. I'm coping, but really need to sort it out, hubby has wanted kedgeree for the last 3 evenings but I keep running out of points. I'm really going to give it a bash today to eat better, rubbish snacks do not help weight loss, even if they are low pointed!
Just read this back, think I'm feeling a bit feisty this morning :D
Hey! I spent the day in Brighton with my beau. I had a wicked day, and the only cheeky treat was a single scoop ice cream on the beach. It could have gone very badly indeed, but I made sure to pack a healthy lunch for myself. I'm so determined to do it this time. I must be, with the refusal to go to the chippy!
Hules, I know what you mean about snacks, I'm terrible for them, and it makes it so hard to eat meals with the other half! I get jealous he can eat more! :-D
Ahhh, liking the blue hair!! :) Your day sounds fab, really well done for not eating all the prom food at Brighton, just an icecream is brill and refusing chips too! Well done hun!

I had a much better day, still a bit of snacking but I'd left enough for kedgeree this time so hubby was happy. Got one point left for pud.

Went for my Week 7 Day 2 run this morning - another 25 mins. Boy, was it warm! Good for clearing out the pores though, I sweated buckets (TMI?) I was super slow mind you, I think I need to pick up the pace a bit, I can't believe I do 2 miles yet!

Bought a healthy food mag at the food shop today (at which I was super focussed, I was really proud of my trolley) going to have a peruse now!
My blue hair got bleached out by the sun today! I shall need to do it again soon!

Well done on the snacking front, and everyone is happy! My beau rarely ever asks for anything in particular for dinner, he's of the 'food is fuel' type so doesn't care what he eats.

Do you run everyday? I was thinking if I lost a few stone I would start running around my block, but that would be in the winter when it's dark. Win! I'll probably cancel my gym membership too, unless I get really into it, but that won't be thinking about that until my contract ends in a couple months. Definitely off to gym tomorrow morning. I'm hoping for a good result on Thursday. I also remembered I had lost 1lb last week, so I'll add that to my week one of the challenge. Given me an extra boost!