Tuesday Weighers

I'm totally with what you are saying, I was with three local consultants yesterday and got my chance to talk about the new plan and specifically bananas and parsnips and they all said they are free, gosh it must have been drummed into them but I said was I know BUT you are aware you can't each as much of them or if you do you have to eat more speed and protein and they agreed. I was always aware grapes were not as good as berries or melonhi
Hi every1 I'm back again! Had my baby 16 weeks ago and am back at group 6 weeks! So back to Tuesday weighing :) had lost 7.5lb but had a 1.5lb gain over xmas!! I'm determined tho to lose it and more (maybe not this week)
Great to see you back Mrs Mc, it has been a while but glad your back

1.5Ibs is not bad though, I was up 2.5Ibs and I was happy enough with that. Our own closed fb page a lot of the members in my class are still sort of off plan as there is still a lot of the christmas food in the house (thankfully I got rid of mine) and last Thursday I was staying at a friends house in Galway and I went totally off plan, had a lot of bud lights, those tayto occasion (full pack) and some of those chocolates (not the milk tray but I think the dairy milk box) but was good before and after so hoping to have a sts tomorrow fingers crossed
I was back last week but I was still off plan last Thursday and hoping that I might get away with a maintain but it seems most of the class are the same, as my consultant said on facebook this morning, she finds she is worse this week because even though Christmas is over, a lot of the bad food is still lying around

We are in this together, as I say to friends "support in numbers"
I refused sandwiches, chips and cake today and ate and enjoyed my salad today. I am SO determined to stay at my target, within the 4lbs of course! Good luck everyone else too for tomorrow. :rolleyes::angeldevil: love these emoticons!
Right, well I am BACK. I fell off the wagon for all of December and put on 16lbs!!!!!!! It was a great December though - lots of going out and drinking - haha!

I went back to group last week where 44 people weighed in and 42 of those had put on weight!

So, back to it. By the end of this month I want to have lost those 16lbs at least and preferably one more too so I finally get my 4 stone award.
Hey guys! Have you missed me? :p I have been a really, really terrible binger. I've gained a lot of weight (not sure how much yet) but will be going tonight and have a shop done, ready to get back on it.

I've missed the forum but I've been too ashamed to be here. Silly, I know, but I have been off plan for 3 weeks solid and I cannot explain just how bad I've been. It was worth it for the first week or so but I wasn't even enjoying it anymore after that. Oh well, new year, new start.

Happy new year Tuesdayers! This is going to be my target year.
Welcome back folks!

Broken, I find if I am off plan then I don't want to even see this forum - not that I am off plan often but when I go on holiday or over Christmas for example. Funny that.
We're our own worst enemies Amanda.....

I am hoping that I've been so bad that SW will shock my body again and see me back to bigger losses! :D Every cloud...
I'm thrilled - lost ALL of the 4.5lbs I gained last week! Thought I'd be chipping away at that for weeks.

I think my group had quite a few biggish losses - goes to show what you can do if you just go back to normal after Christmas (easier said than done).
There were loads of newbies at my club this week of course! The new plan does seem more straightforward! Doesn't mean I'll follow it any differently as I like red and green days. I put on 2lbs this week, however had lost 3 last week and so still only 1lb over target and consdering how much I ate last Tuesday night I should have weighed much more than 2lb up!
Awww well you expected it didn't you, BM? Just keep working at it and it will soon come off once you're back on plan - and I think I read earlier than you are all set with a new food shop in place ready for it! Chin up chica & start looking forward to a good loss next week.
Hi all just starting back today. Joined last March and found out was pregnant so now I am back and hoping to make this a successful new year in weight loss.
Hope to see you all next week and hope to have good news --best wishes :)
By some miracle I managed too lose 3 pounds! Delighted with myself and can't wait to lose more.

Well done Amanda you must be delighted!

Don't worry BM it's a new week and we're all here to help :)
Don't worry BM - we can do it, we all know it is possible with this plan! And Molly's Mum, welcome back! I will try to help you along the
Molly's mum - pressed the wrong button, I just meant I will try to be here along the SW path alongside you and will help you in any way I can. hugs :)