Long and rambling post - avoid if easily bored
I am a food addict - I always have been and I always will be. This addiction caused me to peak at at least 22 stones (I was probably more at some point but never had scales that weighed that high) I was getting to the point that even Evans largest size didn't fit and I had nowhere else to shop and as I can't sew/knit etc for toffee I was wearing shirts which were nothing short of raggedy in that they were at least 8 years old but I had nothing else to wear.
I have been shooed out of "normal" shops by snooty assistants saying they have nothing in my size (I wasn't buying for me but my size 10 friend), I have had to ask for a seatbelt extender on a plane and been unable to pull the meal tray down, I have been unable to get thru turnstiles at football/rugby grounds/underground stations etc., chairs have given way beneath me, I've been unable to sit in restaurant booths, I could go on and on BUT at all of these times I never felt I was being discriminated against any more than I feel I'm discriminated against because I can't reach the high shelves at libraries/supermarkets/my kitchen etc! Those often highly embarrasing and humiliating experiences were simply a consequence of my obesity and not I felt/feel a result of discrimination.
Perhaps I was too mired in my own misery at being super morbidly obese to notice it as discrimination, or more likely I didn't want to attract any attention to myself as my self esteem was already rock bottom and extremely fragile. I can certainly state categorically that none of those experiences made me feel bad enough to want to lose weight. I already felt like sh*t and wanted desperately to lose weight but didn't know where to start.
This next bit doesn't show me in a good light at all but it's maybe all the more shocking cos it's TRUE -
A little over a year ago I was taking my son to his trampolining class at the local sports centre. As we walked in I noticed a woman coming towards us - she was grossly fat, had no neck, hardly any facial features, scraggly hair, badly fitting clothes. My first instinct was disgust and I immediately made small minded, nasty assumptions about her intelligence, morals and social status! As I got nearer to her I realised it was my reflection - I was looking at myself, I had automatically discriminated against myself. That really shocked me and bothered me an awful lot, firstly that that was what I looked like (I've eschewed cameras/mirrors etc for years) and secondly that I could be so judgemental even when I knew I was fat too.
Knowing that I was discriminating aginst fat people and realising that other people most definitely were doing so against me was soul destroying but I didn't know what to do, I'd tried every diet known to man, even indulged in dodgy practises that I won't go into here, but had done pretty much everything I could think of to lose weight. I knew that I couldn't go to WW or SW as I was running out of time to lose this weight and the thought of losing 1 or 2lbs a weeks for the next 3 years made me feel even more desperate. I thank God/my friend who told me about LL/the inventors of CD/my CDC/ everyone whose posts I read or posted on here and DHH/all the friends I've made thru the boards/my shrink/my ever-patient friends and family who put up with me being a VLCD bore, that I discovered CD and it worked for me. This isn't the lightest I've been in my life but for the FIRST time ever I appreciate wearing size 12 trousers - I'd love to lose more and fit size10 but if I don't it's not the end of the world and I'm not a failure because of it.
So, do I think fat people are discriminated against NOW - yes I do.
Do I think it is right - NO.
Should we be looking to accomodate them more in society? - yes, why not, everyone deserves to be treated fairly. And in the same vein I think the health service should be more empathetic and less judgemental about obesity issues - 95% of which, IMO, are psycholgical issues and should be treated as such. If I took drugs or smoked I'm pretty sure I'd be offered a hell of a lot more support if I asked for help from my GP than when, as a super morbidly obese person, I asked for help, I was told to "eat less" D'uhhh - think I'd figured that already I just didn't know HOW to do it! Cutting food out of the equation was precisely what I needed when I started CD.
I wonder whether new drugs/stomach surgery etc are chosen as the "easy" way out - a physical barrier to over-eating when really what I needed was to understand WHY I feel compelled to eat and WHAT I can do to fight this addiction. I wholeheartedly agree with you Mini when you say that lots of people have demons which manifest themselves in many ways.
In my opinion the best way forward for society as a whole is to be as all inclusive as possible, to treat everyone fairly (not equally - fairly) and to respect the life choices made by others, even if we don't agree with them. I believe that bullying/nagging/taxing people into submission doesn't work, those that are able to help themselves will do so when the time is right for them and those that are not able to help themselves are to be pitied for their lives are hard enough.
Sorry to go on, but I needed to get this off my chest